Part 2 February Daily Accountability/Lifestyle Change Everyone Welcome!

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  • philomen - I have the same problem with evenings. Barely staved off a binge attack last night after that ridiculously spicy pasta - I just wanted a sweet taste in my mouth . And you're right, starting the day off well gives you motivation to not 'ruin' it all at night.

    Linds - I'd love to be on here more often and read more of the threads. I'm pretty much limited to this one these days,'s such a great place, I don't think you can be on here too much

    roxanne - welcome back . Keeping my fingers crossed your check-out brings good news and no more chest pains!

    Vixsin - totally agree about realizing what you've eaten in the past. It can be a scary revelation .

    Will be back later for a daily check-in as it's only 9:15 here and I SHOULD be working . Weighed in at 244.4, so almost back down from the little spike yesterday .
  • Hey everybody!

    So I weighed myself, and I've lost a pound! Yay!

    Yesterday was my exercise rest day, so I just tried to stay on track calorie wise.

    Even though I had a few sugary snacks (a 1/2 cup ice cream, measured and 2 Hersheys Miniatures) I was only 8 cals over my 1400 cal limit! But I just realized that my son and I took a walk yesterday to the post office and I didn't log it, so that means I'm under by some amount. Woot!

    I'm getting way better at food choices- last night dinner was baked chicken with garlic, mixed steamed veggies and a salad with oil and vinegar. I'm still drinking Coke Zero (oopsie) but I'm not trying to pare down too many unhealthy things at once.

    Off to work! I'll be back this afternoon!
  • Good Morning, Everyone!

    I slept better last night! I feel like my mind is in a better place this morning! I don't do well with being tired.

    I also got caught up with my work in the office. Hopefully I will be able to check in more during the day.

    LadyLai Good seeing you! Congrats on the 220's.

    Roxanne Great job on the 3 pounds! Keep it going!

    philomen Hi and Welcome!

    Still Congrats on the pound loss!
  • Did all right today! Like a thing possessed I mindlessly grabbed a tiny (we're talking less than one rectangle of a Hershey's bar) piece of milk chocolate at work, but other than that NO JUNK FOOD - progress!

    It's the first day of TOM. I almost had a breakdown during my Tae Bo workout because I was having a "fat day" so I took a hot bath and promptly felt better.

    Breakfast - 210
    -1 single serving oatmeal, 100
    -Yogurt, 56
    -About 15 Sultana raisins, 50ish

    Lunch and Snacks - 650
    -DELICIOUS salad: borlotti beans (90), mizuna (30 tops), cheddar cheese (100), 5 small strawberries (30), sesame oil (130), 20-25 raisins (70)
    -Apple, 110
    -Blueberry yogurt, 67
    -Chocolate square, 20

    Dinner - 625
    -Thai red curry (300) with 1 carrot (25), 1 small eggplant (40), 1 apple (110)
    -Cheddar cheese (100) and mandarin orange (50)

    Bites - 50?
    -Some cheddar cheese, I'm sure there was more somewhere...

    -50 minutes walking
    -40 minutes Tae Bo Cardio

    Total Calories - somewhere between 1500-1550
  • Krampus Great job in keeping your focus and staying on plan!
  • Morning all! Weight is stalled out, but with no exercising for two days and TTOM, it's expected.

    Walking my son to and from school today, so I'll get 2 miles in at least and then off to get my bff from the airport later for her to stay the next few days. Oh, and little guy is feeling fine and he doesn't even have any bad/scary feelings about yesterday which means it was worth it.
  • Krampus - That's great!! Keep up the good work!
    Down 0.8 this morning to a new low 146.8! TOM is approaching so I'm not sure how long this low will last, ain't that the way? But, for now, I'll take it!
  • Lindsey Congrats on the .8 and new low!

    Berry I'm glad everything is OK with your little one. Enjoy the time with your friend.
  • Good Morning, Ladies and Larry!

    Tina--It's so good to see you!! I was wondering where you were and how you were doing.

    Lindsey-- Yay for a new low!!

    Berry--Enjoy your time with your bff!

    Krampus--Great job staying away from the sweets. I made chocolate chip cookies yesterday, which I'm having a hard time staying away from. Luckily, I made them really small, so 1 is only like 50 calories.

    Diana--Yay for good night's sleep! I definitely can appreciate that. The last few nights haven't been so good for me. I hope that explains the stubborn scale!

    Still--Congrats on the pound loss!

    Roxan--Congrats on being down 3 and thanks for checking in!

    philomen--Evening is worse for me, too.

    LLBold--Love, love, LOVE nutella and as such, never keep it in the house. Have you ever seen the commercial for it? It's advertised as a way to help kids eat healthy food (they spread it on whole wheat bread). It made me laugh. That's my kind of reasoning!
  • The scale gave me a HUGE scare this morning. It registered at 207 twice!! That's 4 pounds over my low. I almost started to cry. Since, I've stepped on it again and it's consistently registered 204.4 which is about a pound over my low and the same as yesterday. Whew. I do think our batteries are going. I'm going to pick up some new ones tonight.

    Staying positive even though the scale is stupid and won't give me my overweight and Onderland goals!
  • Thanks for the prayers and thoughts everyone. Around midnight last night they told me he was starting to come out of the coma. He's still in bad condition though. They don't know the damage caused yet. I'll know more after talking with my aunt today.

    I'm going to try to stay on plan today. I know it will only cause me more stress if I go off plan, so that's my main focus today. Thanks again everyone.
  • GOOD MORNING, my friends! I think my knee is better and I am off to the gym. Can't wait to workout double... to make up for yesterday. But, I'll stop if my knee hurts.

    Lindsey- That is exactly why I am on here a bunch. I think it helps keep me focused and out of the kitchen!

    and evening is the hardest for me too.... especially those 10PM munchies. My husband and I used to go together to eat a big bowl of cereal. It was like an extra meal before bedtime. I got to the point that I thought I couldn't sleep unless I went to bed with a full belly.
  • I'm gonna TRY to stay off the beast today......just to see if I can. I had a completely on target day yesterday......but I bet in the last month and a half I haven't missed a day of not checking my number. I would LOVE to be one of those people who were content with weighing once a week. The suspense KILLS me though.

    Pintsized, I'm gonna be praying that you find out GOOD news today!!!

    Congrats to all our losers!!! Way to go!

    Well, I'm off to get ready for work.

    Have an awesome, on target day everyone!!
  • Good Morning Friends!!!

    No change in my weight this morning. Holding steady at 209.0. I DO love seeing that zero in the middle!!!

    Having another Hot Mama Day!! I took this awesome sweater out of my closet that I bought at TJMaxx and was WAAAYYY too small at the time. I'm wearing it today. And it fits WELL! I feel good today. I can't wait to go pick up DS and get to drool over the hottie counselor there!!!! Seriously, that man is beautiful!! LOL


    No time for personals right now except for 2 that stick out at the moment.

    Linds: I am ADDICTED to this site. I come on here at least 3-4 times a day while I am at work. And once or twice after I've gotten home for the evening. This site just keeps me going. I love to read everyone's posts about doing good or even not so good. I love to dish out a serving of support when someone needs it because I've reached out so many times here and someone has always taken my hand and helped every single time. I love the feeling of repaying that back to this site. I, for one, know that I would be in a very different place had I not committed to this place. I have lost and gained this 40 lbs probably 10 times in my adult life. But this time I know it's now gone forever. That is the most amazing feeling I've ever had. I am so grateful to this site that I would shout it from the rooftops if I could!

    LLBold: Sure did get my PB2! LOVE the choc pb in my oatmeal. I forgot it this morning and I really miss it. I have never tried Nutella. Is it THAT yum? I'm almost afraid to try it seeing how real PB and I sometimes have a dirty, dirty affair going on. Your homemade Nutella sounds divine for only 100 cals!!

  • AMEN Vixsin!! I, too, am very appreciative of the support I've found here. Today (I caved and got on the scales) I saw a number on the scales that I haven't seen in almost 4 years....and it had been a VERY LONG time before that since I had seen it. When I saw it almost 4 years ago, it was ONE time, ONE day.....later that day, it had gone away. I tribute my success this time to two things.....a willing friend that is attending WW meetings with me and YOU GUYS! If not for these two things, this would've been YET ANOTHER failed attempt at losing weight. I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it many more guys ROCK!!

    Vixsin, how cool that you're wearing a sweater that makse you feel GREAT....I'm doing the VERY same thing today! AWESOME feeling!!!!! If no one says anything to me today about the weight I've lost, I'll KNOW it's not because they don't notice. I can tell today when I look at myself. I know they can too!

    Have a great day everyone!!