PIC - Partners in Crime Support Group

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  • someone named tealeaf start something on the exercise post that I thought you ladies might be interested in Annie and I have already joined. Basically you log on and put in your exercise info for the day and it gives the group points (and helps to keep you on track cause it's so fun to see how many points you can get). So here's the info on it if anyone else wants to join.

    If you want to join, simply go to http://www.presidentschallenge.org/index.aspx and then when you register and get to the "My Groups" part enter:


    and then Group ID Number


    I have to go to the dentist this morning but I will talk to all of my beautiful chick pics later today.
  • Hi everyone,
    Well I'm back to my ussual busy self. I've been doing well with my food. I think its almost TOM and I bought some of those skinny cow ice cream sandwiches. They are so good and its so hard to not eat the whole box. They are only 3 points and I have to sit there and talk my self out of not eating more than one. It s not that it would be that many points Ijust need to get used to eating a serving of someting not the entire container. Oh well at least I don't buy them often, jsut when they are on sale.
    So how is every one doing?

    Deerod, how was your birthday? I hope you had fun.

    clipclop, do you do the fitday journal? I know a lot of people do that on there. just wondering.

    Angel-eyes, keep up with the treadmill its good excersise but so hard. I ussually alternate with the ellyptical and even though the ellyptical claims I burn more calories and go farther, I always feel like a jog/walk on the treadmill really beats my butt.

    Annie, I hope all the sickies are giving you a break and getting better...hehe I'm sure its fun to be a nurse when eveyone goes down at once.

    Lisa, life can make it tough to squeeze in excersise but I'm sure you'll find time. I keep telling my self that I am gonna get up and work out in the morings but that only happens about once a week.

    L2L, sounds like you are really getting motivated. good job, stay at it and share some with me when I need it.

    Momx3, I joined the presidents challenge thing. can we see the other people in the group and their activity? Iw onder if they mail you cerificates and stuff. I remeber in highschool we always had to do that in gym class. It was the only time they really made us do much.

    HotCup, how is the excersiseing going?

    Hi everyone else, keep up the good work.
  • my friends.. hope you are all having a wonderful day.

    I am just enjoying the end of my lunch (yum.. watermelon), so thought I would check in.

    It is a beautiful sunny day here, unfortunately I don't get to enjoy it as I have school right after work. But I do have a meeting at another office in about an hour so I will walk there and get a little bit of sun while I can.

    LISA ~ i don't know how you do it.. busy busy busy.. i can't even find enough time for myself.

    MOMX3 ~ thanks for the info on the challenge, I will check it out when I get a few minutes. Hope the dentist went well.. give us a smile.. lets see those pearly whites

    JENNIE ~ yum, skinny cow sandwiches. I bought the smart scoop ones this weekend and they are also only 3 pts.. but I find the skinny cow ones better. I use WW online to journal what I eat. I use to go to meeting, but now just use the online program at home and love it.

    Hope everyone else is doing well and sticking to it. Take care and TTYS !!
  • Hi girls. Just a quickie as I've been putting off my dvd to excercise. A few months ago I bought this tape and excercise ball and am quite embarrassed to say its not even been opened yet!!! but today's the day. I thought since its been awhile excercising that I would alternate gym one day and then the tape another, working up to a harder regime. Made some wickedly awesome soup....basically chicken broth, veggies and velvetta light cheese. Yum yum....only 1pt a cup. I'm having a really great day, AND feeling great also. Seems the statement is true....blondes DO have more fun. I did my hair with some blondy highlights....so now its a great strawberry blonde!! VA VA VA VOOM!!! Wonder dh is going to say tonight about sleeping with a different woman. hehe

    Jennie.....I just love those skinny cows. For me, I have to keep them in the downstairs freezer chest. If they are upstairs in the side by side, they are GONE!!! What flavour did you get for 3pts each? The vanilla, mint chip and chocolate flavours are 2pts. oh....maybe the peanut butter ones? Sorry, I think I just answered my own question.

    Clipclop......What are you studying? That must be so hectic, working,school and family life.

    Mom.....I'll check out the presidents challenge site a little later. Neat idea about the points. My goal is to excercise 5 days a week. Gotta put that gym membership to good use!!
  • Hey everyone

    How's everyone doing? I hope everyone is keeping up with their plans. I ate some yesterday and I feel like poo today I have some nasty heart burn and what do you know this morning I opened the fridge and I was headed right for the again but I turned the other way and ate some whole grain cereal and fat free milk I hope I remember this feeling next time I see a slice of pizza.

    Lisa_WY- sounds like you have a very active daughter in your hands good for you!!

  • Hi Moonray. Good job on resisting that darn ol' pizza. Believe me, I hear it calling my name all the time when the boys and dh have it but it makes me have an upset tummy EVERY TIME!!! I feel your pain!!!

    Mom......thanks for the listing for that presidentschallenge site. Very cool!!! I logged in and already have almost 300pts !!! WOOHOO...

    Gosh, I popped a chicken in the oven when I started my DVD and already my mouth is watering!!! Smells mahvelous!!! Instead of my normal full fat gravy, I'm going to 'fake' it with ff mushroom soup as a sauce. MOre ww friendly and then I can have some without all the guilt. YEAH...for day #3!!!
  • Oh my goodness, Angel Eyes thanks for pointing out the points. When I was at the store, I looked at the back of the Pnut butter skinny cows and thought oh 3 points but then I decided to buy the vanilla because I have had them before and they were good. I didn't want to be daring and buy ones I might not like. you know how it is sometimes. but I didn't even think that the vanilla would be different. So 2 points not 3, even better!

    Clipclop, do't you hate when its nice out and you are stuck in side. I hope you enjoyed your walk. We havn't had any sunshine here for a few weeks it seems like..

    MoonRay, its not good to get heart burn but if you think that now your body isn't used to fatty food like pizza, it actually is a good thing. Good job picking the cereal, I don't know if I could have done that. I have to keep all pizza out of the house.

    Hope eveyone is doing great.

  • Howdy All,
    We had storm move in last night so they closed the pool. Mallissa and I were already at the Y but since I didn't have my workout clothes and didn't have nothing to do with her we came home instead. The weather is going to be cold and awful today and time will be at a premium this week so I doubt if I will get to exercise today other than running to the potty at work. LOL

    Jeanie: I bought some fudge pops that are only 1 point. They are pretty good for snacks. Glad you are feeling better!

    Angeleyes: Glad you got your exercise in.

    Moonray: Just remember portion control on the pizza. We haven't ordered any since I started WW. I know I would lose control and probably feel your pain too.

    ClipClop: I got your im but I wasn't at work. I don't alway turn on my MSN im's. I mainly use AOL messenger. Hope you got outside for a few minutes. It does your body good to be in the sunshine. OUr weather is going to be rainy and cool today and we are heading for a warm up before Memorial day.

    Momx3: I will have to check out the president challenge. I need to focus more on exercise. That is my goal next week when life slows down some.

    Annie: I have a part time job that I do early in the mornings.(it is at home work) I doubt I could fit any more time into my mornings. I am waiting until Mallissa starts swimming on T/Th and it should free up some time for me.

    Deerod: Since I WI on Saturday morning, I don't stress the weekend. I try to stay in control but I do make some wrong choices for food. You still have to enjoy yourself so what I try to do is the really really bad foods, I just take a small spoonful of what I really want. More of a taste than a meal. I eat all my veggies and fruit first filling myself up and the other stuff... I just take a few bites. Hope you had a great birthday.

    L2L: Glad you are back on track! Water Water Water. LOL It is so important. You can do it girl!! We are all behind you!!

    Well..hope everyone else is having a great week! Will try to check in later.
  • hi theres also a site called america on the move where u can track your steps or miles and walk across the us
    u can do it individually or create a group


    my weigh in was blah... I am stuck i am see=sawing back and forth with the same 1/2 lb... Ive done this before... i think maybe next week i will see a drop..
  • Howdy Chick PIC Chicks
    Sorry I haven't been posting, but I've been on my week end and running around a lot. My sister, the "Excercise ****" has been working me out so much, you'd think she was trying to kill me! We worked out on both Monday AND Tuesday morning. An hour of the step thing I like to do (which I can describe later) and then we'd do a Tae Bo or WATP tape and THEN she would get on my dreadmill while I showered or checked my email. She's lost over 100 pounds with WW and I think she either gained or is on a plateau or something, because she's a crazed woman on a mission.

    I lost 3.25 pounds on my Monday TOPS weigh in. I was seriously expecting a gain because of the hard way I've been working my legs out, but I was mercifully and pleasantly surprised. You gotta like THOSE kind of surprises. So for my "eat any ONE meal you like after TOPS" meal, we went to the Chinese Buffet. It was GREAT! I just hope the damage drops back off, as I hop right back on the program come Tuesday morning. Go Turtle Go Turtle.

    I will address you all individually at work (since it's all down time) unless something unexpected comes up. Off to do my journal, start laundry and try to figure out some exercise for the day before work. Buh bye.
  • Good Morning Ladies.

    CupoJava....weigh to go on the weight loss!!! Yup, gotta love those surprizes alright. Also kudo's to you and your demon sister for the excercise!!! She lost 100 lbs ? that is fantastic. She must be motivating to you! Tell us some more details, if you please.

    Curlylocks.....don't give up the goose girl!! You can do this, I know the seesaw is hard to take but it could be just a way for your body to re-calibrate itself. Try making small changes to your foods and your excercise. I've heard that a plateau is your body doing the same thing over and over again. SHAKE IT UP.

    Jennie.......Do you have Blue Bunny products near you? Their icecream products are also very good and rival the skinny cows. They have fudgesicles and icecream sandwiches and choc. covered icecream sticks. They are made with Splenda. If you can, check them out!!

    Well I'm off to do errands today and take my son (11yo) out to lunch. Its the last day of middle school. Think we'll go to my fave ww (legal) restaurant...Applebee's. Yum Yum!! Have a good one!!
  • Wow, I've been busy the past few days. Sorry I haven't been around to catch up until now. I've done great the past 2 days as far as calories and excerise. So far today has been great also.

    I had my hair straightened chemically last night and I can't shower, sweat or get near steam for 48 hours, which means I won't be able to exercise until Friday! Ugh, but at least I've got a 4 day weekend coming up. Will have time for lots of stuff, as we aren't planning anything special.

    Jennie- No rest for the wicked, I shall say at work. I've only got a few minutes now, so I thought I'd quick check in to see how everyone is doing. Lots of "crud" happenin' up here in Minnie.

    angel-eyes- I've got a Richard Simmons DVD I bought and haven't yet used it either. I found it sorta hard to follow. I like the WATP DVD's. Leslie is easy to follow and you can go at your own pace.

    Mmmmmmmmm, pizza. Can't remember the last time I had that.

    Momx- I did sign up for the president's challenge but haven't had time in the past couple days to even lounge around on computer at home. I will try and keep up with that, as well as this.

    Lisa- The weather here sounds just as awful. Again, this is why I like the WATP DVD's. You can get in a great walking workout even if the weather is yucky.

    Hotcupojava- CONGRADS on the WI. Keep up the great work. Can't weight until my first WI on Sunday. *crosses fingers*

    Well everyone, off to start work again. Hope to be around soon.
  • Morning My Friends - Well yesterday after I was done at the dentist (broke a tooth need a crown $385 and I was'nt even eating anything naughty) I took the baby for a 2 mile walk in her car. Poor thing fell asleep and I did'nt even know it. She was sleeping with her chin on her chest. So she got a early nap. Then I did sweatin to the oldies later in the day. Wow I feel really really good!!

    Jennie - I know on the presidents challenge you can see how you rate in your group but you can't see exactly what everyone else does. I think the awards are all on the computer although I guess you could print it out. Ugghh I hate TOM and he is on his way to my house to.

    clipclop - Great job walking to your meeting. Fit it in when you can

    Angel - have a great lunch with your son. I love applebee's. And I love spending one on one time with my kids. I take my son to IHOP that is our "date" place. I can't get my oldest daughter to go to places like that because she thinks she is to fat (yeah right).

    Moon - You are doing so well don't worry about the pizza. You deserved a treat. And now you know you don't like it as much as you used to .

    Lisa - With all the running around you do that is probably exercise enough

    Curlylocks - I have not had a chance to check out the site yet but I will today. You will lose again we all get stuck at one time or another.

    Hotcup - 3.25 pounds . That is so great . Keep it up. Your sis must be doing something right!!!!

    Hope You All Have A Great Day!!!!
  • Annie - You snuck in on me while I was writing. I also straighten my hair. I do the Japenese hair straightening. I love it. The guy that does mine says he has never seen anyone with hair a curly as mine. I have been fighting it since I was a kid.
  • howdy everyone!!!.. hope everyone is doing well.. I am soooo very proud of how hard everyone is working.. and I'm feeling a little disappointed in myself.. It's kinda of a gloomy self loathing kind of day for me. I've been cheating since Friday.. actually it could be worse, because even though I'm eating bad stuff, I really cant eat a whole bunch of it.. but my tummy is telling me that I over did it.. it's yelling at me.. and then TOM came to visit and he's kicking my tummy for yelling so much.. lol.. i know this sounds lame, but I'm going to start tracking my food intake on Sunday 5-29-05.. I need to slowly get back into not eating the junk that I've been craming down my throat.. plus the fact that I promised 2 other people that they could take me to a "be-lated" dinner this week.. i know i know.. shame shame.. I would've tried to make them all on one day, but these friends cant stand each other.. but on a bright note, I'm going to look into getting a bigger George Forman grill, since the one I have takes forever to make dinner for more that 2 people.. and I will be making healthy low fat, low cal, low carb, dinners.. i really think refined carbs are the death of me.. lol.. well ladies.. thanks for letting me let it all out.. I promise i won't let the PICS down..

    love ya!!