December 2016 - Daily Accountability/Lifestyle Change - Everyone Welcome!

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  • HI Everyone!

    chouku HI and welcome to the check-in.

    I am back home and now the fun begins . . . unpacking and putting everything away. I am already making plans for my next trip. It will be to a nudist resort. Less packing. LOL

    For those who have been here for a while, I have an update on our friend Brandon:
    I have some wonderful news to share. His last scan showed some cancer and they were going to do radiation as his next treatment. He was suppose to start treatment this week and they needed to do a cast of the area. They wanted to do another scan to make sure they get the area correct. The scan showed no signs of cancer. I have been praying daily for him. What a blessing for the answered prayers! They are going to do another scan in a few weeks just to make sure and then they will go from there.

    Now for me:
    We ended up not going to the place we were planning to go today. I did get derailed. It's amazing how the mind takes over and justifies stuff and just flat out lies to you. Tomorrow I will continue with my previously discussed plan of shake for breakfast, salad for lunch and our traditional New Years food, but in moderation. I am going to weigh in again on January 1 and start from there.

    Waving HI all around! Enjoy your evening!
  • Happy New Year's Eve!

    Zonie: That is "different", what the French do at the beach...but then again, they say the French don't get fat! ...or Europeans aren't fat like Americans...

    Diana: You are so funny...You should arrange a vacation for all of us! I'm sure we'd all like to travel on the "light" side!

    WkBoater: Only a row of fudge in the pan had been consumed when she threw it away...This was life before assertiveness training...I never said anything.

    216/218/214/209/208.6/208.8/204 I am almost back to where I was. There has got to be an easier way! I was REALLY hungry yesterday.

    EXERCISE: biked 40 minutes. It is not a very satisfying exercise for me, but there was snow on the ground and I did not feel like walking or driving somewhere.

    DIET: used food mover, breakfast ok, lunch ok, dinner ham salad sandwich...did not feel quite right...later had an egg sandwich. Desserts: 2 fiber bars, 2 squares of chocolate, 3 packs of gummies...

    I am trying to make the square of chocolate last longer. Maybe it lasts 15 minutes right now. One problem I have is that there are dogs in the house, and chocolate is extremely poisonous to them especially dark chocolate. And chocolate splinters and I find little pieces on my clothes, on the floor...etc. I used to make it last an hour when I sat at my desktop...I never worried when I had cats regarding chocolate.

    OTHER: read a few pages of Geneen Roth's book Appetites. Not getting much done.

    EXERCISE: 5-6x/wk.
    DIET: food mover/record desserts.
    OTHER: redo TODO list and get busy!
  • Thank you
    Thanks everyone for your support and encouragement.... never had this before. Today was a good day.... was out and about and did 8k steps... food was on point too...

    Had 2 scrambled eggs with wilted spinach and strawberries for breakfast with water.

    For lunch, had fish in tomato sauce with fresh spinach and 1 spoon of brown rice , and water.

    Had a handful of grapes and a few strawberries as snacks throughout the day.

    Dinner was light, sardines in olive oil with some low carb crackers (3) and water.

    Its almost 9 pm here in aussie and I'm getting ready for church.

    Happy new years guys!
  • HAPPY HOGMANY!!!!! Or New Years Eve for those who have no idea what Hogmany is

    Today has started with 3 boiled eggs (as per usual) on toast with a little ketchup and a cup of Nice Scottish brewed Tea

    Lunch will probably be chicken breast with spinach and cucumber on very thin bread.

    I will try to have no snack, except for maybe a hot drink, and dinner will be salmon with baby potatoes and veggies.

    I will be off to my sisters tonight to bring in the bells, so I will only be drinking water or tea, and I might have a few wee snacks, but I need to keep mindful.

    Today I need to go into town and I am challenging myself to hit 10,000 steps.
  • Good Morning, Everyone!

    Nothing for last night, except for unpacking, which should count for something.

    This Morning: Oxycise in the Office 1

    Teri Great job getting you exercise in.

    chouku Great job on your day!

    Scotsgal Good luck getting those steps in!

    Have a great day!
  • Here we go! Getting us started:
  • 12/31/16
    Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well today!

    Just a short post for today. I'll do my December and 2016 evaluation tomorrow on the new thread.

    Yesterday - over calorie goal, logged in MFP. Just when I thought I was back on track. Those darn cookies! Roommate hasn't worked yet, so they are still here singing their siren song.

    Plan for today - calories 1,225; carb 78; fat 53; protein 121; sodium 2,619; sugar 37.

    Exercise - we've got rain today, so I am unable to walk outside. Dogs are not happy about that. I am planning on doing the buns, abs, and arms of steel video (short form for each). It is a new video, so I am excited to try it. For January, I hope to do it 3 times a week, in addition to my walking. Wish I could get a better calorie estimate for the video though. I know, I'm a bit obsessive about logging calories in and out. Trying to work on it.

    Water - 100 oz.

    WI - weight has been up and down this week ranging from 203 to 207 depending on if I hit my calorie goal or went over. I would like to stick to it today so I can have a loss or at least a maintain for December.

    Hope everyone has a safe and Happy New Year! See 'ya in the new thread. Thanks, Diana, for setting us up and providing us with a great thread and wonderful inspiration!
  • I was about to say goodmorning, boy does the time fly! Hope you all had a great night and woke up to a good day! Happy New Years ladies!

    I have a lot to report. There is a change in yesterday's menu. We decided to trade off tonight with yesterday as the weather was nice and I was dying to get out really. We had not been out to dinner in the whole time of program (I didn't want to for awhile). We went to my fave place, Mexican! I ended up having a h.b egg and then we went there late afternoon or more for an early dinner.

    We had a real nice time, boy was it good! lol Nice to have something different. We have been regulars there a long time so we know all the people who work there and it was so nice to see them again!!! We got our usual gauc appetizer, I had very little. I ate 2 chips and broke them into little pieces, I so thought of you Teri! lol We shared a fajita and my half was chicken, I had one! (with a tortilla) and ate the rest of the few pieces plain. We ordered a la cart enchilida's and I had a bite of each of the two and DH had the rest. It worked out good in sharing them as we got a taste of our favorites though DH felt stuffed after but we had a very nice time ohhhh and lest I not forget, I had two liquid sunshines, Cliff makes the best Margarita's around! Eek, sorry for the food porn here girls, I just wanted to hold myself accountable and report my menu change.

    I cooked the haddock last night (had to cook it, it was in 2 nights) and so yes, that is menu for tonight!

    As for my WI, when we decided to go out I simultaneously decided to do my WI yesterday instead of today and lo and behold, I found myself down a 1/2 lb! I bet it's up today but I will go by that going forward. DH has not weighed in this week but he was last at I think close to a 16 pound loss!

    Scotsgal nice going on the fitbit and the healthier choices in the house

    Zonie Thank you too! Zonie, it's a new day and wishing you a good one! You set your specific goals, wishing you a great one! As long as we keep posting and keep sticking together we can lick this thing! Oh Zonie, I used to do the old arms, legs , and buns of steel video! They were gooood! Please let me know how you like the new vid when you do it ok? Have a happy and wonderful night in whatever you do!

    Diana Welcome back and yay on the new thread! Thanks

    chouku Cogratulations on a good day yesterday and on all those steps! WTG

    Teri No! No, I don't want to travel on the light side! hahaha I thought of you last night with breaking the chips into tiny pieces, it worked well! I was very careful around my little darling when I used to eat choc. chip cookies, sigh, sometimes little pieces of the chips would fall and I always did a check. Extremely poisonous to dogs indeed, and a little toy dog (pom) can even die from it. Hmmm, changing topic. Naked! Yes naked, I want to feel good naked! lol there we go! A little reframing to my mind goes a long way. I am weird, I know! Have a great night Teri.

    Hi to all of you ladies. Whatever everyone is doing tonight, I wish you all a super evening and a very Happy New Year! Health and happiness always ladies, hugs. I look forward to continuing our journey together and I will see you all in our new thread, thanks Diana and thanks to you all for the support, encouragement, and sharing!
  • Never posted before on this part of the forum.

    Today has gone like this..
    Breakfast; a pear, an apple, an apricot and a clementine. Green tea.

    Lunch; chicken and cucumber and smoked cheese sandwich. Warm sesame and walnut bread roll. White tea.

    Dinner; 3 sardine fillets, 2 roast potatoes, 1/2 medium carrot, 3 sprouts, 3 broccoli florets.

    The men in my house had roast beef and Yorkshire pudding with the above vegetables.

    1 white coffee.

    We are staying sober tonight as we have a planned hill walk in the Lake District (UK) tomorrow.
  • HI Everyone! Happy New Year!

    Zoniegirl Good job on your day and for doing the workout indoors in spite of the rain.

    Weekend Boater Great job sharing the Mexican meal with your DH. I like to share but DH, not so much so. Sharing makes it so much easier to get a taste of things without going overboard.

    Snowpup Hi and welcome to the check-in. :wave2:

    Waving HI all around! Enjoy your evening and stay safe as you ring in the New Year.
  • Total Approx 2130 Calories +

    Breakfast (260 calories + )
    Organic Valley vanilla Fuel shake 260 calories
    coffee w/cream sugar/stevia blend

    Lunch (400 calories)
    salad w/grilled chicken & BHF's ranch 350 calories
    iced coffee 50 calories

    Dinner (1470 calories)
    pork chop 500 calories
    collard greens 100 calories
    rice 200 calories
    black-eye peas 150 calories
    fruit cup 100 calories
    3 glasses of bubbly 420 calories

    55 minute outdoor walk
  • Diana thanks! and yes, DH does not like to share as much as well but it worked out great! LOL new things on the horizon I hope! He offered to take me out tonight again, at outbackm no less, and said smiling "you want to come watch me eat"? I seriously was not up for it, I did not want the burger and don't like too much of a smoked chicken taste so I passed! He happily got takeout and I talked to the manager to tell him how sweet the girl was, because she was!!! I am always learning and never can get enough so ty yet again for sharing with us! I have learned a lot and strive to continue to learn from you! It has been a tough year really and I do all I can to keep DH happy, planning and cooking the meals has been so helpful. Still, I want to do so much more for him and I hope when things settle down, I can plan something for us. Health and happiness to you and yours!
  • Happy New Years Eve

    Just an update and thank you to all that have said prayers and well wishes for my mother. It is going to be a very difficult time for me and my family. My mothers illness is getting the better of her and she knows her end is nearing (her an I are very close and frank with each other) She is in good spirits about it so I have to respect her feelings and wishes and let her make her final decisions.

    Despite this upheaval in my life I am staying true to my course at times I am not even thinking about the foods I am eating just know that they are allowed foods.

    I wish I could say I will give shout outs and personals but right now please let me just say how wonderfully supportive you all are and I will check back in when I can.

    Hope to see you all tomorrow eve
  • Happy New Year everyone!
  • nancy it is so nice to hear from you and I want to say something and hope you understand because I may be being a bit forward but I had an experience with my dad, hmmmm, about 8 years ago! he had a heart attack and even died a few moments, it is a long story but many (and I talked to many many doctors) thought that he would he not make it! His organs were failing at one point. He is alive and well today and miracles surely exist!! I can imagine it is such a hard time but don't give up! I don't want to say more because you said something about her wishes and of course we need to respect that......I just hope the best and wish your mom the besttttttt and may God send her on a speedy recovery! It can happen, it really can! Thank you for sharing with us and keeping us posted,,,,,,,, stay well!