So...I'm the only one

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  • You have made me feel s much better. When I read some of the posts just after the Holiday, there wasn't any about not sticking OP. I felt I had learned nothing the last few months and the almost 30 pounds were going to return in a weak moment. I almost stopped coming to the forum. Isn't this SICK! There has been lots of talk about what this program costs, but this actually helps me stick to it or least return to it when I have strayed. When I tried WW, it seemed I could not stay on track because 2 cups of pasta was still on plan. I really am grateful for this program. Irene
  • Candice - Next year plan an outing down to Florida. I'd be happy to cook for you!
  • Irene,
    I totally agree with the ladies on this string. I ate what I wanted and enjoyed it. I also did it on Friday, and Saturday. Starting yesterday I'm POP and luckily did not gain more than 1 pound. I think it had alot to do with Portion controll. I only had small bits of my favorites, even if they werent on plan. I'm goingt ow rok out four times this week, adn hopefully will still be down on Friday.

  • My goodness, Candace...........I just looked at your profile are beautiful. You are really kicking butt too..............keep up the good work Even though you ate what you wanted, wasn't it nice to have portion control? I didn't really even feel guilty about eating off plan..........I was actually proud of myself for enjoying without over indulging on portion size. I did start to get nervous on Sunday though, as I had promised myself I would be back OP, and then at about 6:00 p.m. I caved and ate pie, and chocolate. It's all good now though. I am feeling strong and have been doing my TO yesterday and today. I'm so glad everyone is bouncing back after the holiday!!! I look forward to reading everyone's posts, and if they are missing........well, it just isn't the same
  • Actually being able to handle portion control was great. Something that I couldn't do a year ago. It makes me feel like I might be able to handle maintenance when I get there.

    Nicole, I'm with you on the back on plan thing. I was going to plan my casserole on Saturday and ended up having it for lunch and then having sushi later that night. TO put me right back on the wagon.

    But even with the extras, I still felt amazingly in contol. Not like I had to grab as much as I could stuff in of everything because it wouldn't be there tomorrow. Didn't get that "unfomfortable" feeling of being overstuffed.
  • Cassi--you guys really hit the nail on the head with portion control. I also decided to eat a little of whatever I wanted so I wouldn't feel deprived and it worked great. Though I admit I ate more dressing and divinity than necessary--they are my favorites of everything my Mom makes and I only eat hers. She only makes divinity when her older brother visits which is very rarely so I knew the chance would not come again for years! I think the greatest feeling this Thanksgiving--and one I could never say before--is that I was not the least bit miserable physically (or emotionally--ie: guilt) after the main meal. That in itself is a NSV for us all!

    Cassi--you are so close! I can't wait to do the dance of joy with you in 3 pounds!! Right now I would take them from you if I could!!