Maintainers losing a lot!

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  • 50k? Holy moley. Good luck, JZJ!
  • Ditto, JZJ. We're talking about an ultramarathon? Or are you biking?
  • Yes, JayZeeJay, very good luck! Come back and tell us all about it.

    Spring continues with more difficult things for me to handle. It is just a phase and it will pass. So there's no need to eat a bar of chocolate and a custard tart. Except I just have. Oh dear oh dear oh dear.

    I really want things to quieten down and for people to forget about me for a bit.
  • Yes, it's running. Technically an ultra but only 5 miles more than a marathon. Two friends are running it also; I'm not sure how their training has gone. Mine has been way low for total number of miles per week, but the long runs have felt pretty good.

    I always find it fascinating how women approach these races, versus men. Women will frequently try to stay together with their friends during a race even if their paces differ. When men run marathons, there is no question of sticking together, it's all competition and every man for himself. I've also noticed that the more experienced the (female) runner, the more likely she is to race hard and not stay with friends whose paces are slower. I suppose if there's a reasonable chance of getting a medal, it makes it worth leaving friends behind. For runner like me who aren't likely to "place", it seems a bit silly to try so hard... but it's difficult to resist the urge to try for a personal best.
  • Do well, JZJ! I know it will be tough.
  • JayZeeJay, how did it go?

    I have had my first really sensible day with food for some time. I've found a small bowl to use for my breakfast, a close twin of the one I used to use when I was a wonderful teenager. (I was my teenage weight until I was 27.) That led to no mid-morning snack, a sandwich and apple for lunch, some walnuts and a cup of cocoa (made with water) for mid-afternoon snack, and a salmon, lentils, potatoes tea. Just a good day. And I'm starting to think that it could actually be possible to lose weight again.

    Tomorrow, I plan to do weights so I should remember to factor in slightly more food. I never used to eat mid-morning or mid-afternoon snacks until I started doing heavy weights. As I haven't really been lifting much for a few years there's been no need to eat snacks but I don't seem to have realised this. Hmmm. Something to think about there.

    Hope all's going well. Check in and let us know.
  • Silverbirch - it went OK. It was a much more challenging trail than we had anticipated. In addition to the steep climbs, there were about 3 straight miles of steep downhill on sliding gravel with big rocks; then the trail eventually petered out into a tiny path. At one point about 15 miles in, I was running through waist-high grass with no visible trail, and my foot sank into a large hole and stayed put while the rest of me kept going. I fell hard and amazingly didn't hurt my ankle doing it; but when I got up I was incredibly dizzy. Then I got lost and had to retrace my route until I found the piece of ribbon at the turn that I had missed. At that point I realized that I didn't give a *$& about the rest of the race and just wanted some company.

    So I stopped at the next aid station and sat on the ground to wait for my two friends who were behind me. The volunteers came over and said "you only have 20 minutes until the cutoff time for this station, so don't sit too long" and I told them I couldn't care less. After about 30 minutes my friends showed up and we took off together. One friend was having horrible GI cramps but wanted to keep going so we did a combo jog/walk until the 24-mile aid station, then we called it quits and told our husbands to come get us.

    I don't feel bad about it; it's one of the few races I've not finished but that's OK. I've run much further and I've run much steeper courses so I didn't have something to prove. The trail was really not fun.
  • Quote: At that point I realized that I didn't give a *$& about the rest of the race and just wanted some company.

    I don't feel bad about it; it's one of the few races I've not finished but that's OK. I've run much further and I've run much steeper courses so I didn't have something to prove. The trail was really not fun.
    Absolutely no point in doing it if it's not fun, and you're not a masochist! I'm glad you're not injured.

    I'm in one of my 'eating a lot + very tired after upping the weights' moods. I think I'll get into bed (about 8.30pm here). I'm very pleased that I've got the mental space to work on moving my exercises forward. That can only help with what I eat and, therefore, with losing weight/fat. I really have to do this.

  • I'm way behind here but wanted to check in and say hi. Got a bit derailed, didn't gain any but didn't lose any either. Trying to get back on track now!
  • Hi Jessica - not gaining is a victory so way to go!
  • I'll be absent for a bit as my uncle has died and I am the executor of his will. Lots to do, as you can imagine. It's a sad and very busy time.
  • Silverbirch, I'm so sorry. My condolences, and my very best wishes for you to have the strength to deal with everything that you have to face.
  • Birchie I'm so sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself too during this sad and stressful time in your life.

  • I echo Dagmar and JayZeeJay's comments above. May you feel supported through this time.
  • Silverbirch - Sad news indeed. Will be thinking of you often and sending wishes of strength.