What did you say "No" to today?

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  • I said NO to a bag of nacho flavored Doritos, I'll tell ya my kids are gonna kill me. What am I gonna do in next week and all summer, school ends on Friday. Pray for Ladies
  • I'm going to sushi for dinner pretty soon and I am going to say NO to over eating!! I was starving when I got home from work just now, so I blended up a banana with ice & water to give me some nutrition so I don't start ordering sushi like a mad woman.
    Lets hope I can come back later tonight and write this in past tense!
  • Long stressful day at work. Hot summer evening. But I said no to the hot fudge sundae that was screaming my name.
  • I'm trying to say no to peanut butter fudge. It's hard, but I think I'll win...
  • noooooo
    to ice cream....I went for it too....got out a bowl...got in the freezer.

    I looked at my diet frozen meal....looked at the ice cream. I grabbed the ice cream, then put it back. And so I had my diet meal and a can of green beans. I WIN!
  • Well with me it's always something with one of my children . I bought a slurpee for my daughter and I said NO to sticking that straw in there and drinking it down for her, LOL. My son is making cup cakes for school, thank goodness he needs all 24
  • saying no to sugar on my weetbix!... Somedays so tempting...
  • BBQ Pork Ribs
  • While on vacation visiting family in Florida...

    First Doritos that my two nephews had for lunch...then potato chips that my brother left lying around! I did real good!
  • Fresh baked brownies....they are pure evil LOL
  • They had free bagels in the kitchen at my office. I was tempted, but walked away.
  • I almost said complete NO to a strawberry shortcake ingredients at the lunchroom. Someone brought all the things to make it yourself. I could not resist and had one huge strawberry... I am not freaking out... I know I could have done a lot worse... It is just that strawberries aren’t in my food plan for today... I am on a low carb diet, not low calories.
    Oh well, not a big deal... 1 strawberry isn’t bad...
  • Said NO to a delicious smelling beef hot dog. I stared at it for the longest time trying to tell myself one wouldn't hurt. :0) but I didn't eat it. yay me
    OK Ladies, I have to share this one, yesterday was the last day of school, one of our sons had a class picnic and of course I was serving the children at the dessert table. I thought I was going to lose my mind. I said NO to homemade chocolate cake, chocolate chip cookies, sugar cookies, cup cakes and more. Then yesterday evening, one of our daughters had a picnic with the girl scouts, of my goodness. I said NO to potato salad, deviled eggs, sheet cake with white icing (the icing is my weakness) and after being offered 3 times I still said NO. I was an excellent dieter at both only fruits and veggies for me. :0)
  • This seems to be a very positive thread and I would love to report that at lunch when I went to McDonald's with co-workers, I had only a fish sandwich and water. No soft drink and no fries.

    Sadly, when I got home from work, I binged and lost any benefit I would have seen from being so good at lunch.

    Hopefully next time I post here I will be able to say I said no to something and kept the benefit. I think I will have to start thinking of every day as its own challenge. Say noto a few things and DO NOT BINGE!
  • No?
    I said no to fast food today...woo... and ramen noodles, I had myself soup and a can of green beans. I find adding the green beans makes me crave less.