ThreadKiller is Dead--Long Live ThreadKiller V

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  • 6 PM Scotch? Isn't it supposed to be 5 PM as in "it's 5 o'clock somewhere!"
  • Al, she's a Canadian. You know they're not good with numbers and measurements.

    BTW, Web, I have some Salsa Chicken in the oven right now. My DD has informed me, "This better be good." Me, "Um, yeah, right little girl."
  • I am 48 and proud too! Although when I hit 50 it might not be so nifty.

    I tried that right foot thing and the first time I drew my 6 backwards. Tried it again and my foot went sideways. least you got one to try it. out ...I am going for it!!
  • HOLY MOLY!!!! I just got a, "That was good, Mom. Thank you." out of my 15 yr. old DD. Yep, that's right, I said 15 yr. old. Bless you, Web. Tomorrow--Tortilla Soup. I've got the Rotel, I just need some broth.
  • HOLY MOLY!!!! Just finished bed time reading with my 7 yr old. Wondering how and when it happened that he could read chapter books (grade two) ...was it not just yesterday that I was cuddling my new bundle of joy! Rejoicing in him nursing well and sleeping for 6 hours.
  • Quote: Little Miss TNT don't match socks after doing laundry. She buys the same socks all the time so she don't have to. You see two socks around here, they match.
    That never works for me. I went back and bought some more of the same socks. They looked the same, same packaging, same woven pattern, but the new socks were actually a couple inches longer than the old socks. Then they were even harder to match cause they could look similar but be different heights!!!!

    Quote: OK! I'm sure you can try this with or without socks!!!
    This is insane. I cannot believe it. I don't even have to move my hand. As soon as I'm thinking about drawing a "6", my foot changes direction! And I can pat my head and rub my stomach (or vice versa) at the same time. I can also do jumping jacks where you do the arms to a count of two and the legs to a count of three. I know I'll keep trying to do this!

    Quote: HOLY MOLY!!!! I just got a, "That was good, Mom. Thank you." out of my 15 yr. old DD. Yep, that's right, I said 15 yr. old. Bless you, Web. Tomorrow--Tortilla Soup. I've got the Rotel, I just need some broth.
    I'd like to take credit for this, but I think the salsa chicken was from someone else - perhaps EZ.
  • When I told my DH about this he was sure he could do it----LOL!!! Now he says if I concentrate on it enough I bet it can---- guess he hasn't concentrated enough yet!!! But it's fun to watch!!
  • Morning All!!! Rise and Shine!!!

    Well, I got a Stovetop Smoker last night. Guess the soup will have to wait 'till tomorrow. Tonight we are having Smoked Salmon.
  • Smoked Salmon yummmmmm....
    Operator265 reports "Tonight we are having Smoked Salmon."

    Make extra, I'm on my way. I love that stuff.
  • 340-160 to go.

    I'm trying veggies in it too. This should be good.

    How did Bill wind up posting 1 too early? Skeery!
  • It is almost Friday! Yay!
  • Howdy All!!! Happy Hump Day!!!

    Snow, snow, snow... it is a snowing loads here. No end in site. I am stuck indoors, with nothing to do, but stay online. Hehehe!

    Ahh yes, I am leaving the shoveling and snowblowing to my dh, he'll do it when he gets home from working a 12 hour shift. Hey, he said he'd do it. I don't want to cross the man.
  • Good Morning! We are expecting 15cm of snow. Made muffins this morning. Now waiting to shove the kids off to school as I need to hear myself think!
  • DH used to have to stop walking when he talked on the cell phone. There's no way he could do the foot thing!

    Operator--I told you the salsa chicken was good! (and easy!)
  • I cant find my deo...had to use dh. Wow thats powerful stuff! Better go buy some! I looked under the bed and behind the dressers....its walked away!