Running in September

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  • Hmmm that does make sense, MK! Thanks for explaining!!

    I want to be really hardcore and ambitious get as ready as possible, but not so much so that I'm actually hurting instead of strengthening myself. And I think I'm still trying to explore the line between pushing my mental limits and my physical limits. I think your advice makes a lot of sense for me to run 4 weekend days and once on the weekend and vary how long/challenging the runs are.

    Now that we're getting into the "higher" miles (at least for us ) we're going to run on the street instead of the track - Anything above 12 laps seems brainkilling and counterproductive!! So I'm hoping I enjoy pavement running and that my muscles respond as well as they do to the soft track!
  • mkroyer, great advice. I'll be taking it. I'm trying to up my speed... It's kind of tough. Slowly but steadily... Ugh, I wish I could instantly up my speed to 8mph...
  • Quote: I wish I could instantly up my speed to 8mph...
    Me too!

    I'm not going to the track workout tonight - waaaay to hot and I really need to get some work done (I was at work all morning but doing mostly unrelated things and helping a coworker) as well as study - I have a biostats exam on Thursday!
  • Ugh, I did 2 miles at 9mm. Then, I did more like a 10-11minute mile with a power-walk built into that. Then, did a light workout on other cardio. BUT, BEFORE I LEFT, I did 1/4 of a mile at 8mm... so, it's a start! Going to get there... soon, I hope.

    iris: I could NEVER work out in the heat. I normally work at night and I also go to school in a cold place. I admire your tenacity... I could never be a runner in the heat though you must have a pretty high rate of getting rid of water. lol.
  • So many great stories!

    Sharon - Congrats on that hilly 5k! And the "5K before work"! You're kicking butt and will only get better from here! In terms of running 5x/week, I actually ended up doing that last weekend without planning to and I feel totally fine, but I kept my runs pretty short (3-4 miles) and didn't have a usual long (5-6) mile run. So I think you can definitely do it, but start slow. Make sure not to try to increase mileage, days and speed all in the same week! Good luck!

    Iris - Way to run in that heat! Yikes! There's no way I could ever do that.

    Ilene - Sounds like a fun retreat! Hope it was relaxing and a great time!

    FatPants - Man, aren't those runs the best? I actually had one of those today and just kept running until I couldn't run anymore! I'm so glad you had a great run!

    IDream - Hope you get to feeling better! Mind over matter: just tell yourself there's no way you're getting sick now and don't even think about. Lots of juice, tons of water, SLEEP, and you'll be fine! (Sorry, as a med student, I give out too much unsolicited advice...hehe)

    Mk - Sounds like you're doing really well this week. You seem calm and really ready for your race. I'm so excited for you! How's your mental state and the addiction symptoms? Slowly going away?

    Loquacious - Nice speed work! I've been working on speed for the last few weeks (tempo and interval runs) and its improved my base speed from 10min/mile to about 9:30/mile, depending on how far I plan to run. 1/4mi at 8min is freakin awesome! Keep it up!

    I had a GREAT run today! I finally ran outside for the first time in over a week because the weather was incredible (65, slightly cloudy and breezy, sunset). I was a little nervous to test my running outside skills after all the treadmill work, but I made it 4.5miles in 41:50! Like FatPants, I had one of those "I could run forever" runs so I extended my original 4mile plan and did an extra little loop. It was so fun and now I really can't wait for my 10K in less than 2 weeks! Unfortunately, I have an exam in less than 2 weeks (on that Friday), so I have to make it through that first, but at least I have something to look forward to! Keep the inspiring stories coming! It really keeps me motivated!
  • TakingCharge - thanks! I'm not worrying about speed at all Just focusing on distance at my usual slow-but-steady pace, plus trying to make sure I do a good job stretching afterwards!

    Iris - we're already in Fall weather up here in the mitten. I wish I could share some of it with you!

    In other news....ran FOUR MILES today. !!!! I almost didn't notice what an accomplishment it is because I am so focused on getting to the 10K. But Maggie my running buddy was like "dude! That's almost a whole mile farther than we've ever ever run!" and I was like OMG IT IS!!!!!!! Plus, we were running on pavement around town as opposed to at the track, so the terrain was more varied - good training!

    I might try for a short little run tomorrow because it makes me day so much nicer, and I hate work right now, so I need any mood-boost I can get.

    Happy running, everyone!
  • I can't echo MK's advice enough on increasing mileage. I know it is hard not to up mileage quickly or on every run... I tried doing that and kept getting discouraged/frustrated because my legs were SO tired from increased mileage that I couldn't run the entire distance. I was running 5-6 days and now I am doing a 3-4x a week program now with just one "long run" day and I have seen so much improvement from taking proper time to rest. Rest is so important for us newbie runners... I have read over and over again that just as much improvement happens on your rest days!

    But with all that said, all it really comes down to is listening to your body and knowing when it's good to run and when it isn't. Some of my best runs have been (weirdly) on days that I have run consecutively, but with my IT band problems forcing me to cut back to every other day, I find the runs so much more enjoyable. And yes... slow is the name of the game! Every time I go out I think of CakeBatter (LOL) and how she worked on mileage first, THEN speed. I have to constantly remind myself to slow down!

    Today is my long run (5 miles) - supposed to be super windy today but at least it'll be in the 70s! Also - finally got my running tights.. LOL oh Lordy do they look bad....
  • fatpants - thanks for the timely reminder on mileage first then speed - I get frustrated with myself for still being such a slowpoke. And I bet you look like a sleek running goddess in your new tights! Isn't it weird how self-critical we can be when others see nothing to criticize?

    sharon - wooohooo on the 4 miles! That's great!

    TC - so glad that you had a great run! Can't wait to hear about the 10k!
  • Quote: fatpants - thanks for the timely reminder on mileage first then speed - I get frustrated with myself for still being such a slowpoke. And I bet you look like a sleek running goddess in your new tights! Isn't it weird how self-critical we can be when others see nothing to criticize?
    To be honest, I LOVE the look of my legs in the tights. Running has made them so muscular! It's just the butt/pooch/soggy middle part that I don't like LOL
  • fatpants - gotta love those new muscles! I've been pretty happy with my calves all summer but the thighs are still a work in progress. A little less padding and the muscles will show up much better What kind of tights did you get? I only have stretchy yoga pants for winter running but I might need to copy you and get some tights.
  • Thanks, FP! (Your new name should be SkinnyTights I am a firm believer in the importance of the off-day, but I'm also nervous about being unprepared for the race.

    We are in the habit of taking long power walks on non-running days, so my plan for tomorrow is to run a mile or two, but if my legs feel like they need a break, just chug along at a brisk walk. After sitting at my desk for a couple hours, they're starting to feel both exhausted and restless - but in a good way! So we'll see what happens tomorrow morning.
  • Dancer - I'm super slow, too! In fact, people walking have passed me! Not great for the ego, but one day soon I'll start working on speeding up a bit maybe.
  • Speed with come with time. Going to try to run out my stress tonight at full sprint. I want this 8mm to come already... slowly but steadily going to get there. Btw, nice sharon. I can't run sidewalks.... I always run into people I know when I look absolutely disgusting....

    I love the look of my calves in my tights too. I actually can see the muscle in there when I move it! It amazes me though I rather see my thigh muscles. lol. Maybe it's a good thing the pants I wear for running are tight... It makes it clear I need to go more.

    Great work everyone-- specially Taking Charge on that time! 4.5 miles in that time..nice. I need to find a 10K to motivate myself with soon...
  • Dancer - These are the ones I got:

    They seem like they'll be nice and warm for the winter months!

    Sharon... oh man do I understand how hard it is to NOT run! I felt that same sense of urgency of being unprepared when it came time to my first 5k. And I'm sure once November rolls around I'll feel the same worry about the 10k!
  • oh gosh, FATPants-- i have the solution for YOU....i shoulda said something earlier...i wish you hadnt just bought tights!! Check THESE out

    They are called CWX stability tights..they are pricey..however the way they are designed to privide all that support around the knees, hips, quads, calves, they are PERFECT for someone with knee or IT band injuries! PLUS the way they make the webbing stand out, it makes it LOOK like you are as muscular as spider man!!