February 2019 - Daily Accountability/Lifestyle Change - Everyone Welcome!

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  • Granny, I have read the same research about K2. I know I've mentioned it before about xylitol helping with bone density. If there were some way you could take it without exposing dogs to it...I am sorry about the rectocele. I pray for healing for this too...doesn't matter how long it's been there...in my clinicals, we received a woman found dead in a bathroom and they said it was common because of the vasalva maneuver drops the hr...they also can induce to bring back a heart into rhythm if that tells you anything...I pray for peace for you...cold rain walk? If it's drizzling maybe...praying for God's angels to go with you and no complI cations with the spinal tap..

    Diana, that post thing happened to me, I never even saw mighty mouse post. OK thanks for clarifying, I'll look her up. I need to be careful of some yogurts and supplements because Streptococcus Thermophilus makes me ill. I actually get a sore throat and symptoms from it...which is wierd...but I try to avoid it ..my mom always swore by Lactobacilus bifidum. She has had a constipation problem and so have I and ds3 does if he doesn't drink apple juice (pectin needed I think)..

    weekend, praying this is transient and no negative effects whatsoever..

    Rachel, calories ARE THE BIGGEST part of weight loss, if I didn't like food so much, I'd be thin. Good job.

    flower, I worked in psyche and EVERY NURSE swore by the moons effects on the craziness on our floor. A 1250 calorie cookie? Must be one of those birthday types. I have been known to eat 1/2 cake in one sitting. God has really healed me of my horrible binging...

    ok, so 178.6 today and I slept in again which was so nice...

    I made my collagen shake into this delectable creamy ice drink that I LOVE...I discovered I basically turned it into an ice cream yesterday and I did it again today...it's low carb, creamy deliciousness...

    I woke up more than frisky...bemoaning no sex in 5 1/2 years now...it takes a lot to keep my mind centered when I start thinking of what I'm missing out on...but my Faith keeps me stable and from doing stupid regrettable crap. hormones make it hard.

    speaking of hormones....my friskiness is due to pending ovulation. Already showing signs.. I think my system is just going to go into hyper before it burns out....

    so don't think I will be going lower, if I can just PLEASE please stay below 180.

  • calcium
    Granny, very interesting article on the calcium. Thanks for directing me to it. I am finding the calcium supplement also to be constipating. I might try dropping down to 500 mg, continue with the Vitamin D3 and focus on calcium-rich foods. Meanwhile, i can continue with the weight lifting. You must be very agile and strong to do those exercises Thank you again for your input; I really appreciate it.
  • Granny, also interesting on the VitK2. I will look more into that.
  • Good afternoon!
    Late to the party again But am happy to report this was day 3 in the gym..up at 5am out the door by 5:20 am and at the gym and on the floor at 5:35-5:40. 30 min ellipcial and 20 min lower body weight trainng (free weights total 35lbs) I am working my way back up to 50lb total.
    Wi offical 7 days on weight watchers but only .5lb observed (1st three just logging my normal foods) and down .6 for the week. I know it is small but considering I ballooned up 1.6 over the three day logging only I feel ok about it. Todays meals are planned and I have an awesome spreadsheet going to keep track LOL

    Yikes I just got hit with a massive amount of paperwork will be back later for personals
  • For those of you asking, we are getting married 5/2/20

    Jen- with your "friskiness," I must remind you of my "encounters" with ex-boyfriends and while it seemed like a good idea at the time, I regret all of them. Keep on fighting the good fight. Also, "friskiness" is also a sign of good nutrition

    Still doing ADF.
    Yesterday I had... I want to say, well over 2000cal. Whoops. But it was a big day. We got the "legal document" so our pastor will marry us (We got legally married, but it wasn't religious- we are having our real, religious wedding next spring)

    Today's a fasting day.
    Today, I had morning coffee with sugar free coffee creamer.
    I also FINALLY got a workout in. I did TurboFire Greatest HIITs and burned 190 cal.
    I plan to weigh myself either tomorrow or Saturday.

    Here's an article on ADF - it is a collection of information from studies, and shows how ADF is likely superior to traditional calorie restriction.

  • Food for today: (fasting day) Calorie goal 500 or less

    Breakfast: 40 cal
    Coffee with sugar free coffee creamer: 40 cal

    Lunch: 30 cal
    Coffee with coffeemate creamer: 30 cal

    Dinner: 492 cal
    Beef chili: 312 cal
    wheat bread, 1 slice: 60 cal
    peanut butter, single serving packet: 120 cal

    562 calories - 193 exercise = 369 net calories
  • Hi Everyone!

    Total Approx 1515 calories +

    Breakfast ( 400 calories & )
    spritz olive oil in pan
    2 large eggs 140 calories
    veggies 60
    14 g. shredded cheese 50 calories
    1 piece thin sliced bread toasted 60 calories
    Fruit spread 30 calories
    juice equivalent to 60 calories
    coffee w/cream & sugar

    Lunch (415 Calories)
    2 pieces thin sliced bread 120 calories
    Smoked Turkey Breast 50 calories
    Laughing Cow spreadable cheese wedge 35 calories
    Siggi's vanilla yogurt 110 calories
    Apple 100 calories

    Dinner ( Calories)
    salad w/grilled chicken & BHF's ranch 700 calories

    LS Walk Slim Fast Firming w/band, LS Miracle Miles 2 Miles w/band

    Have a Blessed evening!
  • Looking for updates on you guys!!

    Emily, that's awesome, so you are officially a Mrs. Thanks for the encouragement and warnings...chocolate cravings are ramping up. .think I might be going into PMS territory already.

    you are doing awesome on your adf...I did a bit of research on the adf, before I tried it...I like how it was superior for fat loss too.

    I read a few articles on xylitol again and it is definitely found to increase bone density in rats, not sure if applicable to humans and at what rate it would be equivalent, but they based it on a 10% caloric intake from xylitol I believe..my moms hip bones got eaten away by something so I'm trying to not make same mistakes...or take extra precautions .

    Nancy, you are so fit!! .6 is great for loss, it's not a gain. I played around with 5lb dumbells at Walmart and I'm such a weakling...I did do sets of mod pushup yesterday and my arms are a tad sore. I'm going to try to incorporate nutritional yeast which is helpful for lactic acid build up..

    omg, I LOST my newest tracker. I don't know when or where...I had it on this morning ..and I checked it I the middle of the day. I think I may have lost it at Walmart . It was the button clasp kind and I normally put 2 small rubber bands for extra support, but they broke and I ho hummed about redoing it and now I've lost it....TOTALLY BUMMED. Pray maybe someone turns it in...please. I've been around the house trying to see if it will pick up via Bluetooth and no connection ..I tried the cars and all nooks and crannies and the Bluetooth would not scan ..totally bummed!!!

    is it thunderstorming????
  • Hmmm.....it seems the site doesn't want me to post replies!
  • Oh, there we go! Yesterday my post just wouldn't go through.

    Seems like it's been an itchy scratchy kind of week for everyone! It's been hot and windy here - my least favourite weather. I am so looking forward to winter. We also seem to be a haven for massive spiders at the moment. I'm usually very good about gently ushering them outside, but I've lost patience with a few of them when I'm trying to get ready in the mornings, and I'm afraid the insect spray came out. Shame.

    So, weight loss is an excrutiatingly slow process at the moment. I had two days of small increases and now I've had 2 days of small losses. When I say small, I mean 300g and 100g. Anyway, a loss is a loss I guess. I have been on plan (one meal, less than 1200 cal a day) everyday, but haven't been good about exercising. So that must happen tonight. I must remember that I only planned on losing 500g or about 1 pound a week, and I've lost 3kgs or 6.6 pounds in under 3 weeks. So I definitely can't complain! I just don't have much patience right now. I know it takes a caloric deficit of 7000 calories to lose a kg, so that's huge!

    Hope everyone else's scales are behaving better than mine.
  • Good Morning. Fly by at 133.8 - getting ready to head down to Columbia for DD2s' procedure so I will be brief. I am there until this evening and being with her before and after it is done, then DH is meeting us and he is spending the night there to be with her - this will keep me from driving in the dark AND rain. Trying to get in my massive amounts of water today will be fun [120-160 oz]. Guess I will take a gallon jug and keep refilling my cup [I have a stainless 40 oz cup I got from Costco with a lid and a strong straw. Even bought straw brushes at the store to help keep it clean]

    Calories yesterday : 1660 in /1530 out. Today is planned at 1466 in and should be easy because I am eating breakfast right before I get to her house, late lunch at her house (the yogurt mix), an dinner on the way home (Subway steak and cheese sandwich with baked lays). I will get in steps during the spinal tap since I can't go in with her and it is about a 45 minute procedure.

    Momwannabe - That is part of the process, particularly after a fast drop you stall then it moves again with a "whoosh" one morning were you wake up pounds lighter. Just stay the course and don't worry!
    Jendiet - so sorry you lost your tracker. I am still doing some research on the xylitol-I can keep it from the dogs just like I keep other poisons away from them but I am not sure yet; reading about a nickel catalyst used in its manufacture and the fact that it had to be greater than 10% of calories for effects to kick in on rats. Yes. Thunderstorms. Kudos for holding under 180.
    Nancy - yay for the loss. Maybe the best thing to do for awhile is stick solid with WW and only weigh in there. You must have a ton of muscle mass though.
    Emily - it is always odd to navigate wedding date and marriage date (my husband and I did that). It seems we celebrate the day we got legally married in Dec vs the May wedding. It will be interesting to follow your ADF plan. My unsolicited advice is pick one to celebrate. LOL it is really odd when people here we were marred on Dec 11 and first child born on Dec 17....but....that was 1980 marriage, 1982 first child .
  • Good morning
    momwannabe, I'm kind to spiders too. As you put it, I "gently usher them out," if need be. I'm that way with all creatures . (Except for fleas and internal parasites on my animals). You have a compassionate heart, it sounds like.

    Well, I blew it yesterday. Didn't do the treadmill and things went downhill from there. No good reason. I guess I was just tired of reining it in and rebelled a bit. So, I tallied about 2000 calories in. Today is a new day with fresh goals.

    Today's goals: sit-ups & stretching, fiber, 2 liters water, 1200 calories.

    Being accountable to you all is REALLY good for me!!!
  • Granny, my prayers are with you for travel and DD. I can't post otherwise
  • Good Morning, Everyone!

    Emily Congratulations!

    Grannynancy Lifting you and your DD up in prayer.

    Last night: Completed my 10,000 steps and Full Body Stretch
    This Morning: Oxycise

    Calories for yesterday: 1515 +

    Have a Blessed day!

    Copied from Crosswalk Devotions for Dieters

    February 21

    Hebrews 9:23
    It was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens should be purified with these; but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices then these.

    I took a youth group to a play on Good Friday once while I was fasting. All I could think of was how hungry I felt. I was a little cranky, and I found it difficult to concentrate on the play. Suddenly, I looked at the face of the young man who played Christ. His face was contorted with the pain and suffering of our Lord. I looked at a face which truly mirrored everything Jesus had been through, and I was ashamed at myself for the self-pity I had indulged in. When I compared my minor discomforts with the true sufferings of Jesus, I realized I had nothing whatsoever to complain about.

    Today's thought: I will think of what I have, rather than what I have not!
  • Flower I forgot to mention, for me, Maverick is 1 pound bags vs. my other one is 12 ounces. I would need to crunch numbers. I like the idea of organic decaf low acid. It's hard to find. Although, I mostly drink caffeinated.