Home of the 100% Vol 22

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  • Happy birthday, Lisa!!!
  • Happy birthday Lisa!!!

    I'm just back from my long weekend trip, tired but pleased with how it went. I'll catch up on the postings tomorrow.
  • Well into week two and my first WI tomorrow...I did sneak a peek this morning...and yay I was down 7 pounds...tomorrow will make it official! So happy that I started this protocol and found this awesome forum....you all ROCK this program and seriously help me ROCK it too! Have a great night, I am going to bed early to get a good nights sleep before WI....toddles!!!!
  • Pg 2
    Not okay.

    Thank you all so much for all the birthday wishes! It was a wonderful weekend.
    So I'm on Spring Break this week.
    Coffee & reading in bed with ice on my back before I do yoga & start my day.
    8 hour car trip is brutal on a touchy lower back.

    I'm gonna check into joining our local recplex today & start swimming this week.
    Since I have ONE swimsuit that fits, I'll hold off on suggestions from you ladies to try tanktinis til I'm closer to goal. Just no reason to spend $ now with ~40ish more lbs to go (probly go to p2 at 148, which will be my upper limit - staying on p2 til 145)

    So last nite at dinner when we got back into town, we shared a small duck appetizer. Yum! It was totally worth forgoing oil on other foods for that! Not a frequent occurrence but nice for a birthday dinner. I also had smoked meats on a bed of romaine (other veggie choices were starches or Brussels sprouts & I've had too many occasional veggies this week. Green beans tend to be the veggie of choice at restaurants this time of year in northern climes - luckily I forgot to bring any restricteds on the trip so carbs will balance out). That was my choice: either green beans or just lettuce. I definitely upped the lettuce, was glad I had zucchini in my muffins, and went light on those green beans! Note to self: don't have any occasional veggies the week prior to a road trip, in case that's the only choice!

    What a difference a few months make, Huh? On Sunday I was planning the day with people so I could decide when to have my "meat meal". Last summer I would have eaten (and drank!) at all my favorite spots with no regard for my health and wellness-- only desire.

    I had made 4 batches each of blueberry/zucchini and potato/zucchini muffins for the trip. I mixed up some vanilla casein powder to use as coffee creamer in the mornings, and of course I took packets, water, and my shaker. The strawberry-banana RTD came in handy as well. I also took 2 veggie omelets made with the FEC omelet packet but ended up not eating those (no in-room microwave). One is planned for lunch today

    Road trips are so much easier than flying when on IP! But we can sure make that work too, can't we?
  • So quiet on here this last week. What's going on?

    I have to take my daughter back to the eye doctor to pick up her new glasses. When I took her in there a week and a half ago, the dr walked into the exam room and said "whoa mom, you lost some weight". I smiled and said yes and then he said "not a little, but a lot! what did you lose 100 lbs?"

    I laughed out loud and said not quite that much. Kinda gutsy of someone to ask a woman if she's lost 100 lbs. He knows our family really well, so I didn't take offense. His reaction was really amusing.
  • I am not sure about why it is so quiet around here for the others but for me I have been darn busy first at work, then at trying to avoid it I have gotten 8 calls in the last 2 days to try and get me to come in and work overtime on my whole 2 days off. Now I work wed, thur, fri, then my DH and I have to go to the city on the weekend to shop till we drop packing the house with food for the week while test driving cars. This darn car search, DH changing jobs, work hounding me, insurance and banks....my head want to pop
    Can't wait to get this all figured out and get my car back!! I have been sitting at home today emailing back and forth with 2 different car dealerships and negotiating on 2 cars to get the best deal I can...sigh. Hoping others are busy cause they are doing something fun
  • Thank goodness IP is pretty much on auto-pilot for me these days since I have had zero time to think about what I'm eating, or even to check in here much lately. Between travel, sick DH, political BS and employee issues at work, and preparing for a big move out of state I've hardly been able to come up for air.

    My weight seems to have settled in at my goal weight, although ideally I'd like to lose a few more just as a cushion before starting to phase off. I know my hesitation is also due to the fact that I'd prefer to have more time to focus on meal planning before moving off of P1, or even off of the combined P1/P2 I've been doing while traveling.

    At least I no longer turn to food or wine at the first signs of stress!
  • Quote: mompattie- so glad to see you post again. It's been so quiet without you and Diane posting. She is MIA also.
    Ah, you missed me? I'll take that as a "warm fuzzy" Hopefully the rest of the break will see me having more time to post. The boys are at 'camp grandma' tonight, so I'm enjoying some down/me time tonight.

    I went to my weigh in today and got the Ideal Protein cookbook, just for the inspiration of the pictures. I don't really use cookbooks. I just like to look at 'em LOL. I did NOT see Zuchinni chips in it anywhere! LOL

    I also talked to my coach about trying the 'alternative' diet (for diabetics) She said the big difference is that you get one fruit, one grain, and one dairy a day, and not to have them altogether. It would be slower loss, but I am kinda liking the idea. I'll read up a bit more to see what it's all about.
  • Oh, and of course, I add the "happy Birthday" sentiments to my dear friend Lisa (who just turned 40 right??)

    They say 30 is the new 20, and 40 is the new 30 etc. etc. I'm okay with losing a decade if anyone will let me. I think I kinda "missed" a decade there anyway, so we should all "put the clocks back" 10 years and forget all about the "spring forward" part. We'll spring ahead in our weight loss, and fall back in our ages!

    Edit: my snowman avatar is now officially depressing me. Spring is almost here, so I'm going to find something...warmer and cheerier! Ah, there's the beach! That will remind me that TANKINI season is almost here
  • Agreed Diane! Ready for warmer weather! Lots of rain here today, bleh, but melting the snow

    Seems everyone is in a busy theme lately. My boss is headed to Jamaica for vacation so work is busy catching up together before she leaves. She's phased off IP and lost 70 pounds. It's been great having our office be an IP zone!

    Let's think calming thoughts and hope our lives slow down enough to enjoy the spring/summer that is definitely on it's way!
  • Happy Birthday Lisa!!!! I so missed it was your birthday too this week!!! Thursday is my Birthday and I wish I had a nice trip to go on instead of working 3 days over it.

  • Quote: Ah, you missed me? I'll take that as a "warm fuzzy" Hopefully the rest of the break will see me having more time to post. The boys are at 'camp grandma' tonight, so I'm enjoying some down/me time tonight.

    I went to my weigh in today and got the Ideal Protein cookbook, just for the inspiration of the pictures. I don't really use cookbooks. I just like to look at 'em LOL. I did NOT see Zuchinni chips in it anywhere! LOL

    I also talked to my coach about trying the 'alternative' diet (for diabetics) She said the big difference is that you get one fruit, one grain, and one dairy a day, and not to have them altogether. It would be slower loss, but I am kinda liking the idea. I'll read up a bit more to see what it's all about.
    I could use some me time! Just narrowly escaped a super ball to the head from my 9yo ds.

    Quote: Seems everyone is in a busy theme lately. My boss is headed to Jamaica for vacation so work is busy catching up together before she leaves. She's phased off IP and lost 70 pounds. It's been great having our office be an IP zone!
    Sounds like a great place to work if you're on IP. I have to deal with the food pushers at my work. I was traveling with the President & VP of the company I work for last week. The VP likes to drink during these trips and he gets irritated with me when I refuse to have anything except water. The president told me that I need to go 5 lbs under goal so then they can take me out to eat at all the off plan foods and drink alcohol. He told me he lost a lot of weight on Atkins before and when he was done had a big binge on carbs. Sounds like a really successful maintenance plan
  • Shoot shoot look at that ticker move.
  • Quote: Shoot shoot look at that ticker move.
    Fantastic first weigh in!!!
  • Checkin' in bright and early to say hi. So inspired by the daily chat of an omelette, that's what I'm off to do. mmmm....
    There was also some awful discussion about "house cleaning" but I'm ignoring THAT post! LOL
    ... ok... maybe I could ...possibly...consider... tackling a cleaning project today. But if I don't give all these dust bunnies a home, where will they live?

    My son wrote his name in the dust on the tv screen yesterday and that has always been my "bottom line". If people start leaving me messages ON the furniture, it's time to break out the polish.