Part 5: Getting out of the 220s and 230s.

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  • You can do it, Elladorene!!
  • 224.8 today looks like the bloats gone, lets hope it stays that way for a while lol. Exactly 5lbs to go til my 219.8 goal by jan 1st. I don't know if ill make it but I'm going to give it my best effort. Last final today!! then I have 3.5 weeks off from university in which to relax and destress.
  • So many of you are about to graduate that I sure hope the 240s crowd gets their butts down here soon!
  • Thanks Misti I will keep it up girls :O
  • Thanks Misti! Next week is my last weigh-in of the year, and I want to finish strong. And regardless, I've lost 40 pounds this year so it's something to be proud of. Would love to do better for all of 2013 since I'll be devoting a whole year to being healthy instead of just 10 months!
  • Hi! I'm Faye & a 230s noob (just weighed in @ 239.8). I'm on Wk 3 of my weight loss journey & 1/2 way to my 1st goal. Its been harder this week & I don't know if its because its my TOM or because the water weight is finally gone. I'm working on losing 2 more lbs before my official w/in on Tuesday which will mean daily gym time & no cheat meals.
  • Wooohooooo a newbie to the thread... welcome Faye!!!

    Glad you made it here.
  • Morning all of my lovelies. I've been MIA and overwhelmed. I haven't been checking in, and I miss you all! I'm still doing good on the eating, and am at #223 this morning. I'm going to work to get to that #25 lost mark for a Christmas present to myself! (Although, moving to the next board would be an even better gift!)

    I've been so busy with my work, my crochet business, I'm loving my life right now.
  • Good morning everyone! Things have just been insane, good, but insane. Between our wedding and now the holidays it feels like there is not enough time left in the day each day. I'm glad to say that I lost 3.6 lbs this week, I'm happy but not ecstatic, since that is only 3.6 of the 7 lbs I gained while I was away for a few weeks. But, that is getting me closer to my goal again. I just hope this is the last time I say goodbye to the 230s.

    What are everyone's plans for the weekend?
  • So I"ve been off the boards for a while. I got discouraged that everyone around me was losing but I wasn't. I tend to maintain my weight rather than lose no matter what I try or how hard I work. I've had the tests and I'm normal but discouraged. I spend most of my days home alone so I don't really have anyone to be accountable to {April doesn't care what I eat as long as I share with her <----}.

    a few random facts about me; I'm 43, I knit obsessively, I volunteer at a nondenominational Bible study which is currently on hiatus for Christmas, I'm vision impaired, and I bake my own bread.

    Today, I did 35min of cardio, a premix 1-5 of Imax 3 {a step DVD}. I bought Imax 2 and 3 together {I workout to DVDs, I need someone to virtually do it with me, lol} then was so intimidated with 2 that I neve tried 3. I should point out I only did half the DVD, and about 1/3 of the choreography. This is why I gave up step in the first place, I tend to get confused! but it was fun!
  • Hey all! Patchworkpenguin we've all been there. Good on you for coming back.
    So I'm starting to get obsessed with the scale again, which is a road that doesn't lead to good at least for me. I still have 2lbs to lose by Tuesday to stay on track for my personal New Year's challenge. HOWEVER, my focus for the weekend is going to be on getting my gym hours in, drinking my water & eating within my calorie range. If I can do that, then this week will be a success no matter what the scale says.
    Also, I have a wedding to attend tomorrow! I am determined to not get derailed. I'll let you gals know what happens.
  • I'm kicking myself outta this thread! I need to focus on the two-teens, 220.5 is haunting me, but I am determined to beat it!
  • Quote: Good morning everyone! Things have just been insane, good, but insane. Between our wedding and now the holidays it feels like there is not enough time left in the day each day. I'm glad to say that I lost 3.6 lbs this week, I'm happy but not ecstatic, since that is only 3.6 of the 7 lbs I gained while I was away for a few weeks. But, that is getting me closer to my goal again. I just hope this is the last time I say goodbye to the 230s.

    What are everyone's plans for the weekend?
    Congrats on your lost!
  • i have a confession. my planned end of term 2 drinks of wine and staying within my calories night didnt go so much it was more like 3=4 drinks of wine, a couple jager, anddd some vodka. then cause im drunk i made poutine, im a newfoundlander i couldnt not make a poutine when intoxicated. i probably hit maitenance calorie level or a bit over. i wont be getting on the scale tmr. i may be paying for this for a while. but its end of term. i had fun. ill make up for it the rest of the month and hopefully manage to still get to 219.8 by jan 1st. doubt it tho.
  • Guess I'll sneak on in here...been hovering in the 230/220s since June. Lost 50lbs in the first 5 months of the year so I could be smaller for when we went to the olympic trials. After that, I kind of just...maintained and even gained a bit until I had a to schedule a doctors appt. Didn't want to go to the doctors anywhere near the 280 I went in last year so I got back on my p's and q's (what does that mean anyway?) and managed to drop 22 lbs in about 6 weeks before my appointment. Got down to 220. And then there was Thanksgiving *cue ominous music* and I'm STILL trying to take off that weight. So here we are at 222 and I really, really REALLY want 210 by the new year.