The Onederland Express - Hop on Here! #2

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  • I think I am going to try a water pill just to see what happens. Lately all I have felt like doing was the treadmill,it looks like your having success with it! If you dont mind can I ask how long your on and what speed. I am kinda lost on how long or fast I should go. And yep TOM sucks!! I'm already craving chocolate ahhhhh! LOL
  • OK well confession time, I am not exercising at present. I feel very active all day running after my 2 year old and carrying the baby....but still it's not the same as actual exercise. I'm going to have to work on that!

    Well weigh in day, 3.2 lbs down! So now I can officially move myself into the 2-teens. YAY!
  • Morning Girls ....guess what?

    I made my goal !!!!

    30 pds down as of this morning !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    down to 205!!!!!!!! So excited ....

    Mel - I am on for about 35-40 mins at 3.0 or 3.2 ....I usally do an incline of 1 or 2 ...I keep the incline low ...

    Liz - congrats on the two teens, great feeling huh?

    I am so proud of us all ...we are doing a great job !!!!!!!

  • Gosh, Carri! You ROCK!!! Congratulations! My goodness -- that's just amazing. You must feel fantastic!

    I've been stagnating but have gotten going again. I'll be back!
  • Liz-if it works,it works! Your losing weight and at a great pace!

    Carri-CONGRATS!!!!!! I'm going to be sad if you leave this forum though

    Weighed this morning and it was 221! I think I'm going to start weighing everyday so I can see how what I'm eating affects me.
  • I do feel fantastic ....and I would never leave this forum just because I got into will always be a work in progress
  • I'm so glad you wont leave us once you hit onederland!
  • I cant leave our little group , there is only us three ...we gotta stick together...haha
  • I wanna hop on!!! I'm so close to reaching onederland...haven't been there since 04....Gotta do this!!
  • I had a weak moment earlier, on my way home I passed like three Pizza Hut delivery cars...ever since my mouth wont stop watering for a Super Supreme Pan crust LARGE pizza with extra cheese....but almost time for bed now so maybe I made it
  • Great Pink ...we would love to have ya !
  • Welcome to the group Pink!
  • Oh Carri I LOVE pizza hut! But the closest one is 20-25 min away so that helps things alot! Congrats on staying away when the temptation was everywhere!

    Weighed again this morning and is varied from 219.6! and 220.8 ahhhh! I told DH he is buying me a better scale! The 219s came up alot more than the 2 220.something. This weighing in everyday is helping me stay on track

    And some great news! My sis in law told me yesterday that they can finally come visit! My brother is in the army and stationed in Alaska. I have only got to see my nephew once when he was 5 months old, he will be 2 in december! I can not wait to see them, they will be here on Tuesday and can stay for 2 weeks! Yay!!
  • Carri - Congrats!!! You are doing fantastic!!! WTG on resisting pizza hut, omg, pizza is one of my biggest cravings. I even put it into my fitday the other day but then took it out later...I am freaked out about the sodium but I know I'll give in to a slice or two soon (moderation, right??)!

    Mel - Yeah my scale jumps all over the place too, I have to place it in exactly the same spot and step on it the same way, and I also make sure to get the same weight three times in a row before recording it. Oh my, I sound OCD, don't I?? That's awesome about your family coming!! How exciting, I'm sure your nephew's changed just a tiny bit!

    Pink - Welcome!! I haven't been in onederland since before my son was born, so December 2007! I can't wait to get back there.

    Well we leave for camping today, so I won't be checking in again until probably Wednesday. I weighed in this morning at 218.6, so hoping to see another pound or so down when I get back, I joked with my husband this morning that we need to pack the scale, lol. Anyhow have a great few days everyone!
  • Have fun camping Liz!!!

    I weighed today and it went from 219.2 to 220 so I am going out today and buying an even better scale!! LOL