Pregnant and nursing mamas-share your daily diet and exercise here!!!!

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  • This past week has been a really busy one for exercise. I have been really busy, so I didn't have time to post each day.

    Monday 7/3= taught a 1 hour belly dance beginning class

    Tuesday 7/4=off, due to holiday festivities

    Wednesday 7/5= we went to Ohio to the WRight Patton Air FOrce museum (yay rah...but DH wanted to go-he has been on vacation this week. ) I ended up walking about 1 1/2 miles at least through the museum and hangars.

    Thursday 7/6=day off due to soreness from yesterday's long car trip to Ohio

    Friday 7/7= We took the kids to the Indianapolis zoo and walked about 2 miles there. In the evening, we walked up to the video store and back to rent movies-and the walk there and back is pretty much exactly a mile-so I walked about 3 miles yesterday.

    (Today) Saturday 7/8= I will post back after I get my exercise in.
  • Ran 2 miles in the park this morning, then walked an additional 3 or 4, with about 2 of that being uphill.

    Breakfast: 1 cup Coco Wheats & a banana

    Lunch: Subway turkey & ham on a wrap

    Snack: PB & fruit spread on whole wheat

    Dinner: About 4 oz. Grilled chicken, 1/2 c. peas and tried out that new Kraft Super Mac & Cheese (whole wheat with added vitamins), about 1/2 cup. With watermelon for dessert.

    Snack: Apple
  • I went for a walk around the neighborhood last night with my DH...I didn't keep track of the approximate mileage-we were too busy chatting.

    Today we are going to see a movie, and I will be exercising this evening-so I'll post back.
  • I go to a local park. It's posted that it's 255' short of one mile if you do the entire circle pathway around the park. I'm up to running it non-stop about 2 1/4 the way around, so I call it at 2 miles. Then there's the uphill direction, about the same distance, going around the tennis courts. I walked that hill twice today, ran the usual 2 1/4 laps and walked an additional 2 laps.
  • I've been kind of lax with my diet in the past week. When I went to my weight watchers meeting I was told that since I am pregnant I wouldn't be able to follow the ww plan and would have to wait till after the baby is born and I get clearance from my doctor. I haven't felt like exercising at all this past week. I did walk a couple of times this past week, just not as much as I would have liked. I have been so very tired and the morning sickness lasts all day! I have a question for everyone though............I have been eating oatmeal for breakfast most mornings, on the mornings that I do eat the oatmeal I get really nauseated and stay that way most of the day. Has anyone had this happen to them? Anyway, I'm getting back on track starting tomorrow with eating right and exercising. Having somewhere to post what I am eating will be a big help. Thanks for starting this thread.
  • Suzette, I found myself drawing away from exercise too when I was pregnant. That prompted me to join Curves. I went with the thought that if I'm paying, I'm going. So it kind of forced my hand to get in my exercise. Try a membership somewhere if you can swing it, to help get you through pregnancy.

    As for the oatmeal, do other breakfast foods have the same effect? Try something different and see if it helps.

    For myself today, I did my 2 mile run, took the hill twice and did another 2 laps walking, then walked the 5 city blocks down to Subway for lunch.

    So far today I've had 1 package of instant oatmeal with raisins and vanilla Silk poured over it, and a turkey and ham wrap at Subway. Don't know what I'm doing for dinner tonight, but there'll be a salad with it.
  • So far today i have had: English muffin w/egg sub., cheese and ham; carrots; ham and turkey sand w/cheese and a salad; an apple; some donuts(i know, not very healthy, but oh so good). Haven't had dinner yet, so not sure what we are going to do yet.

    Only time i get nauseated is with the oatmeal. WHen I eat other things for breakfast I'm fine. Really weird in my opinion.

    I do have a membership to Bally's, just not motivated right now to go. I know it will help me feel better, however I am just so darn tired. Maybe I should go early in the morning instead of in the evening, what do ya'll think?
  • I actually contemplated a membership between Bally's and Curves. Curves won out because...well...I'd join Bally's mostly for the treadmill, cause I want to run. But at that point, I wasn't able to run anymore. And I knew that I wouldn't be motivated to go. With Curves, it was just 30 minutes, and there were other gals there to talk to while working out. So it kinda made it fun...and I could get in, out and on with my day. So the Curves membership won out. If you're demotivated with Bally's for similar reasons, try to find something that will motivate you. With me, I opt for a fast workout. Didn't want something that took up too much of my day. That's also why I like to run...get it done quicker. So Curves took care of the quick part that Bally's would not have done.
  • Yesterday I taught my 1 hour intermediate belly dance class.

    My diet yesterday:

    B-yogurt at mid-morning and 2 raw peaches
    L-chicken, rice, and vegetables
    S-Powerbar Harvest bar
    D-Turkey breast sub on whole wheat with a TON of veggies
    S-graham crackers
    S-raw peach

    Lots of water...and a decaf black coffee during the day.