Daily Accountability/Lifestyle Change - November 2014 - Everyone Welcome!

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  • Good morning

    W 163
    B egg on corn tortilla
    L bean soup
    D bean soup if there is any left

    No change in plans should muck things up today!
  • No change at 176.6lbs.

    Breakfast was sardines, smoked oysters and oats.

    Lunch was squid, crab cake, smoked oysters, octopus and smoked rainbow trout.

    For exercise, I did 50 minutes weight training before work and ran 4 miles at lunch in the cold!

    Toe is feeling OK-ish. No news on the gout yet. I get that on Monday.
  • Ate more than I expected with banana muffins on hand. Next time they go straight into the freezer in portioned vaccuum bags. Ate with a friend so I ended up having more than I wanted because she wanted more muffins and dessert. At least I stayed vegan and gluten free. My digestion will thank me. No exercise except walking to and from work.
  • Finishing the day at 1000 calories, very low carb and drinking my water. Also, got my weightllifting in. woop!

    Northern, I hope Super Bloat hits the road soon.

    Kelijpa, the woodstove is making me sweat over here! I need to crack a window.

    Amethyst, good idea about freezing the muffins. How about a smoothie for the bananas next time. In fact you can freeze them in chunks, ready for blending. Less tempting food?
  • Hi Everyone!

    Flower Thank you for the anniversary wishes.

    Dinner was very good. I ate entirely too much. I noticed, when we went to the fair, that I couldn't eat the way I used to. Tonight confirmed it. I can't eat as much as when I got to my goal weight originally, back in 2011. I could put away some food back then. I can still put it away, but just not as much as I used to. I never thought I would say that my stomach has shrunk, but I believe it has. This is a good thing. Also, I can't drink like I used to. I never drank much, but tonight I was tipsy after my first glass of wine. We shared a bottle of wine and the waiter brought me an extra glass on the house. I'm glad I wasn't driving. We would still be sitting downtown Charleston.

    This is where we went: http://hallschophouse.com/
    Menu: http://hallschophouse.com/menu

    Waving Hi all around! Enjoy your evening!
  • Diana, it sounds like your dinner went similar to mine. My one little drink about bowled me over. Yay for smaller appetites!

    The menu looks so good!
  • Diana, I would love to order from that menu!

    Today I had 1380 calories. Might have been less. I have been trying for a few weeks to not have popchips. A couple of times I had one of the 100 calorie bags. Other than that its been good.

    Been looking for tomato powder so I can make dorito powder for "my kid" (I didnt give birth to her. But she calls me mom. And I am mom to her). She cannot have the store bought doritos. But misses them a lot. So, I told her I would make her the powder then she can put it on cornchips. BUT I cannot find tomato powder. Or even dried tomato soup for that matter. I do not have time to order it online. I decided to buy sundried tomatos. I will cut them up and put them in the oven on low to completely dry out. Then I will powder them in spice grinder. Then add to the cheddar powder, garlic, onion, paprika and maybe a tiny bit of cumin and powdered refried bean mix. Even though the last 2 are not ingredients in doritos. I hope it will taste good. I personally have no memory of what doritos taste like. And i dont want to refresh my memory
  • Good morning all!

    So I thought yesterday was Tuesday most of the day, so was happy when I realized it was Wednesday, Syckgirlsfv your post didn't register about hump day...

    Coolmom our exercise bike is not far from the stove, last night I did the cross training program and of course it was a time when the stove needed a log or two, I was soaked when I was done

    Seem to be maintaining somewhat, blaming it on the switch to the bike, definitely feeling different muscles being used, speaking of DOMS Diana I definitely can't eat like I used to, thank goodness for that

    B- oatmeal, almond milk
    L- pea soup
    E-ex bike

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • Hi everyone,

    I need to post for today and yesterday, seeing as I forgot :-/

    1442 calories (aaaargh!)
    1 hour boxing class (lots of fun!)


    1307 calories (hmmm)
    No formal exercise, only walking around the shops

    Yet again have let my calories creep up midweek, but at least this week I've stayed on plan so far woohoo!
  • Good Morning, Everyone!

    UGH! The wine last night makes for a heavy head and draggy feeling this morning.

    I had several glasses of water before bed. I was extremely thirsty. Not happy with my weigh in but I knew what to expect. The good thing is that I didn't bounce above 170. I am very close, though. Hopefully I won't have a second day gain and some of the weight this morning is from the extra water last night. We shall see. But no matter. I was blessed to wake to a new day. A day to get right back on plan and do my thing. DH and I were talking about our dinner last night and that we probably could have shared the steak. So that's something we can work toward the next time. DH is always apprehensive about sharing meals. We had discussed sharing the steak ahead of time, but at the last minute he changed his mind. Next Thursday is Thanksgiving, so hopefully some of this weight will come off before then. I know it will come off slowly. It always does. I think my main goal for this month will be not to bounce above 170.

    I didn't add on any yoga last night. I probably need to pull out some detox yoga workouts.

    Calories for yesterday: Unknown
    Weigh In: 169.6
    Up: 4.4 pounds

    Have a wonderful day!
  • Morning!

    I went to the gym Tuesday night and did terrible, I couldn't jog for crap. I will go today and then that's it until I get back.

    Friday I'm working then going to bed early. I doubt I'll sleep because I'm so nervous about flying and we have to leave the house at 3:30am for a 6am flight. This should be interesting to say the least.

    Have a good Thanksgiving, everyone.
  • I'm glad the dinner went well, Diana!

    And as for super bloat, I was sort of a super idiot last night. I caved and got fries at dinner. I'm still calorie counting so at least I am being honest, but I now "owe" 800 calories to myself and the bloat is here to stay. I kind of felt like..."fine, I'm going to be bloated whether I try or not so FINE!"

    I'll up my water today- and maybe not weigh in every morning?? I'm 159 this morning. Grrrr I HATE SEEING A NEW LOW NUMBER EVERY FREAKING SUNDAY AND THEN BALLOONING FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS.

    Hopefully you all have better days!
  • NorthernChick13 I forgot to post about the online workouts. Jessica Smith has a Fall Challenge you can sign up for. She has the workouts online. http://10poundsdown.us2.list-manage....&id=c2330f682e

  • morning! Diana happy belated anniversary!!!!

    weighed in at 150.8 this morning

    School tonight, then a much needed break from it next week. Of course the school is closed on Thanksgiving, which means no Finance class next week, but also my Ops Management Prof. doesn't want to come to class the day before Thanksgiving so he told us no class! Ha! no class for me all week! AND I was smart and took a vacation day for next Wednesday, which gives me a 5 day weekend with NO SCHOOL the whole time I do have a take-home final to complete by December 3rd, but I have 2 weeks to get it done and will probably write it next week.

    B - maple/brown sugar instant oatmeal
    S - grapes, clementines
    L - P,B,&J on a sandwich thin. I literally had no other options today!
    D - garden burger (in wheat tortilla maybe, I am out of bread!) maybe salad

    have a great day!!!
  • Good morning!

    W 161.2
    B egg on corn tortilla. I was just using up the leftover tortillas from an enchelada dinner but it is really good and fewer calories than regular bread. I might keep it up! I wonder if I could make a single tortilla from masa each morning.

    Lunch and dinner are unplanned and groceries are scarce. Not a good combo!