Part 5: Getting out of the 220s and 230s.

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  • Quote: I'm kicking myself outta this thread! I need to focus on the two-teens, 220.5 is haunting me, but I am determined to beat it!
    Good for you! You have earned it... you belong in the two-teens thread.
  • caligirl -
  • I finally made it!! 239.2 this morning! Going to try and get down as low as possible before vacation starts this thursday...maybe what I gain wont put me too far back into the 240's. Until then, wooohoo! Glad to be here!
  • I did 1.5 miles on the dreadmill while listening to a knitting podcast. My eating has been okay. This is the day I clean the house so I've been faily active.
  • There are these days...where you do everything out for hours, eat healthy and then step on the scale...and it laughs in the face of your hard work. Like, "Screw you and the treadmill you ran in on."

    That's the kind of day I'm having.
  • Quote:
    That's the kind of day I'm having.

    I bought one of those scales that tells you weight, water %, muscle% etc. Everything I've read about them bashed them for wild fluctuations. Mine has been stuck at 234.0 for a week now. Exactly that number.

    Very discouraging.

    I hope your day gets better
  • LebenAlles, yay! You made it!

    And for what it's worth, I NEVER go back to the higher threads except to cheer on the friends I have made there. Once I am outa there... I am outa there. I count it, as I think fluctuations are normal.
  • Well as expected ive been bloated for last 2 days since my party friday night. I expected this. I'm not gonna bother with my mini goal for new years anymore, I'm just going to stick to my diet and ill get to 219 when i get there. I'm finding giving myself deadlines just makes me depressed when I get bloated or have TOM.
  • I'm back up to 232 where I've been hovering for 3 months now. *bangs head on nearest hard surface* I have GOT to get my eating under control when I travel. The good news is, I've got a five week stint at home so I should be able to lose this three pounds plus more.
  • Good morning, everyone. I am still at 233 but glad to be holding steady.

    CherryQuinn, I never set goals to lose a certain amount of weight in a certain time frame... because I have no control over that. I set goals to -- for example -- work out a certain number of times a week -- or anything for which I can control.
  • @misti in seattle. you have a good point there. i cant control what my body does. i have major control issues , i feel like everything has to be perfect and on time, efficient and organized. i overanalyze too lol its all a part of my anxiety disorder and my personality and i have to learn to just let go for once, i just find it so hard too , but i have too in this case or ill go mad. ill get there when my body feels like it
  • You are so right, CherryQuinn! And if we set goals for ourselves that we cannot control...and then don't reach them... we can become disheartened and give up. I recently had a 19 day plateau and was bouncing back up... argh. But just have to hang in there and we will make it!!!!

    Right now I am wanting into the 220s quite badly and to be on the downhill side of this thread... but I've been at 233 for several days now.

    Hang in there. It will happen!!
  • Thank you Fatness! How have you been doing?

    This weekend was a great, relaxing weekend with my husband. We did a little Christmas shopping and had a lot of quality time together which is so important to me. We still have to put up our tree, but we are both pretty excited because it is our first Christmas together. He has to work both Christmas Eve and Christmas but we will be able to celebrate with family and friends both nights after he gets off. I feel very blessed to have his whole hearted support and love of me through all that we do, including this. He picks me up when I am feeling down about myself, and encourages me to better myself.

    So, I said goodbye to the 230s for good. I never want to see them again. I am hoping this week's weigh in will bring another pound lost, and hope to be leaving the 220s by the end of Jan or beginning of Feb.
  • I know haven't posted here in a couple weeks this is a crazy time of year; work, finals, family. So I have been struggling/stalling around 225 since thanksgiving and I finally managed to push through it and land at 222.4lbs. Doing a happy dance for finally getting past the 80lbs lost mark.
  • pinkhurricane I hope to join you soon in the 220s!