Maintainers Vol 9

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  • Quote: I'm going to start working out tomorrow! The kids and I have an appointment with the physical trainer to learn how to use the machines and what we need for us. I'm not sure what to expect. My 16 yo son is 5'10" and weighs 130 so he needs to build and gain, my daughter is 13, she doesn't need anything but wants to join us and it's good for her. (Maybe she can get some arm muscles so she can finally get the volleyball over the net when she serves!) I need to lose my tummy and get more energy. I really don't want to put more weight on the scale so I'm scared of building muscle, that's so silly but I don't want to go back to phase 1 to stay at my goal and I don't want to increase it any.
    A family that works out together, awesome.

    Quote: Just popping in to say hi! I am probably only a few weeks out from phasing off, so I will be lurking here a lot and asking lots of questions So excited to be "graduating!"
    Scorbett we will be the class of 2012!

    I have 2 weeks of phase 1, week of phase 2, 2 weeks on phase 3 then off to vacation in costa rica
  • Quote: A family that works out together, awesome.

    Scorbett we will be the class of 2012!

    I have 2 weeks of phase 1, week of phase 2, 2 weeks on phase 3 then off to vacation in costa rica
    Nice!!! I will probably phase off in 3 or 4 weeks, depending on how I feel and how much P1 food I have left
  • Saw this thread bumped up and just thought I'd drop by to see what I have to look forward to - although it may not be for awhile ... I figure the sooner I can get smart about the whole phase off and maintenance process, the better.

    Great to see so many of you doing so well in maintenance! It's kind of scary thinking about not having the safety net of the IP foods down the road.
  • Signed up for a year at the gym today; begin working out tomorrow after work. Excited, but not looking forward to sore muscles...How many days a week do all of you work out, and for how long?

    My weight is slowwwllllyyyy getting back down to where it needs to be...still having trouble staying on track but getting better...
  • Quote: Nice!!! I will probably phase off in 3 or 4 weeks, depending on how I feel and how much P1 food I have left
    You still use p1 food in P4 so don't let that make the decision for you! I have something from P1 for my snack in the evening almost every day. I also do a partial P1 day once a week to keep things under control. (May need to start doing complete P1 days if my scale goes any higher!)

    Quote: Signed up for a year at the gym today; begin working out tomorrow after work. Excited, but not looking forward to sore muscles...How many days a week do all of you work out, and for how long?

    My weight is slowwwllllyyyy getting back down to where it needs to be...still having trouble staying on track but getting better...
    Signing up for a year is a great commitment! I'm signing up for one month for now and we'll see how the kids do! I'm hoping to work out 4 days a week for about an hour for starters. Maybe on nights when my kids have other things going on I'll stay longer.

    I don't understand why - if I eat one tiny mini-snickers, I can't stop eating chocolate!! I know better, I tell my self no, then I go grab some more. Today CAN'T be my cheat day, Ugggg... I did enter it into MyFitnessPal and am still under calories but over on carbs. I finalized my food entry so I can't eat another bite!!!
  • Quote: You still use p1 food in P4 so don't let that make the decision for you! I have something from P1 for my snack in the evening almost every day. I also do a partial P1 day once a week to keep things under control. (May need to start doing complete P1 days if my scale goes any higher!)

    Signing up for a year is a great commitment! I'm signing up for one month for now and we'll see how the kids do! I'm hoping to work out 4 days a week for about an hour for starters. Maybe on nights when my kids have other things going on I'll stay longer.

    I don't understand why - if I eat one tiny mini-snickers, I can't stop eating chocolate!! I know better, I tell my self no, then I go grab some more. Today CAN'T be my cheat day, Ugggg... I did enter it into MyFitnessPal and am still under calories but over on carbs. I finalized my food entry so I can't eat another bite!!!
    Thanks Lori! I know there are particular things I will definitely use even in P4, but I'm looking forward to a "clean slate" - finish up the 3 packets per day's worth that I have, then do a fresh shopping trip for a P4 stash Seeing that empty tote where I keep my packets will do my brain good

    I did something similar with our gym membership - got a 3 month and immediately signed the kids up for swimming lessons. That way I know I have to be there at least once a week, we work out while the kids play, then lessons. Then we have scheduled 2 other days to go when the older one is in school and the little one can go in the playroom while I hit the treadmill. I'm hoping it sets up good patterns for us all!
  • Hey folks - just popping in now that I have some more time since my son went down early. I made a 'thread announcement' that I am officially pregnant (6 weeks) - I have actually been sitting on the news for a few weeks, seemed too early to tell anyone except for hubby of course, but you know what - I LOVE having this forum to vent, ask advice, brainstorm, etc. I still haven't told my folks or friends, waiting a few more weeks since it is still pretty early (first Dr. appt in 2 weeks), but no matter what happens I will still be leaning on all y'all for advice and support! I told hubby I was going to spill the beans on here, since it's 'anonymous' IRL, but still 'family' so I can say ANYTHING!

    Like today - I nearly tossed my cookies at lunchtime when I opened up my roasted red cabbage & pork loin. It was a delicious dinner 2 nights ago, I had a subway turkey breast sandwich instead.

    I am still running, making sure to have something before, staying hydrated, and slowing the pace down. And I quit doing Bootcamp-style classes and am sticking to Bodypump - it's a more 'stable' class and there is no way I could do all the jumping/burpees/etc as the months progress.

    Anyways - very excited and happy and nervous - and feel so lucky to have everyone here to talk to. I will be definitely asking for advice and brainstorming!!!!
  • Quote: Hey folks - just popping in now that I have some more time since my son went down early. I made a 'thread announcement' that I am officially pregnant (6 weeks) - I have actually been sitting on the news for a few weeks, seemed too early to tell anyone except for hubby of course, but you know what - I LOVE having this forum to vent, ask advice, brainstorm, etc. I still haven't told my folks or friends, waiting a few more weeks since it is still pretty early (first Dr. appt in 2 weeks), but no matter what happens I will still be leaning on all y'all for advice and support! I told hubby I was going to spill the beans on here, since it's 'anonymous' IRL, but still 'family' so I can say ANYTHING!

    Like today - I nearly tossed my cookies at lunchtime when I opened up my roasted red cabbage & pork loin. It was a delicious dinner 2 nights ago, I had a subway turkey breast sandwich instead.

    I am still running, making sure to have something before, staying hydrated, and slowing the pace down. And I quit doing Bootcamp-style classes and am sticking to Bodypump - it's a more 'stable' class and there is no way I could do all the jumping/burpees/etc as the months progress.

    Anyways - very excited and happy and nervous - and feel so lucky to have everyone here to talk to. I will be definitely asking for advice and brainstorming!!!!
    Wonderful News Liz!! So very happy for you and your family; CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!
  • Quote: Hey folks - just popping in now that I have some more time since my son went down early. I made a 'thread announcement' that I am officially pregnant (6 weeks) - I have actually been sitting on the news for a few weeks, seemed too early to tell anyone except for hubby of course, but you know what - I LOVE having this forum to vent, ask advice, brainstorm, etc. I still haven't told my folks or friends, waiting a few more weeks since it is still pretty early (first Dr. appt in 2 weeks), but no matter what happens I will still be leaning on all y'all for advice and support! I told hubby I was going to spill the beans on here, since it's 'anonymous' IRL, but still 'family' so I can say ANYTHING!

    Like today - I nearly tossed my cookies at lunchtime when I opened up my roasted red cabbage & pork loin. It was a delicious dinner 2 nights ago, I had a subway turkey breast sandwich instead.

    I am still running, making sure to have something before, staying hydrated, and slowing the pace down. And I quit doing Bootcamp-style classes and am sticking to Bodypump - it's a more 'stable' class and there is no way I could do all the jumping/burpees/etc as the months progress.

    Anyways - very excited and happy and nervous - and feel so lucky to have everyone here to talk to. I will be definitely asking for advice and brainstorming!!!!
    Oh, Liz, I'm so very exited for you!!! I've been so busy today, but wanted to read this thread, but you stopped me in my tracks. I'm so happy for you. Congrats, congrats, congrats!
  • Quote: You still use p1 food in P4 so don't let that make the decision for you! I have something from P1 for my snack in the evening almost every day. I also do a partial P1 day once a week to keep things under control. (May need to start doing complete P1 days if my scale goes any higher!)

    Signing up for a year is a great commitment! I'm signing up for one month for now and we'll see how the kids do! I'm hoping to work out 4 days a week for about an hour for starters. Maybe on nights when my kids have other things going on I'll stay longer.

    I don't understand why - if I eat one tiny mini-snickers, I can't stop eating chocolate!! I know better, I tell my self no, then I go grab some more. Today CAN'T be my cheat day, Ugggg... I did enter it into MyFitnessPal and am still
    under calories but over on carbs. I finalized my food entry so I can't eat
    another bite!!!
    It is called carb addiction- I have it too
  • Quote: It is called carb addiction- I have it too
    Count me in... those tiny flat pretzels are my nemesis!!! I'm doing good w/my Phase 1 days, but then sabotage myself with those nasty carbs. Not a lot, but enough to prevent the scale going to my safe number. So today, I was hungry when I woke and decided to do my Phase 3 breakfast... then tomorrow will be the Phase 1 day I need. Why do I worry about that number so much, aggghhhh!!!!

    I'm so PMSing and feel like I could eat the entire house! lol So I come here for some accountability. Thank you ladies.
  • Heartiest Congratulations to one Hot Momma, go Liz!
  • bubbleblower IP will always be a safety net for me. So don't be scared If I need an extra extra extra light day, that would be a day of Phase 1 and I personally have learned that not all of my Phase 1 days can be done with alternatives, just something about IP foods (for me).

    greeniris Good luck at the gym! You'll find it way more easier now, almost like being lighter on your feet

    scorbett1103 Almost done!!! WOOT WOOT, got your Phase 3 breakfasts figured out yet??

    Liz I think you know how happy I am for you...even had to point it out to VIP (he generally knows a lot of people from here just by me commenting while I'm reading) He was busy playing a 'dumb' ipad game but he smiled for ya LOL

    Determinedat47 I got carb addiction too!!


    SO! If I was preggers like Liz, today would be my due date. Today is 9 months in maintenance and I weighed in at 159.2 (158.6 yesterday). Amazingly enough, thats exactly where I started maintenance (in the 50's). Really I hit goal at 164 and started to phase off, so I've been 10 months fluctuating between 5-6 lbs....which to me is sucess.

    I've been working HARD at getting my weight lower (had a few days up at 166/165 - around Christmas ). Right before Christmas I said "self, your fun days will not be on regular schedule therefore the normal # of days between fun days won't be 'normal' so it will take you a while to get back to 'normal schedule and fluctuation' after Christmas. You have until 17 Jan to get your poop together".

    I have been eating very very very specifically and very very light (only the regular one day of Phase 1 day), last two weeks have had two nights of fish and two nights of scrambled egg whites with veggies and I'm choosing not to have carbs some nights for supper (I still have my after supper fruit). AND, it's shown up on the scale right on time. I've been very careful these last two/three months because of my hips, I have not been exercising or even walking due to the pain so I deleted 150-200 cals from my diet and I'm now 1300-1500 intead of 1600-1900 per day.

    I am inspired DAILY by EVERYONE on 3FC not just the IP threads. I lurk everywhere (tee hee) and I lurk probably more then you know. I go to TOPS on Wednesdays so that's my mid-week check in, I plan my meals sometimes two days in advance. I track my food still AND I track my daily weigh ins. I can use the program so make a bar chart of 9 months and I see the fluctuation and it helps keep me confident that what I'm doing, I'm doing it right (for me). I come on here...I POST! Posting is part of accountability to me, I wish more people would post so I could have more to talk to! lol

    I've been told that I do not talk about my struggles enough on here. It's because if I need a plan, I need it now I cannot wait for someone to give me the plan, I must make it myself and see if it will work for me. That doesn't mean I don't come on here and find others plans and adapt them. Having a plan calms me, if I don't know what I'm eating (or going to eat) I get irritated and frustrated and life is not pleasant for me.

    I have been on target in the past, I am on target today and I am planning to be on target tomorrow.

    WOW-I had a lot to say, sorry....kinda happy right now.
  • Quote: bubbleblower IP will always be a safety net for me. So don't be scared If I need an extra extra extra light day, that would be a day of Phase 1 and I personally have learned that not all of my Phase 1 days can be done with alternatives, just something about IP foods (for me).

    greeniris Good luck at the gym! You'll find it way more easier now, almost like being lighter on your feet

    scorbett1103 Almost done!!! WOOT WOOT, got your Phase 3 breakfasts figured out yet??

    Liz I think you know how happy I am for you...even had to point it out to VIP (he generally knows a lot of people from here just by me commenting while I'm reading) He was busy playing a 'dumb' ipad game but he smiled for ya LOL

    Determinedat47 I got carb addiction too!!


    SO! If I was preggers like Liz, today would be my due date. Today is 9 months in maintenance and I weighed in at 159.2 (158.6 yesterday). Amazingly enough, thats exactly where I started maintenance (in the 50's). Really I hit goal at 164 and started to phase off, so I've been 10 months fluctuating between 5-6 lbs....which to me is sucess.

    I've been working HARD at getting my weight lower (had a few days up at 166/165 - around Christmas ). Right before Christmas I said "self, your fun days will not be on regular schedule therefore the normal # of days between fun days won't be 'normal' so it will take you a while to get back to 'normal schedule and fluctuation' after Christmas. You have until 17 Jan to get your poop together".

    I have been eating very very very specifically and very very light, last two weeks have had two nights of fish and two nights of scrambled egg whites with veggies and I'm choosing not to have carbs some nights for supper (I still have my after supper fruit). AND, it's shown up on the scale right on time. I've been very careful these last two/three months because of my hips, I have not been excersising or even walking due to the pain so I deleted 150-200 cals from my diet and I'm now 1300-1500 intead of 1600-1900 per day.

    I am inspired DAILY by EVERYONE on 3FC not just the IP threads. I lurk everywhere (tee hee) and I lurk probably more then you know. I go to TOPS on Wednesdays so that's my mid-week check in, I plan my meals sometimes two days in advance. I track my food still AND I track my daily weigh ins. I can use the program so make a bar chart of 9 months and I see the fluctuation and it helps keep me confident that what I'm doing, I'm doing it right (for me). I come on here...I POST! Posting is part of accountability to me, I wish more people would post so I could have more to talk to! lol

    I've been told that I do not talk about my struggles enough on here. It's because if I need a plan, I need it now I cannot wait for someone to give me the plan, I must make it myself and see if it will work for me. That doesn't mean I don't come on here and find others plans and adapt them. Having a plan calms me, if I don't know what I'm eating (or going to eat) I get irritated and frustrated and life is not pleasant for me.

    I have been on target in the past, I am on target today and I am planning to be on target tomorrow.

    WOW-I had a lot to say, sorry....kinda happy right now.
    Wish I had more time right now to really formulate my response to what you've written - but want you to know you've struck a chord in me. I too try to have my menu planned out at least 2 days in advance (then get irritated if VIP decides he doesn't want what I've planned for dinner on a given night). Have found too that it isn't good enough to just put "veggs" on the menu - have to be specific about which ones, how to cook them, etc. Makes my life much easier when I get home from work.

    Thanks for sharing've been so successful on your journey!
  • First, Ishbel, you are an inspiration. Thanks for posting. I think planning will be the key for me too in maintenance.

    All this talk about carb addiction really scares me. That's me in a nutshell. I'm 100%, and I haven't cheated on this diet during my time on IP, and stayed away from the sweet things, to try to tame that sweet addiction.

    But still in my head, as I told a friend yesterday, I kind of want to dive into a bowl of M&M's and scarf them down. I won't do that though, but it's in my head. I'm dealing with lots of stress right now, and that's why those M&M's are tempting. But I know that food won't take away the stress, and it will only make matters worse if I use it that way, so it's not an option.

    How do those of you with carb addictions deal with this in maintenance?

    I love my chocolate protein shake/green smoothies, and I think that helps to keep the addiction at bay, so I think I'll continue with those in maintenance, and have those as my back up when I need something on the sweeter side. First checking to make sure I"m truly hungry though.

    I know I'll have to really watch what I eat, and add carbs back in slowly, and get a body reaction to the added carbs. And use the cheat days for things like grilled cheese sandwiches, and the such, not for pigging out on chocolate junk. Although, I wouldn't mind having one cupcake or something like that. But I don't know if I can, or if that would start that downhill spiral that I know so well.

    I know maintenance will be a learning experience for me, as I add back in more beans and other vegetarian options that I've missed, and try out more vegetables, which I'm really looking forward too. But my carb/sweet addiction still really scares me, as I know how bad it can be.

    Thanks, everyone, for your sage advice!