Everything Red Team! - Team List & Chat

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  • Okay, I'm back everyone!! Not much to report as far as today goes, so I guess I'll get on to the personals!

    Melissa, unfortunately I'm not done with finals either... haha. Today was only blank because my exam was an essay that I'm supposed to email to the prof. Tomorrow will be my last, and probably hardest exam, and even that shouldn't be too bad. It's for art appreciation. I got lucky this semester that a lot of my profs were all for phoning in the finals. As far as bras go, I finally broke down and bought 4 more of the same bras I've been wearing for years because my mom kept telling me that mine were falling apart and I needed more. I felt bad about buying them because I hope to not be able to wear them for much longer! I can't wait until I can actually have my selection of bras and not get stuck with the plain, ugly ones.

    Shelby, it's great that you've decided that you're worth looking stylish and buying nice clothes, even before you get to goal! I've slowed down buying clothes since I've been losing weight, but not THAT much. I'm a shop-a-holic. I sometimes even buy clothes that are WAY too small (I have an outfit in a size 12) just so I'll have something to look forward to.

    Karen, I'm not a runner, but I do agree with going to a specialty running store so they can check out your feet. Other than that, I've always found that New Balance shoes are the best, but that could just be my foot.

    Erika, sorry about TOM. I can completely empathize with you on that, as that's the reason why my weight loss is stalled at the moment. Oh well, better that reason than something to do with food! Haha.

    Love, that sounds like a really great plan you've got going there. I admire those that can actually plan their meals ahead!!

    Amber, I can relate to your problem with food pushers! Mine aren't even always the same person, and none of them do it all of the time. For example, last night I went with my mom to Chili's... I got the tilapia with pico de gallo and chimichurri sauce (I could afford the 680 calories), and she got the cheeseburger. Well, when food came, she kept saying "I've got TONS of french fries here... you can take some off of my hands if you want." I had a few, maybe 3 or 4, and then she started with the burger.. "Oh this burger is WAY too big, I'm not going to be able to finish it... take 1/4 from me." Well, I did. Luckily, I didn't go to overboard on the calories, but it could have been MUCH worse had it actually been a food that I can't resist, like chocolate mousse cake.

    Charity, good luck finding your happy medium again! I hope to find mine, too. I think I've been doing okay, but I'm definitely getting bored with my current selection, especially grilled chicken manifesting itself in the form of salads, stir fries, etc. Maybe we just need some new recipes? Haha.

    Everyone else, have a great OP day!

  • Good afternoon all!!!

    Tanya....I think you are right, we need to buy ourselves something for every 5 lbs...so what if it wont fit us soon, just means that much bigger of a fire when we get rid of the fat clothes!!!

    Shelby...OMG, I'm so worried that is going to happen to my jeans! I've got 1 pair that fit and look decent, but the problem is I gotta wash them all the time because I wear them all the time, well...they are gonna fall apart!! I'd go buy more but summer is upon us and really I wont ever wear jeans! LOL...pray they dont split!!

    Charity...I think we all need a little splurge now and then as long as we dont go over and realize its just the ONE splurge. and let me just tell you...I HATE underwires!! And I'm not even nursing! LOL!!
  • Lindsey...man everyone I've talked to is having such an easy finals week and I'm absolutely slammed!! and they are all hard!!! I've got 2 tomorrow, one I'd have to ace to get an A in the class...aint gonna happen! I've been reading and studying it ALL DAY LONG...literally 8 hours now, but there is no way I'm gonna ace it. Advanced accounting II....ugh! LOL! Good job at dinner despite the pusher!! I think we should definetly share some recipes and ideas for some new foods so we arent getting bored.

    For alot of people who are struggling right now, or just hovering on the same weights now is the time to change things up. Get your body guessing again. A new food selection and a new workout can do just that!
  • Quote: Wow Amber, I think I could have written your post! I have been doing this for a couple of weeks now (on and off) and it has really slowed my weight loss. I just can't seem to find the motivation to get back on track. I will be doing well for a couple of days, and then undo it all with a meal or two! I think part of my problem is that I am just a little sick of doing this! I have been doing ww for over a year and I am a little tired of it. I know it is a lifestyle change, but the problem is that I really, really like food. I used to "splurge" once a week and that was fine, I lost lots of weight still because I was eathing healthy foods the rest of the time. But now I just want to splurge! I need to find my happy medium again!
    It's like you're reading my mind. Those are my exact thoughts and feelings about the situation. Granted, I've only been doing this for 6 months, and I want to be healthy. But goodness gracious, I'm about over it. Exercise takes a lot of time! How you people with children do it, I have no idea and I am in complete awe.

    It also doesn't help my motivation that I've been playing with these same 5 pounds for a little over a month. I lose them, I splurge, I gain them, I get serious, I lose them... well, you see the cycle.

    Plus! Now that I'm 7 pounds away from my goal (when I'm having a good week that is), I realize that this weight doesn't look like what I thought it would on me, and I need to drop another 15-ish pounds I think. It's discouraging!

    I don't mean to be a negative nancy, i really REALLY REALLY want to be healthy enough to live long enough to see my future grandchildren graduate college (that's my secret goal) but the motivation... it's just not there sometimes (more often than not lately, it's missing)

    What suggestions does everyone have for re-motivation?

    Melissa -
    I'm going to get fitted for bras this weekend! A good bra is something I will spend money on. (Back problems = no good). I also really really need to start investing in some better shoes. Those payless things just hurt my feet!

    I tried not to let that day get me down and have the what's done is done attitude! I was right back OP the next day. But my "what's done is done" moments are becoming more and more frequent!

    To end on a high note: If I run 3 miles tomorrow, I will have run 100 miles so far this year NOT TOO SHABBY FOR A GIRL WHO HATED, DESPISED AND OTHERWISE LOATHED RUNNING A YEAR AGO!
  • Good Morning Red team! Full day for me so I'm going to keep it short so I have time to read over my notes before my final this morning. I hope everyone is having a wonderful Wednesday. How are you doing on your personal challenge you set this week?

    I've yet to exercise, I could make all the excuses in the world but I wont. And I've come so close to my water goal every day literally maybe another glass and i'd be over. So even though I've not quite made it I'm still pretty proud of that. Does anyone else watch Workout? Jackie's lil speech about reasons to get healthy really stuck with me last night.

    I'll go ahead and confess right now, I was terrible yesterday. I wont give you the ugly details but man is my tummy upset today because of it! Junk food is NOT your friend!

    Have a wonderful day everyone! Be good to you and remember those goals you set!! You deserve to reach them!!

  • Amber....I think it is totally understandable for you to be feeling like you do right now. Why does this have to take so long? And you are so so close! Maybe if you think more about how far you've come and the amazing changes you've made in your life instead of thinking about how much more you've got to do it'll take some of the stress off. You said it yourself, you've almost run 100 miles this year....100 miles!!! And last year you hated running! If thats not changing your life I dont know what is. You are going to reach that goal, I know you'll do it! You'll get past this mental block...cause thats all it is! You are strong and in control!! You can do this!! Just think of how amazing you are going to look in Mexico!
  • How about some NOWICANS!......

    Amber made me think of it....when she said "now I can run 100 miles!" We need to celebrate our NOWICANs!

    So what can you do now that you are making healthy choices?

    Mine....NOWICAN wear my hair off my face because all the water I'm drinking is making my skin clearer!

  • Melissa, you are doing so well! Good for you for getting your water (mostly)!

    Amber, I know what you mean about goal weights. Mine is around 150-155, but I feel like I really need to lose more than that. I once got to 154 and I was a size 10, but I think now after having a baby, I may need to be lower than that to get my belly off (funny how your weight shifts when you are pg!). I used to have a fairly flat stomach and carried most of my weight in my butt, thighs and hips. Now, I have a big stomach pooch, ugh! Well, let's help keep each other in check! I am sick of bouncing around between 185 and 190! Let's each get this 5 lbs off and go below it!!! Oh, and AWESOME on the 100 miles!!!

    Ok, so my NOW I CAN is..... Now I can restart my TransFIRMer rotations. I really like doing the FIRM, so I am going to get back to it today. It is suppose to rain here, so I won't be able to run, so I will do a FIRM video.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • hey guys,
    i guess i'm needing a little extra support. i've been feeling a bit down with the weight lately. i've been working out on a regular basis but i guess i was hoping that it would decrease faster. totally stupid, i know. maybe it's the daily stress? i'm not sure. but, i'm wondering if you can tell me if you're following the diet and what kinds of workouts you do that are both fun and helpful. i think i just need a boost. anyway, i'm sure this will pass, but maybe i'm just a little stressed from work. definitely glad i'm part of this group though. thanks so much!!!
  • Hi everyone!

    Well DH is leaving for a conference tonight and won't be back until Sunday (sniff) so I'm on single mom duty until then. Those of you who do it on your own all the time ... you have my permanent respect!! I am so lucky to have a DH who really contributes to the childcare and doing stuff around the house that when he's gone I feel all sucky But I know that I am very fortunate!!

    Well I did my C25K run this morning ... 2x 3/4 mile intervals with 1/2 mile walk in between. Seems like a BIG jump from that to 2 miles straight on Friday, but I've done it before and hopefully I'll do it again. Right??? I just wish TOM would be done with already and some of this weight would come off a bit faster ... I think it's finally moving in the right direction but I know I just have to be patient.

    Melissa - you are so right. I just have to keep making the right choices and everything will work out in the end. And I agree ... this will be the week that we show the blue team what we're made of!!

    Charity - I hear you on the eating thing. I've been doing OK but it's been taking all of my concentration and a lot of deep breathing!! to you!

    Love - MMM I would love the eggplant lasagna recipe! It sounds scrumptious! Can you believe you're nearly halfway to goal? So inspiring!

    Amber - I want to share something with you also. The day I ran my half? I went home and ate an ENTIRE large bag of chips. Not kidding. Just because I "could". Why?????? Anyway I think a big race like that takes so much out of you, not only physically but mentally as well. So when something like a food pusher or drinks comes along, we don't have our full slate of defenses up!! But you only have 3 lbs to go until your minigoal and you can do it!!!!!!

    Ann - WTG on your walk and your great eating and planning! You're such a great model for us!

    Tanya - totally right, we need to just pick up and keep going after we stumble. I think we can never hear that advice too many times!

    Shelby - OMG! That is a great story! Time to go shopping

    Charity - I totally know what you mean about wanting to splurge and loving food. This is why I think i will be able to stick with Sonoma after trying tons of other things. The recipes are so tasty and you get to drink wine and eat almonds and cheese every day! But that doesn't mean I won't still crave other stuff that isn't recommended for ANY diet. Like, oh, say, CHIPS! One thing I have been doing is, every day that I run, I eat a small piece of dark chocolate and just savour it in my mouth. It seems to help with some of the cravings.

    Lindsey - Great job at Chilis!! It definitely could have been much worse!

    OK here is my NOWICAN ... Now I can run up and down the stairs again without getting out of breath!! And it only took a month ...

    Congrats to everyone who read all this chatter and have a wonderful evening!
  • Quote: hey guys,
    i guess i'm needing a little extra support. i've been feeling a bit down with the weight lately. i've been working out on a regular basis but i guess i was hoping that it would decrease faster. totally stupid, i know. maybe it's the daily stress? i'm not sure. but, i'm wondering if you can tell me if you're following the diet and what kinds of workouts you do that are both fun and helpful. i think i just need a boost. anyway, i'm sure this will pass, but maybe i'm just a little stressed from work. definitely glad i'm part of this group though. thanks so much!!!
    Julie - I personally find that no matter how much I work out ... strength, cardio, yoga, whatever ... if I'm not being clean with my diet, nothing happens ... I maintain at best. So my suggestion to you is, keep a journal in fitday or whatever works for you!! This always helps me. How does Jillian's book work? Are you counting calories at all? Anyway, keep at it and keep posting here!
  • juju....it can be SO incredibly frustrating when you are working so hard and not seeing the scale move. its enough to make a person want to give up but DONT!! Here's the deal....when you are working out, your body starts replacing its fat with lean muscle tissue...this is a good thing! The bad thing is that it may cause a gain or no loss on the scale. That doesnt mean you arent losing though. The best thing you can do for yourself right now is to get out that measuring tape and take your measurements. Then put the scale up for awhile and just go off your measurements. Your body doesnt lose inches and pounds at the same time, chances are right now you are losing inches...which is good, it means you are shrinking!! Scales are for fish...dont use then to judge your successes. and hey, it could be stress too getting you down, thats when your support group comes in! We are here for you to pick you up when you need it! Come vent to us if you need to! And hang in there! You are doing GREAT!!! Healthy changes are happening and you should be so proud of all youve accomplished! 48lbs is HUGE!!! You are doing so great!!!

    Charity... you are so awesome getting in that workout when you cant run!!! Excellent dedication to yourself!!

    Erika....you are VERY lucky to have a dh who helps you so much! I constantly feel like a single mom of 3 kids, even though I've only given birth to 2!!! Way to go on your run today!!! What a difference a month makes eh?!
  • OMG...I'm so burnt out!!! I took 2 finals today and I swear I'm like Goldie Hawn in Overboard when she's sitting on the couch going "blub blub blub" anyone see that movie? thats how I feel! LOL!! I am taking tonight off...no studying, no nothing!! I've got one more final on Friday and all day tomorrow to study so tonight is ME time!! I'm thinking about walking while dd is at track practice. I'm at a track...might as well use it right? We'll see if I can muster some energy before then!

    I hope everyone is having a great Wednesday!!!

  • Good Evening!

    Busy day at the big house....and you know I feel as though i have acomplished nothing...Meetings Meetings Meeting. ugh. I used to be a sahm and I miss just hangin with the kiddos....

    Erika --I want to try the c25k...it looks like a good plan. I have been walking 2 miles a night briskly on the treadmill. It's funny I enjoy the last 15 minutes of the walk and hate the first half....I just keep saying "just do 5 more minutes" Hope you fair well when the dh is away. It is great that he is so involved. My dh is pretty good with the kids. I am very grateful because he is their stepdad. Their bio dad doesn't invest much. My dd thinks of him as dad, she's been with him since she was 2. (she's almost 12)

    Melissa--I loved that movie!!! hehehe, I can picture you sitting there. You are such a wild woman....how do you ever do it and then you are such a great encourager.....do you ever just go in your bathroom, shut the door and swear like a sailor..? :P
    Charity---I think you are soooo inspirational!!! Look at how far you have come in your weightloss!! You can keep going!! It is so hard to be a nursing mom and take time to be healthy, exercise...etc..

    Amber--I hope I can run half as much as you. thanks for all the advice on the sneakers...(everyone else too!) The closest thing to a place that will do a fitting..was Dick's sporting goods. I ended up getting a pair of Brooks. They seem pretty good so far.

    Danielle--where oh where are you. Hope you are having a most excellent week.

    JuJu--don't ever give up....things will click for you. yes, I understand how stressful work can be....please be kind to yourself..one day at a time.
    Shelby--I giggled at your story. It IS good to treat yourself....it really does help, even it is just a "little somethin somethin"

    Lindsey-How long did it take you to lose the 40lbs? that is impressive..just checking out the ticker..

    Hi Angie, Love, and Ann--hope you are all doing great...
  • Good morning everyone!

    I am doing alright. I didn't get my workout in yesterday, but I WILL get one in today. You guys hold me to it!

    Juju, be patient. When I start a new exercise routine or increase my workouts I usually don't lose as well for a couple of weeks. When you up your exercise, your muscles retain some water to help them repair. This is normal and will usually work itself out in a couple of weeks. Hang in there, you will see results! Plus, you should take your measurements, that way you can see both your weight loss and your inches lost! That will help keep you motivated.

    Erica, I hope you have a good week with dh gone. I remember when dd was about 9 months old, my dh went to a conference for a weekend. I was terrified! He does so much to help (like your husband) and I was so worried I couldn't do it without him. I was fine, but I was also very glad when he returned! That is the last time either of us has been away and dd is 22 months old! I have never been away from her. I am dreading it, but I know it has to happen sometime...

    Melissa, WOW, 2 finals in one day, you must be beat! At least you only have one more to go!!!! Good luck studying!

    Karen, I know how you feel about missing hanging with your kids all the time. I am a student (and so is dh) and for the first 18 months we had our daughter, we took turns taking care of her and working (at home usually). It was so nice! Even when it was my "work" time, I still could take a break and see her for a few minutes. She started daycare in January, and while I really need the extra work time (I have to finish my dissertation, get out of grad school, and finally get a REAL job!), I really miss spending more time with dd too. I guess all we can do is make the best of the time we do have! Plus, my dd loves daycare so much! It is really good for her.

    Ok, well, I am off to try to get some housework done today. I hope everyone has a great day!