June 2020 - Daily Accountability/Lifestyle Change - Everyone Welcome!

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  • Good Morning, Everyone!

    Teri I have to make lists for everything!

    Last night: Basic stretches and bird dogs
    This morning: Oxycise

    Calories for yesterday: 1580 +
    Weigh In: 184.4
    Down: .4 from my last weigh in, low for the month 182.2

    Have a Blessed day, stay healthy, and a great start to your week!

    Copied from Crosswalk Devotions for Dieters

    June 22
    Psalm 37:40
    And the Lord shall help them, and deliver them: he shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in him.

    Beth thought the program would never end. It had taken her years to control her weight, and it was still hard to be around scrumptious food for very long without overindulging. All through the evening, heavenly plates of food moved around the room. It was all Beth could do to resist. Whenever the temptation arose, she closed her eyes and quietly prayed to God for strength. It seemed like an eternity, but the evening finally ended, and she had somehow made it through. With a sigh of relief, she said a quick prayer of thanks as she walked to her car.

    Today's thought: When I can't make it, God can!
  • good morning! will have breakfast and work out in a few minutes.
  • Hi to all! Just popping in for a quick diary. I've been hovering in the mid 139s for the last week so I'm hopeful that maybe that extra pound will stick this time. I've been much more active this past week so I'm sure that's helping.

    Breakfast: yogurt w/ jam and muesli
    Lunch: veggie burger, orange juice, 3(!) stroopwafels
    Snack: don't think I had one but can't be sure
    Dinner: 1.5 small beans and greens burritos, strawberries, ice cream
    Exercise: heavy cleaning 45 min, teaching 45 min, biking 70ish minutes, then I got home and my husband wanted to bike to the beach, so there went another 20-30 minutes of biking lol. Needless to say, I more than burned off that nightly ice cream.

    Breakfast: cereal
    Lunch: 3 bites of pizza, veggie burger, orange juice, 2(?) stroopwafels
    Snack: 1 pack fruit snacks
    Dinner: carrot sticks and pesto, strawberries, protein pancakes with maple syrup, 2 cookies
    Exercise: 30ish minutes dance
  • good afternoon! power walked and ran errands this morning. came home and had lunch. will go for another power walk and run errands later on this afternoon.
  • JUNE bug 2020

    Diana: I like doing lists/goals. Sometimes they become really elaborate. I think lists can help you with intent, especially if the lists are short. And access to computers I think has really revolutionized one's ability to set goals.

  • good afternoon! we are getting badly needed rain. will do leslie sansone instead of going for a power walk.
  • Hello to all

    WI saw a bit of a drop but we did not have dinner last night so that was expected.

    WO ... well I have a new fitbit to be delivered on Wednesday and I am hopeful this will kick me back in gear, I can really tell I have not been working out. I am bloaty, my back hurts blah blah

    Diana and Teri, I really need to make more lists or just set some attainable goals....I am so bad at that.

    sorry this is just a fly by today
  • good evening! went for a brief power walk and ran a couple of errands. will still do leslie sansone, though.
  • Ok, had a more relaxed day today. 30 minutes cardio and 6 mi on the treadmill. Calorie wise I was just below the target. I weigh in tomorrow.
    Breakfast: mulitigrain Cheerios, milk, Chobani yogurt, deli turkey, 2% cuottage cheese, coffee with cream - 570 cal
    Lunch: snap peas and broccoli with spicy hummus, ham/turkey sandwich -493 cal
    Snack: apple - 72 cal
    Dinner - pot sticker noodle bowl, ipa beer - 757 cal
    Total 1891 cal
  • Nancy - I have tracked my calories every day since October, and it has been a great scorecard to keep me honest.
    Teri - good job, white it down and track. Even if you have a bad day - so what? Keep the course and try to enjoy the journey.
  • Total Approx 1170 calories +

    Breakfast ( 400 calories & )
    spritz olive oil in pan
    2 large eggs 140 calories
    veggies 60
    14 g. shredded cheese 50 calories
    1 piece thin sliced bread toasted 60 calories
    Fruit spread 30 calories
    juice equivalent to 60 calories
    coffee w/cream & monk fruit

    Lunch (270 Calories)
    1 Siggi yogurt 110 calories
    Fage Total plain 0% 90 calories
    Cherries berries fruit 70 calories

    Dinner (500 Calories)
    salad made w/green leaf, carrots, mushrooms, celery, grilled chicken & BHF's ranch 400 calories
    vanilla pudding cup 100 calories

    1 hour outdoor walk

    Have a Blessed evening!
  • Diary for today:

    Breakfast: bread w/ butter and jam, milk
    Lunch: veggie burger, tropical smoothie, 3 stroopwafels... that's the last time I buy those, apparently I can't eat just one of them!
    Dinner: bread w/ butter and radishes, pesto chicken w/ roasted kohlrabi, peach ice cream w/ chocolate syrup, beet muffin
    So fun to try the kohlrabi from our CSA box! It was SO good. Definitely recommend trying them. I've never had one before and was apprehensive, but ohhhhhh so delicious.
    Exercise: 90 minutes ballet class
  • good night all! watched a special episode of dateline nbc tonight. it was all about those two kids who were missing and recently found dead in idaho. will be shutting down in a few minutes to go to bed.
  • Good morning
    Ciecie, I don't have the full scoop on those two kids, but such a tragic, sad, sad story. Was it the boyfriend of the lady who killed them? I know they were missing for so long and then found dead. Just plain evil and heart-wrenching.

    Usc4valpo, great words of wisdom from you, "Even if you have a bad day.....so what? Keep the course and try to enjoy the journey.

    Princess, what is a CSA box?

    Took in 1160 calories yesterday and did treadmill with leg weights. Need to work on starting to get humongous lawn mowed today.

    Today's goals:
    1200 calories, 2 liters water, veggies, fiber, calcium, treadmill.
  • No exercise at all yesterday, very busy day at work.