Fabulous at Fifty+ .... A home for those of us 50 and older on IP! VOLUME 11

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  • Quote: love you back, gf. I had to give you encouragement. You've been that over and over to all of us. We all are there for you now to make it happen for the rest of your journey.

    Good news!!!!! I got a contract to work for two months with possibility of an extension. I really have decided that contract consultant work is the way to go. I can take time off when I want that way. I really don't need a full time job with all those benefits, just some supplementary money until we get settled to one place and on medicare and rid of that HUGE insurance payment. I'm excited, except I have to start Monday and we're still in Michigan. Lots of organizing and packing to be able to leave tomorrow. Of course, this is all contingent on passing the drug test (no problem) and a background check (great as long as they don't ask if I'm rehirable at my last job). I thought all they checked was criminal stuff, but who knows. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers on that account.

    All you still on P1, stick to it. It is sooooo worth it and maintenance is not that tough IF you keep the same attitude and mindset as you had to lose on P1.

    molly, that is great news....i will be praying that the doors will open for you.
    yes i am back on p1....with some very minor small additions.
    day 4 complete...and on day 5 today.
    already i feel better. i forgot the cold!! breaking out the sweaters again! and the fingerless gloves!!
    heading to nyc in november so will need to be walking more and more to prepare.
    you have done so well maintaining. i am going to learn as much as i can this time so i can handle maintaining when i get there!
    hope you have a wonderful day chica!!!
    much love
  • Molly, so glad to hear about your contract opportunity but sorry for the rush to get back in time.
    Rainbow; keep posting, you are inspiring me to stay on track with my reboot.

  • Yay Molly! Glad to hear your good news!
  • There is a lot of inspiration here. I lost 30 pounds this time last year on IP, and totally gained it all back. I did not 'phase out'. I restarted today!
  • Quote: Jac
    The alternative plan won't derail your weight loss. It just slows the train down. It just takes a different perspective. We didn't gain this weight overnite but we sure want to lose it fast, don't we? I've had several health issues that have slowed down reaching my goal in a "timely" manner. But here I am, plugging along and I WILL reach my goal!

    Stick with us for encouragement on those discouraging days. This forum has been a godsend to me.

    If IP is too expensive, use alternative products! You can get them at Nashua nutrition. Of course your coach will probably not see you anymore b/c he/she is running a business but...whatever. We are doing this for US and for no one else.
    Well said, my coach knew I was getting alternatives and pretty much tried to bully me, but I told her I couldn't afford IP anymore and cut ties. She started out as my chiropractor but I think she is doing more WL stuff now, lol. I am back on track after taking some time off...started again Monday, originally lost 80, gained some back, but ready to rock and roll again
  • Quote: Hello to all of you special ladies, good to see familiar names and faces. Yes, I am back. Last year I lost 70 pounds in five months, staying 100% on program. When I went into maintenance in December, I totally stopped checking in with 3 Fat Chicks and thought that I had everything under control. At first, slowly I would gain a pound or two, then five, ophs! 10, on and on and now I have gained 40 lbs. I totally threw everything that I learned about maintenance to the wind. I am so totally embarassed to put this down in writing but feel that it is my first step on getting back on program. I am back on program and will be visiting you daily.
    Hey, don't beat yourself up about it....I'm starting again after gaining some of my weight back also I think it may turn out to be a benefit to us as we now know that it is a lifetime commitment, we can do it!!
  • Quote: Hello everyone! Lots of new names in here now. I haven't been checking in to this thread as much, but thought I'd check in today. Unfortunately my weight has drifted up a bit over the past couple of months, and I'm starting (well... to be honest... restarting) a reboot. I'm 2 days in on P1 and have stayed 'almost' 100% (Friday was higher cals than it should have been, but it's because I allowed myself some extra protein)... yesterday was 100%). So I'm feeling strong, with those two days behind me, that I can hunker down again and get back to goal. I was doing really well until early June when that flu bug knocked me out for the better part of two weeks. I really didn't feel like cooking from scratch, and some processed and canned foods slipped in again... it seemed to open the door to some former bad habits and cravings... and before I knew it I was +8 above my goal.

    I've been reading Dr. Robert Lustig's book 'Fat Chance' this weekend, and I'm sure it's reinforced my intention to stay 100%.

    Off now to join a friend for a 1 hr wlk in a nearby park... it's part of the Canadian Trans Canada Trail system, and I'm fortunate to be only a 10 min walk away from it. A perfect place for a great walk.

    Cheers for now everyone - hope you all have a great day.
    I recognize your name I lurked a lot while I was on plan, I am rebooting also, we can do it!
  • To all those ladies who may rebooting - this is the battle many of have fought all our lives. Whatever it is that got into our screwy little mind which sent us off on this roller coaster ride, it never really goes away.

    What is important is the battle - you may lose a fight here and there, but never give up the battle! As long as we are trying, we are alive and kicking.

    DianaB - you are right down the road from me - I am in Burien/Seahurst. I am waaaay behind you, though, as I am only in the middle of week 3.
  • Quote: There is a lot of inspiration here. I lost 30 pounds this time last year on IP, and totally gained it all back. I did not 'phase out'. I restarted today!
    i did not phase out properly either when i decided to take a break and i think that is the most important thing to learn.
    good for you for starting again!!
  • Quote: To all those ladies who may rebooting - this is the battle many of have fought all our lives. Whatever it is that got into our screwy little mind which sent us off on this roller coaster ride, it never really goes away.

    What is important is the battle - you may lose a fight here and there, but never give up the battle! As long as we are trying, we are alive and kicking.

    DianaB - you are right down the road from me - I am in Burien/Seahurst. I am waaaay behind you, though, as I am only in the middle of week 3.
    Wow, not far at all, I am in the middle of week one on my reboot I'm reminding myself that I have been successful at it so this hunger is temporary lol
  • Congratulations Molly! Fantastic news! : )

    I'm rooting for all of you rebooters! YOU'VE GOT THIS! : ) So nice to see Rainbow again, you are such a positivity magnet! : )

    Phase 2 is going well for me, I am actually losing better now than I was during the last month of Phase 1 and am now a pound below goal. I guess I needed that little "shakeup". I have been doing my restricted for breakfast in preparation of Phase 3 when you start eating a massive amount of food in the morning, I just thought it would be strange to go from a packet of crispy cereal to 400-500 calories!! So eating my restricted at breakfast is my way of getting my body prepared to eat more in the morning. I continue to have my Dark Chocolate Pudding made into a thick shake/soft serve ice cream in the VitaMix as my snack every night and of course the two veggie/lean protein meals during the day.

    Stay strong everyone and have a great week! I am SO GLAD this is a holiday week and a shorter week! : )
  • 5 days down on the reboot!! not entirely perfect IP protocol but perfect for me. the scale is responding with a happy happy happy post!!

    clicking my heels together in a dance

    and chanting....


    and no place like our little FABULOUS THREAD!!!

  • rainbowsmiles - it is 7:15AM on a rainy and thundering day and I have a BIG smile on my face as a result of your happy dance! Thank you for the joy and cheer you bring all of us, even when you are sometimes struggling.

    You are a great inspiration that when things are tough, it is a positive mental attitude that get through it all - can the woe-is-me and get off our duffs and get going!
  • Rainbow

    I'm so glad you're back!
  • So fun to see a few of you near me in WA state. Perhaps we should meet up sometime?

    I'm new here and really enjoying the thread, advice, recipes and encouraging words.

    Have a fabulous day!