It's Heaven on Core Board 27!

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  • Morning ladies. I am sick to my stomach (you don't want to know the details!) so I am staying home from work today. Aaron has taken the car back to the guy we bought it from. Even though we figured out what was wrong when he found out what had happened he wants to get the whole thing re-checked and give us a loaner car. Fine by us. This is a good guy and we trust him. So anyway, it's just me and DP and I suppose I'll be eating chicken noodle soup and crackers all day.

    Rita, glad to see you back!! that your two pounds will stay off until w/i. I really like the house plan. It looks huge and very open. I love open floor plans.

    Vickie, your babies are too cute! I think the key to posting a big picture within a message is that it has to be a I right Kathy? At least that is the only way I can figure it out.

    Sandra, what are you up to today?

    Kathy, sorry your body has been throwing you for a loop. I hope that you get some rest and relaxation in today! Your kitty is a cutie too. And it is kind of strange how similar she is to Vickie's!
  • Poor Melissa! I hope you feel better soon. It's good that the guy wants to re-check the car.
  • Rita, I love the floor plan! Those double wide trailers are SO spacious, aren't they?

    I don't know what's wrong with me, but I've been on a eating binge all weekend. I mean, nothing like before Core, but still, a lot of food for me. I'd say it was pre-TOM cravings, but it's still over a week away. Maybe I'm hitting it early. Sigh. I really need to be better today though. I WILL stick to my menu.

    Sandra, I'm trying to get a recent photo of myself to post...we switched cameras, and my computer doesn't have the correct card reader, so I have to get dh to do all of it.

    The Biggest Loser season starts tomorrow, by the way! I really enjoyed watching that last year - I hope it's as good this year. A few things about the show bugged me (like how FAST they lost the weight) but it's still interesting to see.

    I'd better go get dd's ready for the day... Welcome Shelby! This is a great place to come for support and information.


  • Thanks Angela. I look forward to getting to know each of you and supporting everyone!
  • Welcome, Shelby! You'll love it here, we promise!
  • Angela, I am looking forward to the Biggest Loser too. My goal is to exercise on the gazelle while I watch. I feel like a big loser when I just sit and watch them exercise.

    Shelby, Hello! Glad to have you here.
  • Thanks Kathy & Melissa.
  • Shelby I saw in your profile that you are a student. Where do you go and what are you studying? Inquiring minds want to know.
  • I'm currently going to Chattanooga State and in the Spring will transfer to the University of Tennessee @ Chattanooga. I am a pre-pharmacy student. I'm working on my pre-reqs for pharmacy school. I'm applying to UT Memphis and ETSU.
  • Shelby, that's what my oldest DD is doing. She's been a pharmacy tech at Walgreens for 5 years and is in her last year of college at UTA. She could have gone ahead a year or so ago, but the problem was living expenses. She'll have to live away from home and at the time, we couldn't afford it. Anyway, she'll apply to University of Texas, Texas Tech and University of Houston. Those are the only three in Texas.
  • It's 9:40 and I have to leave to go to weigh in. I'm sick to my stomach because my home scale says I've gained about 3 pounds. I know I'm eating healthy and exercising but I need to LOSE! Time to go back to basics and start cooking at home more again. Maybe I can't trust those restaurants.

    I feel like I'm letting myself, Jim, my Leader and all of you down. I DO want to be thin so why don't I just get going again? I exercised like a madwoman in the pool yesterday. I'll write back later and let you know the REAL ugly total.
  • My post disappeared! So annoying.

    Shelby, I suppose we can try to get along even though I live in UK country. Just kidding. I hope that everything goes well for you with school. Pharmacy school seems like it would be really tough.
  • Vickie! You are not letting us down--you are just traveling this road with all of its ups and downs and bumps and turns. We are all behind you, and Jim too! What matters is the important changes that you have already made. You are working towards a healthier life. No matter what that scale says today you have come so far and made changes that will make your life better from now on!! Maybe you need to re-evaluate and see what changes you need to make at this point in your journey, but don't negate all of the wonderful things that you have already done!
  • What she said.

    Vickie, hang in there, girl. You know what to do and I have no doubt that you can do it. Melissa is so right though, you have come so far and made some very important changes!
  • Kathy, that is great that your DD is also going to pharmacy school. My husband is from Ft. Worth and went to UTA. I've heard the University of Texas has a great pharm school. Austin is one of my favorite cities to visit.

    Melissa, I'm sure we can manage I must admit it terrifies me sometimes at how hard it will be, but I know in the end it will be worth it.

    Vickie, I think your numbers are so inspirational.