FAB & FIT 40's AND 50's #182

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  • Susan,
    What a wonderful accomplishment for you....10 miles!!! Now that's using activity points! lol Seriously, I'm proud of you, keep it up.
    As far as things being so quiet around here....and I can only speak for myself...when I'm not On Program, am floundering, or just plain being a deadbeat in terms of dieting, I tend to visit here every day and read posts, but don't add anything. It's so much easier than facing up to falling off the wagon!

    Hope you're feeling better. It seems to be going around.
    And I hope Britts gets a new book!
    Everyone's fine. Matt is enjoying 1st grade, Brandon is in 4th. Joey and Ili are well. She hosted a baby shower for her daughter Valerie, who's due in mid-October. She's 22..single...lives with baby's father...works two jobs. Lots of growing up to do, but I think she'll be okay with baby. What can you do?

    My friend Donna has gone to Iowa .
    Friday was her last day Her husband, Chris, retired from the Navy the week before (he put in 20 years and is 39). Joe and I were invited to the ceremony at Great Lakes Naval Station. A very impressive day. He was the only honoree....great speeches, letters from Pres. Bush, former Presidents Bush and Clinton...good food, rooms overnight, a fun time, actually!

    Then a huge goodbye celebration at work...with drinks out with a large group of co-workers afterwards which our boss (Director of Finance) picked up the tab for...then Donna and Chris came back to our house to spend the night. Lots of tears, fun, and drinks I miss her already.

    Soooo.....have to get seriously back on track. I cannot even begin to describe the damage I've done since the wedding in May. Suffice to say I've got to lose at least 10 pounds to get back there!!!

    HI to everyone. Joe's picking up his brother, Dave, from O'Hare airport tonight; he's coming in from the Gulf of Mexico, where he's been working on oil rigs. He'll be here for possibly a week, don't know yet It never ends!......

  • Greetings!
    Jen: I understand, I really do, I have fallen off of the wagon so much over my lifetime that I think my behind has gotten used to it and does not even bother with the calluses anymore . What ever you do don't beat yourself up about it... it just makes it worse... just climb back on the wagon as soon as you are ready and get started again. Water under the bridge - water off a ducks back - don't cry over spilt milk... and all that rot! You are a busy gal and that is just the way your life is right now... loosing your best friend has just got to be so hard... I went thru it when I moved to the mid-west, I left all of them behind and have never really replaced them... I kind of form friendships in a different way now... kind of my like I don't want to get too close for fear I will have to say goodbye again but I do have some gal pals and we do girl stuff from time to time but never like my old friends from out east... I feel for you and your friend, I truly do.

    Terri: Maybe you could loan me Bruce and the boys for a weekend cause my garage is a nightmare that only a bunch of handy fellows can do anything about... So glad you got yours done! I hope you are feeling better... Jen is right, something is really going around... we have some folks out this way that sound like they are in the middle of the flu season but all the doctors are saying that it is either allergies or a cold... take care of yourself.

    It is so good to hear from you gals... I was getting really worried there for a while.

    All: Hope all is well with you and your families... chime in once and a while even if you have fallen off of plan or what ever the case may be.

    Have a happy day all!
  • Susan,
    You are so right....I'm not really that down about the weight situation...just another "Here I go again" thing. Everyone here knows that I consider myself the Queen of Fresh Starts...and I'm very very good at them Besides, it's when we give up and don't try that we have to worry, right?
    That being said...I'm going back to rejoin WW on Monday. I miss it! And I'm ready to journal, plan, etc....I figure I can make a great deal of progress and be in a positive place by the time the holidays arrive, so I can get thru those with a maintain rather than a gain.
    You've been so supportive and I truly appreciate that, Susan.

    It's cold here! We were down in the 40's last night, with temps of 40 being predicted again this evening. Joe's brother is already missing the temps of 80 that he just left in the Gulf

    HI to everyone Don't be strangers!
  • Hi guys.
    That is great about the boys. Getting so big.
    Good luck to Valerie. Keep us posted. Sorry about your friend. That is so hard.

    I feel a lot better. Dang sinuses. It feels so good to not be embarrassed by
    the garage again.
    I will talk more tomorrow I am watching the Biggest Loser.
    Hope you are doing well.

    Luv ya,
  • Terri: I watched that last night also!!! Seems like it is going to be pretty good this time around. I was so happy that they picked someone from Indiana for one of the teams... I guess I will root for her but it is too early to say for sure. The one lady surprised me with her screaming thing that she did at the end... I think we will be hearing more from her in the future

    Jen: Thats right! Never give up and never surrender! Never Never Never . That is great news about going back to WW... I really enjoy the meetings and look forward to the W/I's... even when I don't think that I have done so well I still look forward to seeing what their scale says since my scale at home lie's

    Well have a happy day all!
  • Happy Friday All!
    Oh it is rainy and chilly here but I don't care cause it is Friday and I am really ready for Friday this week... as always lol but really ready this week!

    Hope everyone is doing well... I am very excited about W/I tomorrow... if my home scale is correct, and I pray for once it is, that I may have lost enough to hit my half way mark!!! I am so happy about that... I finally feel like it is starting to pay off.

    Well best wishes for an awesome weekend and I will check back in later on.
  • Susan,
    good luck at weigh in!

    Ahhh....Saturday morning....and nothing planned for the weekend! What is everyone else doing? The only thing I'm committed to doing is watching my Bears WIN tomorrow!

    Will be back later,
  • Hello my friends

    I've been busy looking for a 2 bedroom apt. David decided to stay with us for at least 2 years. I missed you all.

    Jen, sorry to hear about your friend. I know you'll get back on track. I wish we had cool weather. It's still very humid. I'm ready for the Fall.

    Princess, hope you had a good weigh in.

    Terri, hope your sinus infection is gone. Was it an infection?

    My back has been bothering me alot lately. I don't know what else to do. My Dr. is only in on Tuesdays. I'm going to give him a call. I go for an injection 10/26.

    We're still doing WW at Work. I haven't lost anymore. 5 lbs. in 6 weeks is very slow but I haven't been journaling so I can understand why.

    I'll try to be back later or tomorrow.

    Have a nice day.

  • Susan,
    Alabama got in the Biggest Loser also. I am with her so far.
    I didn't like that Heather screaming either. No sense in that.
    Hope your weigh-in went well.

    Hope your back gets better. Mine always hurts in the morning for about 2 hrs. Very annoying. I am not sure if it was an infection or not. It does feel better though.
    That will be cool having David there huh? I wish Britts could stay with us forever. So far I want the boys to too but we'll see.

    Bruce and Bradley went camping (steady downpour of rain). Brandon went to the Big Spring Jam (steady downpour of rain) he paid $25 to get in and then the skies opened up and they cancelled the rest of the night. They wanted to see The Wailers. I am glad I made him spend his own money cause I told him not to go cause it was going to rain. He thought he'd take the chance. Him and his friends had fun.

    We had a sad week this week. A 17 yr. old boy from our high school committed suicide. He was clinically depressed and was being watched. His brother and sister are in my boy's bands. His mom and dad came to the games (middle and high schools) to see their other kids but they looked tired. They were trying to be there for them. They had a rough coule of years with Stephen.

    I hope everyone has a good week.
    Luv y'all,
  • Happy Monday
    Terri: That is just a really tough thing for a family, school, community to handle... the fact that a teenager can be so depressed as to take their own life... it takes my breath away. Prayers go out... that is about all we can do.

    Es: Glad you are back but so sorry to hear about your back pain! That is just rough to handle... I really hope that it gets better for you. Best wishes on finding a great apartment!

    Jen: Did the Bears win? I don't follow sports so much... I am the only one in my house that doesn't and I know when the Colts are doing well (DS's) and when Cinci is doing well (DH) but that is about it.

    Well I went to W/I Saturday morning and lost 3.2... brings my grand total to 32.2... missed hitting the half way mark but I did hit my goal for September so that is good.

    Have to run but will check back in later on.

  • Susan,
    WHOO HOO Great loss! You're doing it!
    Your stats are great. I'm glad the bike riding helped. You continue to inspire me.

    That is so sad about Stephen; my heart goes out to his family. I hope they can heal and remember him with love.
    Depression is still a mystery to many. We lost my older brother, Rob, to suicide in 1994; he was 45 and a newlywed. I'll never forget the feeling.
    The camping sounds WET! They should have listened to Mom

    I'm so sorry to hear your back is acting up.
    5 pounds is awesome! Keep up the work. I know how well I do when I journal. It's a necessary evil, isn't it?
    Are you happy about David staying with you? I'd love it. They're all gone too quickly.

    We no longer have a house guest; Joe's brother is heading to O'Hare airport as we speak to catch a plane home to Seattle. Their (his and Joe's) mother is in the hospital; not doing well, complications of diabetes, age 81...a very long story. Joe is not close with his mother; rather, my family has made him one of us. It had been difficult for me to understand the dynamics of his family. Suffice to say that after 35 years I finally understand it and am okay with Joe's decisions to absent himself from them.

    I joined Weight Watchers after work Signed up online for the monthly pass...they couldn't have made it easier. I went to the Monday meeting after work. The leader was perky, but not overly so. She had a good outlook, so I'm looking forward to see what she has to offer.
    Of course, I know it's me doing the program, not her...so....here's to yet ANOTHER Fresh Start! I feel positive about this.
    Lost 32 pounds last year and have gained back 12 so it was definitely time to nip it in the bud!!!!!

    luv you all,
  • Susan,
    WOW! Great loss! You are doing great!

    You kept 20 off though. Good job at keeping the 20 off. You go!!!! You will do it. You know what... This situation with Joe's family reminded me of what I was telling Bruce the other day. I said that I was not getting any younger and I refuse to put myself in the company of people that make me feel bad, you know the kind that don't acknowledge anything that you say and have to constantly talk about themselves etc... Like my sil, aunt, and first cousins
    also a couple of parents of my kid's friends. I refuse to have any guilt if I don't call or visit. Too many years of feeling bad. No more. I know Joe's situation is probably worse than that but it just isn't worth our sanity to
    put ourselves in that company. Your family sounds wonderful.

  • Happy Hump Day!
    Jen: I agree with Terri.. you have kept the bulk of it off... that is a huge accomplishment! When I fall of the wagon I not only gain it all back but it brings friends and relatives with it when it comes back . You are doing great!

    Terri: Thanks for the kind words! I appreciate it. How is everything going for you this week?

    Es: How is the apartment hunting going? Find anything yet? You are doing great by the way... a loss is a loss... even if it is slow... that is what I keep telling myself anyway

    Have to run but will check back in again later on!
  • Day 3 and it's all about fiber! I forgot about that adjustment in the beginning.

    Yesterday was Brandon's birthday, he's 11. I cannot believe I've got a grandson that old ! We're having party for him here on Saturday, with probably about 20 guests. I'm serving Italian beef sandwiches and tossed salad, in order to keep it points friendly for me. I didn't want a challenge on my first week.

    HI Terri, Dianne, Es, Sandy, Susan, Zoe

  • Hi Everyone,

    I miss being here with you guys!!! I am trying to catch up with how you are all doing and I hope over the weekend to get up to speed again and really be part of the group.

    This past month has been crazy. The job that I took has some real seasonal bumps. It is a state college and we have a huge continuing education department. I have to hire all of the temporary faculty every term and the fall is the busiest time. I had to process over 400 contracts. Most of them come to me ready to input into the computer, but there are stragglers,new hires that I have to chase down personally to complete their paperwork. The good news is that it is finally letting up. I have been working overtime all month and still will a little bit during October, but now I finally have time to take a breath and say HI!!

    We brought Greg back to college on Sep. 4th and Mike started his new job on Sep. 5th. I don't know if I mentioned that he is developing software for those online casino games. It is weird to have him come home talking about designing a new slot machine.

    I need to get ready for work, but I just had to at least say hi for now.

    Big hugs to Es, Jen, Diane, Terri, Susan and Zoe, and anyone I missed!