26 Days of Christmas - Come Count Down With Us!

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  • Well, ok, I lied about not coming back 'till Sunday!!! Was hoping to get my stuff done today as it's early deadline time, but tomorrow sounds good. Procrastination is always good.

    Punkin: Thou be right, Amarantha DID mean the shortest day o' the year!!! Longest night!!! Amarantha be just testing thee!

    Sticking out fingers, etc., be not an option as I never see this woman. She works in an office 80 miles away and started our relationship by standing me up after I was hired (rehired, actually, as I've worked for this publisher longer than she has) and when I called her to tell her I'd been hired to help out, she threw a fit, asked why they were doing this to her, weren't they satisified with her, etc. ... then when I calmed her down and said I wasn't out for her job or anything as I lived 80 miles away and didn't want it anyway, she said well we should get our heads together and brainstorm ideas, we made an appointment, & I drove 80 miles down and she stood me up and I drove 80 miles back ... when I did complain about this to the publisher, she said that we didn't have an appointment, I was mistaken ... it's gone downhill from there ... she never comes into work before 3 p.m. but sends me emails asking me to come down so we can have lunch and put our heads together and when I tell her nicely that I can't drive all that way so late in the day she takes it as a threat and starts messing with my copy again ... urgh ... sorry, venting.

    Arabella: Thou be right, the calories should be shipped directly to the person responsible. Kind of like e-commerce, where the merchant doesn't ever see the stuff she's selling. Urgh!

    Autumn: I envy thee the gift of still being able to see Christmas through children's eyes! We should all try to retain that magic as we get older!!!

    I'm experimenting with the dropping of the POINTS system! Wrote about it in the journal, so won't bore anyone with it. I'm on a two-day 1500 calorie blitz, not worrying about exercise right now; if I do it, I do it, but deadline stress and writer's block be in the way at the moment.

    Hard to believe Amarantha gets writer's block, since she be able to ramble on here for ages, but work is different, somehow.

    Arabella: I have been thinking that I don't believe I've seen a crow since living in Arizona. I think we must not have them here. I'll have to ask someone!

    Ok, bye!
  • Help - another no guilt card needed.

    I was really drained today. things have eased a wee bit, that's probably why. After I drove dh to dialysis, I went to drug store, grocery store, put groceries away and crashed. Part of the crash was peanut butter cup yogurt. THREE 1/2 cup dishes of it. I even thought two was ok because of all the stress but I went beyond sanity.

    However, I do understand why and won't kick me too much. Am feeling a bit better. Did lots of other stuff and am now heading out to bring him home. Better I crashed when he wasn't here. Am looking for snow clearing service, cleaning person was sick, didn't come but will Monday. Lots of life changes going on here and I'm not as supple in that direction as I used to be.

    Sis and her dh are picking up some things for me and were to be here tonight but postponed to morning. Works better for me since I'm so burned out tonight. I'm sure I crashed because things were not as hectic. I know me and I knew it would happen but send that no-guilter. I'm too tired right now to waste any energy on guilt.

    But then again I'm not the one sitting in that chair for four hours tied to an exchanger.

    Still a great day!
  • Arabella, it must have been that talk of peanut butter fudge. Do I ever wish I lived close to you!
  • hi all.
    FROGGER... good luck too you also i;m glad you and your husband had a quit moment together, sorry if my advice was harsh, i just care about ya, and any other women being abused in any way, mine is verbal and mental till i started to beleive it. but not anymore i woke up there. hope good wishes for you.

    AMARANTHA.... thank you for the kind words again your advice always makes me think of somthing that my dear mother would say if she was here. i miss her so much this time of year. your a real sweety. I know i'll get it together soon, thanks.

    PUNKIN.. all i have to say too you is I WANT A PEICE OF YOUR BREAD< chocalate and bannanna.mmmm sounds good. Have you ever had zucchinie bread with chocalate chips thats good tooo..
    see you later...

    AUTUMN... sounds like your getting back on track again, the holidays makes it hard to stay focused, im not weighing myself for awhile, it only depresses me. i;m thinkin of ya, good luck,
    too everyone else, goodnight from the north pole,

    later and lighter..senamay
  • So sorry I haven't been around. I have been so busy with work and trying to get things ready for Christmas, there just aren't enough hours in the day. Im finally ready. Things haven't settled down any at work we are still closed and Im not sure we will even be open for christmas. It is very hard on the residents and thier families. Some of the women have actually been crying because their husbands can't come in to visit. Today we surprised one lady her husband came and we let her go out between the inside and outside door to visit with him. It was so nice to see her smile. Today I had to phone the families once again to cancel the gift opening for Mon. we are going to go ahead with it for the residents but we had to cancel Santa coming. We got so close to reopening but this morning we had a resident get sick and a staff member last night. So public health said no way.
    Im off for the weekend and then I go back Mon off Tues and then I work from Christmas day until the 29 I have the 29 off and then back again on the Mon and straight through till the next weekend. I must say it is a very strange Christmas must someone has to take care of the people in the hospitals and Nursing Homes and I haven't had to work over the holidays for a few years. Some people complain about it but some of our residents don't have any family at all just those of us who take care of them, those are the people I really feel bad for and the ones who do family that don't come to visit at all.

    I would like to take this time to wish you all a safe and Merry Christmas. Take the time to enjoy your families over the holidays. As far as dieting goes be sensible but enjoy yourselves, use good judgement and know when to stop but don't make yourself crazy about it. This time of family and friends comes but once a year so celebrate with them all this happt time of year and also what you have accomplished so far in improving your health.

    Merry Christmas to you all and
    Sorry I guess I made it too long. I probably will not be on again until after Christmas.
  • You know, when you find your life in one of those "situations" (whatever it may be at that particular time), the best thing to do is ask yourself if it were your best friend in the situation, what advice would you give her? Quite often you find the answers.

    Frogger, I hope you and your fiance are on the road to a better relationship.

    to everyone!

    Happy Yule!
    Hello all!!

    Weather here will hover in the mid 40 -- Interesting--

    Errands need to be run as soon as places open -- I am doing them alone today as DH is going to a car and truck auction w/ a trusted "Motor head". Our van is showing rust in the engine so we know its just a matter of time--

    Frogger- I'm glad you spoke your mind. I agree 100% with Wildfire's advice--

    Dollar- What a challenge for you at the nursing home! This year, in many ways, you are the patients' holiday! From the sounds of it, you are up to the challenge! You are an inspiration! I know everyone here shares my admiration!
    And again, today's thought is inspired by our thread!

    Today's thought is: "It is kindess in a person, not beauty which wins our love" --Anonymous

    Till later!
  • Happy Solstice!
    Tipper, I love your dog story. Dogs are so intuitive---when I'm crying or just upset my dog always comes over to check on me, I swear you can see the concern on his face!

    Punkinseed, a friend was telling me last night how her cat tore the wrapping off ALL her Xmas gifts and peed on them--can you imagine? So I'm sure your cats are angels compared to that one. I'm lucky that my 3 cats are ancient and lie around like big furry slugs.

    Amaramtha, Sorry about the crazy editor. Evidently she doesn't know that you're the Empress--one day you must reveal yourself in all your glory to her unworthy eyes!

    Frogger, I'm glad that you had the talk and keep talking with him whenever you have concerns. Hope it works out.

    Arabella, I thought you'd apreciate this: I was singing that carol "Bring A torch, Jeanette-Isabella" and suddenly I found myself singing "Babette-Arabella"! You're in my thoughts!

    Anagram, the crash was inevitable. Think about what you've been thru! Take care of yourself and don't feel guilty about asking for help.

    Senamay, I made tons of zucchini-choc. chip bread this summer when the squash was exploding from the garden. Hmmm, a slice of that might be good now. I'm sure I still have some in the freezer.

    Dollar, I can't believe your workplace is still closed. It sounds like you truly care about the residents; they're lucky to have you there.

    Kaylets, I love today's quote! So true...

    Had some friends over for dinner last night---I'm amazed that since I've 'dumped' my uncaring friend my relationships with my other friends have blossomed. Feels so good to not be putting all my energy into something that was going nowhere. I'd be lying though if I said I wasn't still reeling from finally taking action, still hurts. But it's still a relief.
  • Day 4!

    Happy Weekend, Everyone!

    Raining and windy here. VERY happy to report that I've made it to Day 4 and I think I've got this thing wrestled under control again. Food and exercise have both been OP. Today I actually did 30 mins on the cross trainer at high intensity and 2 circuits. V. good, I say unto me!

    Eydie, I loved hearing about the new song! It was sort of inspiring, too, to think of Babette/Arabella bringing a torch - makes me feel strong, and brave, and um... helpful. I'm going to incorporate that into my weight-loss efforts. Thanks I love the way we all weave thoughts about each other into our day-to-day.

    Cats sure can be vengeful creatures, can't they. I know when I've left mine alone in the house for longer than they deem appropriate, they've done things like tear the curtains down and leave "gifts" in my shoes (would almost be worth it to see the contortions they'd have to go through to do that )

    Amarantha, thee and me both! I really need to get some work done today if I don't want to drive self and family crazy by year's end. Okay, I think I will actually go do some now. Before the axe is hanging over my head

    Re: crows - we definitely have enough to export some to Arizona, if you'd like. Huge colony of them here - they live in the park and at sunrise and sunset do a big, caw-cawphonous fly over.

    Dollar, thanks for the sane advice about how to proceed with the next week & a half or so! I'll have to come back in to reread a few times, I think Hope your holidays are great!

    Senamae, I haven't weighed in for a few weeks, but I've sworn to do it on Christmas Eve. I've been careful the last....oh yeah, 3 1/2 days, and I'm hoping at least not to have gained by then.

    Anagram, maybe you had more PB cup yogurt (was that frozen ?) than you would have intended to, but I don't see a cup and a half of yogurt as being far out of line. You've been doing fabulously throughout your difficult time, and deserve a Big whoooo- hoooo! as well as no-guilt card.

  • Saturday miday
    DH came home early as car auction is NEXT weekend-
    He seemed to enjoy seeing his friend and both are looking forward to next weekend.

    I managed to lose every item I needed as I was trying to make my post office deadline and realized, this is not working and had myself a cup of tea and rescheduled. What made me think this morning was a good day to get my hair highlighted is beyond me any how! I imagine the hairdresser will do a much better job later next week.
    Part of this am's stress I am sure was my Fudgescapade. My tongue is thick and coated, I feel dry even as I'm drinking water--
    and feel heavy and achy too. Another reminder of why I try to stay away from sugar.

    Did get my Nativity set up -- the figures were a gift from DH so they are special and a cousin of DH's originally owned the stable.
    Its very large, nearly 3 ft tall with 4 white birch branches instead of 2 walls holding up the roof. Very rustic looking. It dwarfs the figures but I figure a barn roof would tower over me too.

    That put everything back in focus for me.

    The CD I mentioned is sold by Partylite Candles. Its called Rejuvenation- Not sure where the case is but I don't think the artists are mentioned specifically. Very quiet and calming. Very good for early am, waiting for the first pot of coffee to brew.

    Speaking of music, I don't "Bring a Torch" -- I will have to be on the look out.

    Till later!
  • hello
    just a short hello, the kids ar home and bored already (whatever) i dont think they know what bored is. the computer and playstation, and 100 channels on tv just isent enough. oh well there fighting again so i must go untill later,,, later and lighter senamay
  • Kaylets, don't you just hate that fudgeover effect! My last one was from eating 2 bowls of ice cream with peppermint truffle filling on it (Anagram, those were at least whole cups worth each ). Seemed like a good idea at the time I don't think I have that feeling if I just have a little sugar, but I'm going to try not to test it out. Solstice party tomorrow night, Christmas eve party ... then, and Christmas day itself. I'm going to try to save myself entirely for Christmas day and then follow Dollar's good advice. I want to enjoy myself, and moderation sure helps!

    Gotta seek out that CD!
  • Scrumptious Sunday!
    Hello All!

    Just a quickie and a promise to be back later- am out to the stores before the sun comes up! Mostly groceries -- this week's flyer shows some interesting mustards, etc tht DH may enjoy....

    Today's thought is: "There are always two choices. Two paths to take,one is easy. And its only reward is that it is easy." ---Source Unknown

    Til later!
  • Yes, Arabella, it was frozen yogurt. I like the unfrozen too but it wouldn't usually tempt me back for more. Peppermint truffle filling sounds delightful. I did check the carton on the yogurt again and it was probably about 400 calories and probably didn't take me too far beyond caloric reason. I was just feeling like I should not have made the choice for "comfort" sake but then decided I really was ok with helping me crash. I knew it was coming (and probably another one or two). But I had been eating below my self set limit most of the time. Don't even watch that carefully as watching dh's diet is enough to do at one time.

    He's coming along bit by bit. Must go to dialysis today because of shuffling of schedules for the holiday. I'll probably go look for one "gift" for him as he needs more sweats, fleeces, jog stuff to be comfortable in the dialysis chair. My sister came yesterday and offered to do his shopping for me. Came back later with 3 packages. He had tears in his eyes as he told me how much he appreciated that offer. I'm glad she offered too as she can pick well for me. We often show up in the same item we picked up in the same sale at the same store. She also brought little gifties from herself and other two sissies. We no longer do lots of exchanging/ however, the four sisters have sort of formed a tradition of picking up some little thing for each other, if they feel like it, and (first criterion) it's on a great sale.

    Sounds like everyone is enjoying their trip through temptation time. I think I've wished you all a good holiday before but it bears saying again. I so enjoyed this little chance to get back on and read (scan) all your posts.