05 Regainers regaining control, and relosing

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  • Diane thank you and still wonderful to hear your spinning!

    So I have been doing DIY projects on my house. I started in the half bath and now I am laying wood flooring throughout the house and redoing my littliests room as frozen. This is not easy work I am gaining so much respect for contractors lol
  • Oh, boy... I guess I've been gone for too long, haven't I? Thank you all for the sympathy and the empathy, and for letting me sulk. We all have crappy days.

    LaurieDawn, I hear ya. I work from home and I struggle with depression; I get things done but seriously, working from home and having kids to take care of is harder than working outside the home as a mom. It's like... two worlds colliding in the worst way possible sometimes. I have my healthy routines in place to fend off depression and I seem to be getting by but sometimes it hits me like a freight train. Plus the weather here has been yucky, plus the hormones... you know how it goes. Hang in there.

    I've been all over the place for the last two days, Tuesday had pizza for dinner and while at it, I totally went to town and had some Coke too. LOL. If I'm going to do something wrong, might as well do it right. Next morning, on Wednesday, I was 193.6. I saw it coming, plus the fact that I have been having trouble with going to the loo since Saturday, things were literally starting to pile up. Sorry for the visual. Hahaha! Thursday was the same and I finally found some sweet relief to it all, and now I'm back to 191.8, and back to the saddle. It's been a couple of highly emotional, and exhausting days. My 5 month old baby got a cold and hasn't been giving me much of a break.

    Anywho... it's all over now, thank goodness. Glad to see most of you are doing great! Happy belated anniversary, FeraFilia! Welcome back, jenjen! Congrats on the loss, Ky30!

  • Quick check in. Haven't been exercising this weekend, but I planned to just take off until Tuesday. I lost .4 pounds at my weigh in this morning. Could have been better, I'm sure, but for now I'm just happy it didn't go up!!!

    Back at it tomorrow.
  • It was my birthday yesterday on memerial day. I did so well and I am proud of myself. Back at it today. My treadmill broke so I need to find something to do. Im thinking about joining a gym they have a 3 month special for the summer and have spin class!!!!
  • Good morning!

    So great to see some familiar faces here posting.

    Jenni - Can't wait to hear more about your current life status. How's the job search going? The stepdaughter? The military life? So much to know!

    Melissa - I love reading your comments other places on the board. It's so exciting that you have decided to join us!

    Diane - I love seeing your ticker in the 2-teens. You have SO earned it. And I love watching your patterns. Taking time off is probably important for the consistency you have had for so long, I would think. Like Melissa noted, trying to figure out how to make things consistent is probably my biggest challege.

    Paulitens - Yay on the continued downward trend of the scale! And I totally agree that staying at home with kids is incredibly difficult. I have done stay at home, work at home, and work at work, and all iterations have their challenges. Looks like you're figuring out how to make it work!

    I am actually not feeling physically great today. I was incredibly thirsty this morning, so I drank my customary 40 ounces of water. Now it's just sitting in my stomach making me feel bloated and uncomfortable. I am hoping that I can just stay the course, and I'll start to feel better.

    Daily goals:

    1 - 10,000 steps, 15 flights of stairs
    2 - No fast food.
    3 - Eating the food I brought to work.
    4 - 100 ounces of water.
    5 - Leave my office by 1:30 p.m. to get in a walk. (I have an issue that relies on someone else, so this is subject to the demands of my job.)
    6 - No afternoon sugar.

    Summer is here, even though today is all about the rain! Have a great day, everyone!
  • 194.2 this morning. Long weekends suck.

    Back to the saddle.

  • Hi all. Back to Body Pump this morning. I could tell that I haven't been working out for the past few days. It wasn't horrible, but it was a little more challenging than usual. I'm going to try to keep up with the morning workouts, but probably no running this week since I really want to go to the baseball games after work. It's only here this week, so I don't want to miss it. It was funny, my husband asked if I was going to run after work, and he said it would be ok to go to the game late. I love the support, but I told him that I'd get back to it, probably on Friday because I get off early, or at least on Saturday. The workouts in the morning should be ok, as long as the night games don't go too long!

    Food was off plan all weekend, and that's ok. I'll stay on plan during the day, but if I have a hotdog at the game for dinner, I'm not going to worry about it. There are these monster ice cream cones that I've seen there that are tempting. Going to try to avoid those.

    Paulitens: Long weekends.... yep.

    Laurie: Sorry you're not feeling that great today. Maybe you were a little dehydrated and all the water quickly just shocked your body. Who knows? I like your goals though! You can do it!!!!

    Jenni: That sounds like a good plan, joining the gym. I know you've said you like the spin classes!
  • Computer ate my post!!

    So just a flying visit!! Really feel like I'm treading water at the moment and it could go either way I really need to shake it up a bit but I'm struggling still. So hard when you know what you need to be doing but just can't muster it. Managed to maintain which is a positive - also logged into My fitness pal and it made a whoopla about me loosing 10 kg since my last long in lol Also going to take progress pics today.

    Right so ... I have a family weekend away planned in August includes shopping for wedding outfits!! It happens to be a nice 10 weeks away. Goal is to stay 90% on plan til then (I have a girls weekend planned in the middle) log my food and excercise 3 times a week plus my normal dog walks. I can do this right??!!
  • Good morning! I have a deadline today, so I am only going to spend a few minutes here.

    Diane - You rock. I feel like I say it a lot, but never enough. YOU ROCK. You make this work, in spite of changes and challenges (both good and bad challenges). Ummm... did I mention that you rock?

    Kelly - Of course you can do this. It's not easy, but you are both capable and determined. How can you miss?

    Paulitens - The trend. It's all about the trend. And your ticker is trending in the right direction. Woot!

    Didn't meet my goals yesterday, but feeling okay about it. Things started happening on a huge case of mine, and I got a tremendous career victory. I stayed pretty on point with eating, though I didn't get my exercise in.

    Today's goals:
    1 - 10,000 steps. In order to make this happen, I need to be super focused and productive this morning so I can get it done this afternoon, as I will be driving 6 hours after work this evening.
    2 - No sugar in the afternoon.
    3 - No fast food.
    4 - Eat my food.

    Have a fantastic day, everyone!
  • Morning all! I'm feeling in the groove - that's good. Haven't really talked with my husband about it (restarting), but I think he's noticing I'm making different food choices (going lower carb). I know this yo-yoing I've been doing is reallllly hard on him as he worries about me.
  • Morning sunshines!!!!

    Laurie.....my hubby is still in and it is making impossible for me to be serious about the job search. Hopefully he is retired by July 1st. After it is official I will begin that again. I had made a decision that I never wanted my kids in daycare. Stepdaughter moved out. She got worse and now is dating some guy that just got out of 4 years in jail. So I have to let go. I have redone our half bath and now am putting wood floors all over the house. This has been my output for stress lol
    How is your new job????

    Mandy: your preggo!!!!!! Yay####

    Been doing okay eating thinking of getting up and start walking.
  • Back to spin this morning. My legs were feeling somewhat sore from yesterday's workout. Not sure why since we didn't do anything that much different than other workouts. Unless it is from walking up and down the stands at the baseball field. I would be surprised if it was that, but who knows. The weather has been awful for this tournament, and usually I just love spending time out there, but I'm so over being cold out there, I'm about ready to just stay home. I'll probably keep going, but it hasn't been as fun as in the past when it was nice outside. Rained like crazy last night. It will be good to get things back to normal, especially since my meals have been off plan.

    Jenni: Lots going on for you! Hope you get a chance to do some walking.

    BerryBlonde: Glad you're feeling in the groove! That's a plus!

    Laurie: Thanks for the "you rock" comments. I feel pretty good about where I'm at with all of this. I don't know what is different this time, but I just don't want to stop. I am closer to goal than I've ever been before, and I just want to get there. I guess the other part is that I'm feeling so much stronger than I have for a very long time. I like the workouts, I like running, and it just works right now. Gotta ride this feeling for as long as I can! Congrats on your career victory!!!! That's important stuff too!!! Way to go on setting your new goals!

    MissLoud: Of course you can do it!!! You've got the determination to make it happen!!!!
  • Little baby B is 19 weeks today. 21 weeks to go. Almost half way!

    1 more week until we find out if little B is a boy or a girl!

    I can't believe I've made it this far already. Time is flying right on by.

    Good news, too. I finally have my energy back, for the most part, and can get things done. Today I did laundry, and swept the porches, and cleaned out hubby's car, as well as taking a walk outside because the weather is GORGEOUS.

    Bonus to having been bigger than I currently am at this point in my pregnancy? A lot of my older "fat" clothes are working well as maternity clothes, though the pants are starting to get tight. I've taken to wearing summer dresses and maxi dresses... but my old t-shirts work well with the leggins I got to wear instead of pants (meaning they are long enough to cover my butt when I'm walking around).

    Baby has gotten pretty active, especially when I lay down at night, and it is pretty much the most awesome thing I've ever felt.

    That's it for the baby update. I hope you all are doing well!
  • Good morning!

    Late night. Bad eating last night (though I did get my steps in) and started this morning by eating excessively because I woke up hungry. Didn't want to check in, but I am. It will be short, though. I also forgot to put on my Fitbit, which throws off everything.

    Mandy - Sounds like things are progressing well. Yay for energy!

    Diane - Thanks for the kudos on the career victory. The balance thing. I am not navigating it nearly as well as you. I am progressing, though. Hope the weather gets better so the games are more fun!

    Jenni - Oof. Life drama. Glad the stepdaughter is out, though. Things are hard enough for you without having her daily presence. Hope her new guy is better in reality than he is on paper. New job is really going well. =)

    Melissa - The yo-yo struggle is real! But you know what? I'd rather be bouncing up and down instead of just continuing to go up. I had a couple of years where I stopped yo-yoing and just started gaining. Not better. Glad you're recommitting. And, as I said before, really thrilled to have you here.

    Daily goals:
    1 - Stop eating until I feel hungry again, even though I feel exhausted, sore (from driving until 2 a.m.), and a bit out of sorts.
    2 - Take stairs, walk around, even though I don't have my Fitbit to track it.
    3 - Go on a short bike ride this evening.
    4 - Make good food decisions. No fast food.
  • Quote: Late night. Bad eating last night (though I did get my steps in) and started this morning by eating excessively because I woke up hungry. Didn't want to check in, but I am. It will be short, though. I also forgot to put on my Fitbit, which throws off everything.

    Mandy - Sounds like things are progressing well. Yay for energy!

    Diane - Thanks for the kudos on the career victory. The balance thing. I am not navigating it nearly as well as you. I am progressing, though. Hope the weather gets better so the games are more fun!

    Jenni - Oof. Life drama. Glad the stepdaughter is out, though. Things are hard enough for you without having her daily presence. Hope her new guy is better in reality than he is on paper. New job is really going well. =)

    Melissa - The yo-yo struggle is real! But you know what? I'd rather be bouncing up and down instead of just continuing to go up. I had a couple of years where I stopped yo-yoing and just started gaining. Not better. Glad you're recommitting. And, as I said before, really thrilled to have you here.

    Daily goals:
    1 - Stop eating until I feel hungry again, even though I feel exhausted, sore (from driving until 2 a.m.), and a bit out of sorts.
    2 - Take stairs, walk around, even though I don't have my Fitbit to track it.
    3 - Go on a short bike ride this evening.
    4 - Make good food decisions. No fast food.
    Good for you for getting the steps in. I started wearing my gizmo. I haven't really started "doing" anything about getting steps in. I'll get there, but... baby steps.

    And on career - this year has been so huge in changing priorities - household wide. I now work 40 hours a week, commute 7 hours a week. Still do all the grocery shopping and cooking and main pots and pans cleaning. Still do most of the laundry (though DH has picked up some slack there), still do all the gardening, still do all the 4th grader's school stuff, etc.

    Career is great. We are eating great and have clean clothes. Our house is a WRECK. DH says he'll do more, but he wants me to TELL him what to do and honest to peaches, I can't handle that. I "tell" people what to do in every aspect of my life - work and home. Why do I have to spearhead everything? It gets OLD!!!! Yes, I'm a natural leader. That doesn't mean I want to do that 24/7!!! Ok... rant over! :-)