June 2021 - Daily Accountability/Lifestyle Change - Everyone Welcome!

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  • Morning gang. This job will be an interesting challenge for sure. I think I can make a big difference helping these folks but I need to understand and respect the problem first. The commute is an hour each way which sucks, but I’m car pooling with my boss which makes it easier., and I will be working hybrid in a few weeks after I establish relationships. My boss mentioned I need to relax which is true.

    no working out today since we got home a little late, but I may walk on the trail across the street tomorrow.
  • Hi all! This month has gone by fast!😷❤️😁🍀
  • Hi Everyone!

    Ciecie Thank you. Yes, this month has flown by.

    Total Approx 1195 calories +

    Breakfast ( 400 calories & )
    spritz olive oil in pan
    2 large eggs 140 calories
    veggies 60
    14 g. shredded cheese 50 calories
    1 piece thin sliced bread toasted 60 calories
    Fruit spread 30 calories
    juice equivalent to 60 calories
    coffee w/cream & sugar

    Lunch (320 Calories)
    2 Siggi's yogurts 220 calories
    Banana 100 calories

    Dinner ( 475 Calories)
    pan seared chicken breast 200 calories
    riced yellow squash sauteed w/cumin 50 calories
    grape tomatoes 50 calories
    blueberries w/vanilla yogurt 175 calories

    45 minute outdoor walk & CS mobility

    Have a Blessed evening!
  • Hi all! Looking forward to July! For the first time in two years, I’ll be seeing my sister and brother. 😁🍀😷❤️
  • Good morning
    Diana, those caladiums are perfectly gorgeous!!! They look so healthy and cared for .

    USC4valpo, wow on the long commute! I guess a person can find something constructive to do with that time. I hope everything goes very very well with your new job .

    I got in a bit of recumbent biking yesterday. My calorie total intake hiked way up to 2000. Didn't feel like I ate that much!

    Today's Plan: 1200-1300 calories, 2 liters water, veggies, fiber, vit/min/calx2, sit-ups, squats, stretches, some leg weights.
  • Good morning! Will have breakfast and out in a few minutes. 😷🍀😁❤️
  • Good Morning, Everyone!

    I will have a busy day. I will post the new check-in this evening.

    Ciecie Yay for being able to see your family.

    Rachel Thank you. It is truly amazing how quickly calories add up. I can try to eat in moderation and easily get over 2000 calories. Crazy!

    Steps for yesterday: 13,054
    This Morning: Oxycise

    Have a Blessed day and stay safe and healthy!

    Copied from Crosswalk Devotions for Dieters
    June 30

    Galatians 6:9
    And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

    Gwen hadn't seen Ed in almost five years. When they had last been together, she had been very overweight. She had struggled and fought to lose over the years, and she was quite proud of what she had accomplished. She could hardly wait to see his reaction. That was one of the best things about losing weight: seeing the faces of old friends who could hardly recognize you. The looks she got made the fight worthwhile. Their disbelief made Gwen feel she had performed a miracle. Good things truly did come to those who waited and stuck to their hope. God had blessed her a hundredfold.

    Today's thought: What I lose today in weight will be gain in other ways tomorrow!
  • Good morning again! Just had breakfast. Will go for a power walk later on this morning. 😷🍀😁❤️
  • Chazzy, selling things isn’t allowed here.
  • JUNE bug 2021
    Good Morning!

    Hello! Hello! I finally got to the wave pool again yesterday. In 93 degree weather, it was Grrrrrreat! The pool was wall-to-wall people between 4 1/2 foot and 3 feet level, so I spent most of my time in the deep. ...I was thinking about all those unvaccinated teens. But I found that the people at the pool were very happy, gracious and considerate.

    Diana: I am so sorry, I did not get to see your pic...Maybe there is a gremlin in my computer... I wish that I was more tec savvy.

    Usc: I knew someone who worked twice as fast as everyone else and was told that they would be fired if they did not slow down... //I would not mind commuting, if I was a passenger and could do something else...but I am not crazy about doing a lot of driving, I hope that your boss is a good conversationalist or can be quiet, if you like that. I think, I think, it would be really nice to have one of those self-driving cars... I used to have a job where I biked to work on certain days. I really liked that...as long as I was not running late or it was raining...Sometimes at the end of the day, I would come out and my bike was covered in snow... ...The salt on the road ruined the paint job on my bike. Oh, what is working hybrid?

    Hi Chazzy!

    Oh, I have been consuming too much junk food: Pepsi, gobs, pastries, etc...
  • Good morning again! Had a hair cut this morning. It’s really cute now. Will have lunch in a few minutes. 😷🍀😁❤️
  • Good afternoon! Had lunch. Plumber came to see what is wrong with the sump pump. He said it needed to be replaced. He also checked the furnace filter and replaced that. Will go for a power walk in a few minutes. It’s raining now. 😁🍀😷❤️
  • Hello all!
    Just checking in to say I survived the heat wave, and it was brutal.

    Teri, I had to laugh when you read what you would do or what I should do? either way we have one floor unit A/C which is vented out our bedroom window. It was so hot the poor thing could not keep up even with a fan to help move the air.

    Good news Heat wave=loss of appetite = weight loss
    I saw the scale dip below 160, this is the first time since mid November...I hope it holds.

    I will watch for the new thread

    For the first time since last
  • Good evening! Just got home from power walking and running errands. My fitness goals for today have been attained. Spent about 20 minutes on the phone with my sister tonight. I’m going to be seeing her for the first time in two years tomorrow! 😁🍀😷❤️
  • Getting us started: https://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/wei...ml#post5436327