Old Hens - 40+ And Ready to Lose - Volume #45

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  • Good morning ladies.

    Sorry I have been gone all weekend. It took this long to find something postive to write about.
    My emotions have been on a roller coaster ride.... mainly downhill. But Sunday I FORCED myself out of the house and spent a wonderful 77 degree day outside with my husband, son and two granddaughters. Isn't it funny how we sometimes have to force ourselves to just be good to ourselves.

    Today I am finally getting my sofa back from the repair shop. They have had if for almost a MONTH. They never even looked at it for the first three weeks. Grrrr
    I am also going to commit to working on my taxes for a minimum of one hour daily until I get done.!!! I started it last night and plan to be done by the end of the week. Pray for me.

    Congratulations to all of the losers and winners of NSVs.
    to everyone who needs one.
    to everyone who needs that too.
  • Hi everyone,

    sorry I haven't posted for a while, I seem to have blinked and missed a few days - does this happen to anyone else or is it just me? I have had a good read through of the threads to catch up with everyone, I haven't got the hang of individual replies yet so a big hello to you all, I'm worried I'll miss someone and offend them

    It was weigh day for me today, 3lbs off ,which I know I should be pleased with but I must admit I was a bit disappointed as its only week 3 and I was hoping for a bit more. I suppose this is proof that I am a greedy cow - but greedy for pounds off instead of food for a change. I have been soooo good though, no fast food, no processed food, no treats, no cheats, not even any spending to distract myself as I'm on an economy drive as well. In fact my halo is getting so tight I'm sure it's going to throttle me soon.

    Have been to see the Doc today to get my blood checked-would you believe it, it's now too thin. They are adjusting my medication slightly but in a way it's quite nice to have something that's too thin, makes a change, lol. Shame there isn't a pill that works the same way on your body, imagine.........Oooh I'm a bit thin this week, I must alter my meds, Oops not feeling thin enough, extra pill for me tonight.......who would be up for that?

    We all went to my Mum and Dad's for lunch yesterday, Mum was so excited she was practically hyperventilating, her and my Aunty Sylvia had just booked to go back to Boston in November, they were there in Nov 2004 and loved it. They tried New York last year but didn't enjoy that as much, they found everyone in Boston to be very friendly and I think the pace of New York was a bit much for them. They have 9 months to go but have already got a list of places to go, things to do and a very long list of things to buy! No wonder I'm a shopaholic, my Mum has taught me some very bad habits

    One more thing before I go, something to worry about - my eldest daughter,(the lovely Olivia) has been really nice lately , not just quite nice but really, really nice........put her own school uniform in the wash! asked if I needed any ironing doing! tidied her room! asked if she could make me a nice cup of tea!!!!!! Don't know whats up but I bet it's going to cost a lot.

    Oh dear, hope I haven't rambled too much, sorry if I've bored anyone to sleep.

    Keep up the good work and watch out for the munchy monsters
  • Lesley * Yup, sounds like your daughter has something really expensive in mind Maybe she wants to go to Boston, too. *** I know what you mean about keeping up with the threads - sometimes I just have to skip to the latest one and pick up the latest. No problem with personal replies, either. We all miss people here and there, and we know better than to take it personally. I often can't remember even things I especially wanted to tell someone. *** Great that your Mum & aunt enjoyed Boston. Personally, they had to pay me to go to NYC - just not my cup of tea either. (please no offense NYers - you probably wouldn't like my little home town either. It doesn't even have a gas station. ) Having been all over this continant, my absolute top recommendation to visit is Salt Lake City, Utah. It's a beautiful, clean, friendly city, with sights not too far away that are unique in the world - the mountains, the deserts, national parks like Arches, Bryce, etc. Great restaurants, museums, the arts. Just my personal favorite anyway, but then I love the West. New England is wonderful, too. Beautiful part of the country! I hope they have a fabulous trip! Oh, and Seattle is one of the most beautiful, well planned, fun cities too.

    Terri, I do kiss my boys - can't help it - but I sure don't do that to anyone else's horse. Actually, I bought Steega's nose, and the rest of the horse was free. If I'd been watching those 3 like I should have, I wouldn't have gotten bit, but I wasn't. The dog has since done a bunch of studing on sit, stay, heal & come, and I've re-learned the importance of appropriate discipline. If he hadn't been so spoiled that he only cooperates when he FEEEEELs like it, I wouldn't have had a problem. I just should have read the whole thing better. Stupid! of me.

    Oooo Lilion, I love Thai. OK, I only had it once, but I loved it! I'm glad it's Monday, cuz even tho you have to face the criminals, you'll be back on track, RIGHT?

    2Cute, good to see you! Been wondering where you were. Good luck with those taxes! That's enough to make me want to pull the covers over my head. I'm sorry about your mood and hope it's passed. I know what you mean about forcing yourself out, and I'm glad you did. I hope it's better now.

    Have to run, but about the donuts (that Terri probably sent me)on the motel's breakfast bar, they were my 3 FAVorites. There was a coconut (Ooooo), a chocolate iced fried cake (Ahhhhh) and a cinamon sugar fried cake (groan)... but they were all still intake when I walked away. I keep clinging to that Lent thing, as well as my SB commitment.

    BTW - I checked out the SB section of 3FC, and it's great. After all the muffin talk that goes on here sometimes (you temptresses, you) I found a muffin recipe in the Phase I Breakfast section that I HAVE to try next time I'm home! No flour!

    Learning from Terri's example, and hanging up on the donuts...
    STRENGTH to you all, and and good living. May we all be proud of ourselves tomorrow!
  • Barbara - Watch out for those boiled eyes, they will give you gas and make you cry.

    Good luck with your new program! Be glad your partner is in it with you!!

    Valerie - I caved on two little debbie oatmeal pies tonight...and had mannicotti for dinner. Mondays are always hard because we order out while mom and dad are gone we are stuck with delivery. I should just make myself a salad I know but I think I have developed an allergy to lettuce...wink wink

    Poor hand, mean old horse, I hope you put a bad taste in his mouth!

    Kinky is very much into the pet me, pick me up thing, Dusty is into the rub my back and belly but dont trap me or pick me up and cosmo just comes around when no one else is home or my brother's door is shut. I am designated petter, holder, rubber, and medicine giver, nail clipper. sometimes I do the litter box. I often feed the feral cats outside but rarely our inside ones. Because it has already been done by the time I come downstairs.

    Terri - Your mom may surprise you. Mine has, she has lost 30 pounds already and I only lost 20 so far. She is doing great and even joined the gym I go to. We have been working out together although her workout is much shorter than mine, she wouldnt go if I did not go with her she says. Next step is to get her in the pool. I gave her my smallest bathing suit this weekend and it fit her fine. I know she has her sites on the hottub....but I want us to start going to the water aerobics class.

    Lillion - if you were snacking in the consession wagon, I am willing to bet that it is water weight. All that salt. You better push the water now if you are going to weigh in Wed.

    2cute - My mom gets her taxes checked by an aarp volunteer at the local library before she mails them out. Dont know if they have that where you are or if you are interested but it really makes mom feel better about mailing them in.

    Sorry you had a bad weekend! I definitely need the drill sargeant.

    Lesley - I will be first in line for the thin pills! You invent them and I will use them for sure! I dont think you rambled. I enjoyed what you wrote. It is neat to hear about other people's families. Maybe your daughter is going thru a nesting phase?? maybe there are no ulterior motives.

    Valarie - way to go on the doughnuts!! Send me some willpower, will ya? I left mine somewhere and cant seem to find all of it. But I did not drink the coke I had in my refridgerator. That is a victory. Only crystal light and water all weekend, I am back on that track it seems. Better give that coke to dad tomorrow!
  • There is only 10 minutes left before midnight and that is when I turn into a pumpkin if I am still on this computer. LOL

    Valerie... I am feeling better today. Thank you.
    I have been productive today and that always helps my mood.
    I even got a couple of hours done on the taxes.

    Garnetfairy .... I have my taxes professionally done in the end. My husband is a co-owner of his business and I know nothing about all of that stuff.
    But I do all the grunt work to get them ready for him. If I were more organized it would help. He makes me fill out all these forms... ugh ... worse than the IRS themselves. LOL I think I do more work than he does. It reminds me of this story.....

    A BIG corporation has a VERY important piece of machinery breakdown.
    Everyone trys to get it up and running but no one succeeds.
    They call in the repair guy....
    The repair guy walks in.... pushes a button ... and charges $1,500.
    The boss complains and says why should he pay $1,500 to just push a button.. he adds he could do that.
    The repair guy said ....yes you could.... but I know WHICH BUTTON to push.
    The boss wrote him a check. LOL

    I butchered that joke... but you get the idea.
    I do all the grunt work... and he gets all the money. LOL

    Ooppss .. it is after midnight.... I have roll out of here.
  • What's up with this sleeping late? I haven't done that in years, and now I just can't seem to get up in the mornings...What to do??? I KNOW I need to exercise, but I also KNOW I need my job, so when I have the choice of exercise or work, Work wins.

    Talk about work...There has been a major emotional battle going on at our office for a while now. Doctors are threatening to quit, the administrator is talking about leaving, etc, etc etc. Yes I knew this crap went on before I came back, and yes, I decided it didn't matter, and basically that is still true, but I can't keep from getting pulled into the drama of it all!!! Saturday afternoon my friend/boss called about 4:30 crying. She had been at work trying to catch up of stuff and the "main" doctor came in and they ended up in a shouting match. I met her and tried to calm her down, but she's still upset. The doctors are having a big meeting this morning as I'm writing t this, make me want to just crawl back into bed and pull the covers up over my head. Maybe I'll just win the lottery and I won't have to worry about this stuff anymore.

    Had a great OP day yesterday. Had to fight myself to keep off the scales this morning. I mean I was good one whole day, that should be worth at leat 10 pounds!!!! If only it were so easy. But I cooked up a bunch of salmon last night so I've got my healthy lunch packed, and my mindset in the right place... If only I'd gotten up early enough to get to exercise!!!

    Hope everyone else has a good week.
  • Hi all!

    I'm ready to dash out the door for work. The mean old boss is gone for almost two weeks. WOOT!

    Yesterday, food was good. I logged everything I ate and made smart choices. I am moving into PMS mode because the scale is up. It was worse yesterday but I had not had much water over the weekend. I must have made 50 trips to the potty yesterday, drank lots of water, and lost two whole pounds. But I'll keep logging and keeping my calories down and drinking lots of water. I did get out and walk for 35 minutes between work and Equine Academy.

    I had a consult with the doc yesterday. My cholesterol is still high and my bad cholesterol is too high. My good is good! My triglycerides are wonderful. My sugar is excellent. She didn't put me on meds yet, which I expected, but gave me a list of foods to eat. She talked about the importance of eating the foods that provide good cholesterol and how its even more important as we get close to the 50 and surpass it. So if you're not eating for health, you should be! We all should be eating for health and not just weight loss.

    Valerie - We got to see a horse massage last night. I want to learn more of that. It was amazing to see her work with this Morgan gelding as he had a lot of tight and sore places in his neck, back and hips. He would dance around and swish his tail furiously and giving her the WTF look. You could hear him sigh when she started to use the back massager on him and he became so calm. He was such a neat horse. Short little dude.

    to everyone else. I must get off to work! Have a good day!
  • Good Morning Ladies!

    Well, I didn't get back to do replies yesterday, obviously. I need to get my computer time done quick and get my big old butt to work! I am so far behind!

    The extra 3 lbs became an extra 2 lbs by noon yesterday....and stayed there. So even though I got in 112 oz of water and ate only 25 pts and walked 2 miles and did 7 minutes on the infernal machine - I'm still up to 248.2. "Official" WI is tomorrow...guess we'll see. Perhaps I spoke too soon when I declared the plateau at an end, huh?

    Terri: Lipitor is a wonderful thing. My total cholesterol dropped from 220 to 175 when they put me on it, BEFORE I changed my diet! I'm not sure what it is now...but I know the Dr feels it's fine or he'd have said something. Since both my parents died after bypass surgery or heart attacks or related problems...I think I'll stick to the meds!

    Barbara: I'm having the sleeping-in thing too, but it's kinda normal for me. I'm NOT a morning person! I love the lottery idea. Mind if I win instead?

    2Cute: I'm glad you are feeling better and got out and about! I also usually feel better after I go do something productive...yet knowing that doesn't make it easier to get off the couch...what's up with that? Maybe that's the difference between fit people and fat people...the desire to get off the couch (or out of bed if I had my way) is lacking in some of us!

    Valerie: WTG on the dounuts! I'm a terrible donut junkie! I especially like those chocolate sour-cream type...you know, the ones that are really heavy and dense and you can just feel the fat going on your thighs when you swallow them! Those and the french crullers - the extra-light-deflate-when-you-eat-them kind! Lordy I'm making myself hungry! Pay no attention to that at all!!!! I'm hanging up on the donuts too!

    Lesley: 3 lbs off is GREAT! Don't be discouraged over a nice loss like that! I agree...sounds like your DD is planning something! Enjoy it while it lasts!

    Leanne: Sounds like you've got a lot going on right now! Do come and let us know how things are going, whether you start SB or not! We love to hear from you!

    Thin: Put on a sweater and get out of the kitchen! Seriously, I freeze in parts of my house too! We actually keep a space heater in the family room. The dogs LOVE it...it's so funny to see them sitting right in front of it soaking up that warmth! Never thought I'd have dogs colder-natured than I am! Hope you get to feeling better!

    Garnet: I know all about those lettuce allergies! You should gather up all those delivery menus and find the place with the best food and then stick to ordering there! Worth a try I suppose. (I'm one to talk-I'd be the take-out queen if I had the money! I'd never cook again!)

    Well, I don't know about all of you, but spring is in the air for me! I sooo want to be getting the yard in order and planting stuff! If only I had time! (Darn old job, cutting into my hobby time! ) I want to put big planter boxes on my front step area this year and plant veggies in them-it's about the only direct sunlight I get! And in the back yard I have old clothesline poles that I've wanted gone for three years now-one is in the sun, so this year I'm putting a raised bed around it and strings down and growing pole beans up it! May as well get some use out of the darn thing! I try every year to grow something...and usually lose the tomatoes and peppers to the gross horn-worms and the cucumbers to the beetles and I must be the only person on earth who can't get zucchini to produce! But I'm trying again! Kindof like losing weight, huh? Maybe this will be my year to actually have a green thumb - and a waist!

    Time for me to run! Later ladies!
  • Hi all! I made it to Curves yesterday for the first time in 3 weeks, and while it felt great, it was harder work than the last time I was there. I just fell apart in those 3 weeks. My heart rate went higher, faster than it used to and I only did 2 laps of the machines instead of my usual 3. Yesterday I could feel in my lower back the walking I did over the weekend, too. The exercise is a great motivator for me to stay on track with my eating. When I work out & feel great, I hate the idea of blowing it by eating badly.

    Has anybody ever been to a Famous Dave's BBQ place? I've only seen a couple of them, and only been into one out here in SLC. Lemme tell you, I'm not normally a BBQ lover, but this place is evil-good. Sending me in there is like sending a guy into a strip joint! Well, DH loves it there, and I was feeling really strong, so I suggested it for him. Between SB & Lent, I managed to order just the chili ( which is spectacular in and of itself ) and left the crackers & yes, even the fresh, hot cornbread muffin... with real butter. I reeeeeealy wanted that muffin, but that breaking-a-promise-to-God thing is what stopped me, so don't give me any credit for staying OP - myself & the diet I would have cheated on in a redhot New York minute!! Anyway, if you see a Famous Dave's, keep on driving!

    There was a payoff. I do get to bump my ticker down a couple pegs today, for the first time in a month. Yee-haw! Now to keep moving in that direction! We're still not loaded here in SLC, so a nice long walk would be just the thing! Besides, once I'm a mile away on a road I don't know the name of, Bill will get a call for an ASAP load and not be able to find me.

    Terri - Still jealous of the E.A. Thanks for keeping me posted on what they're doing. It would be great to be there too. ** Great about the docs findings, mostly anyway, and very cool that perhaps work will be less stressful while the cat's away!

    Lilion - I know EXACTly the kind you mean! Isn't it a good thing that green beans are SO much yummier than donuts? (Say til you believe it.)

    Barbara - YES! One day SHOULD be worth -10 pounds!! You & I should go into the scale manufacturing business together & build 'em so they work Right!

    2Cute - I did ALL the bookkeeping for our trucking business for years. I know what you mean. This is the first year DH did the majority of it, but now I have to worry about how many things he missed. One of us proof reads and cross-references... one of us doesn't

    Garnet - Good job on the no Coke! No Coke! No Coke! Be woman! We can all use some of that. Think of the good things you CAN have... Do you have any chinese places that deliver? How bout chicken & broccoli, hold the MSG please? Pizza? - then go with all veggies and feed that crust to.... ok, so you don't have a dog. Do the cats like pizza, or only the sausage & pepperoni? Dogs ARE handy for some things, ya know.

    May we all be proud of ourselves tomorrow for the way we handle today!
  • Hi ladies,

    Donut talk! Egads! The cinnamon-sugar ones are a favorite. Chocolate glazed. Cinnamon Parisians. Good thing I'm not at the store right now.

    I just got back from walking the dog. Watching American Idol waiting for DH to get off his duff and cook dinner.

    Valerie - Great job for not throwing out your promise to God and having that cornbread muffin. Did you get out for that long walk? Isn't it amazing how quickly you lose stamina when you take a break from exercising?

    Garnet - Pizza Hut has a lower fat version of pizza that I enjoyed. Of course not everyone may like it but I thought it was good.

    Lilion - I'm with you on having spring fever. I want to get moved so we can plant tomatoes and cucumbers and flowers. At this house, I'll be scooping dog poop as my yard work.

    Barb.G - Yes I agree, one day OP should mean a 10 pound loss. And two days should be a whole dress size. That's icky about your work situation. Try to stay out of the fray as much as you can; you've had way too much stress the last year or so.

    Donna - I hate the tax work and I really hated doing the bookwork on this last business DH had going. I'm glad that your spirits are picking back up. I hate to see when you get silent. I miss you when you're AWOL!

    Thin - Speaking of AWOL.

    Leanne - How's the flooding in your area? I hope you're doing okay with the family issues. The challenge is between my mom, sis and me to see who can lose the biggest percentage of weight through October 1. Our own version of Biggest Loser.

    I'm going to post this for now. My internet may be acting up.
  • 2cute - funny joke! I expect being involved with a business it is best to have a professional do the taxes even if you do all the hunting and gathering for him.

    I am glad you are feeling better.

    Barbara - maybe the conflict at work is what has you sleeping late? I hope it is resolved soon and you get a big raise out of the deal for putting up with it all.

    Way to go with the OP and salmon.

    Terri - so what are the foods we are supposed to eat for our cholesterol??? I would like to know, mine is too high too.

    The horse massage sounds very interesting. I have massaged a ton of people but never heard about it being done to a horse.

    Lilion - the gardening sounds like heaven. I live with my parents and when i first moved in my dad tilled up a garden for me and I had a ball...now he has covered up that space with a metal shed and I have not gotten him to till up anywhere else...boo hoo, I miss gardening. Our soil is black gumbo and I just cannot work it with my hands.

    I am like you, I sleep late. I am lucky I do not have a job to go to, I guess, I miss working, being disabled has the benefit of sleeping late but the pay is terrible and it has other drawbacks! believe me! But overall, I would say I've got it pretty good. My son loves me and lives next door so all is well in my world. (got to see him twice today)

    Valerie - you did it again, you made me make that face, you know the ****-eating grin face. I love your posts. Yes chinese delivers I just have to remember to say no rice. Lately we have been having italian and I get an eggplant dish, they have three different ones. Although yesterday I had canneloni which has a little bit of pasta in it...I know, I know not SBP1 but it is so good and they give you so much tomatoe sauce and it is really chunky tomatoes not watery thin stuff from a can. I did skip the garlic bread!

    Yeah, dogs are great garbage disposals. Cats kinda expect to eat better than we do..I think. Anyway, kinky has to have some of whatever Im having or at least a good sniff of it if it is something he doesnt like. Always has to give it the sniff test. ha ha

    Proud of you for skipping the cornbread and bar-b-que.

    Although on South Beach i thought we could have all the protien we want, just skip the fatty bits. Am I wrong?

    Terri - what did you all end up deciding on for the prizes in your family Biggest Loser contest?? Are there teams or are you each on your own?

    I like the chocolate-frosted long johns filled with whipped cream icing - yum

    By the way, I weighed in today and i have lost 10 pounds. 276 today at the gym on my usual scale without my shoes. But after the workout I weighed again and it was 277.5, I am keeping the first figure because I was full of water after my workout. What do y'all think I should do? Besides making an offering to the Goddess of weight loss and enshrining the scale I used??
  • Hi guys

    I sure did like all the nice responses everyone wrote to me. THANKS !!!
    Remember three days ago I said I was going to get my sofa back. They have had it since Feb 7th. WELL.... I STILL don't have it !!! Grrrr
    Excuses, excuses, excuses !!! I think they are lies, lies, lies !!!
    Thursday they are suppose to deliver it FOR SURE !!! Yeah right, I will believe it when I see it.

    My mood is much better. It is a good thing for those furniture people.
    I am sure my mood swings has something to do with my hormones. I just have to keep remembering "This too shall pass". I have not had a periods for over 10 years... but I am NOT in menapause either. Oh what fun it is to be a woman.

    My food is maintainable... but not lose-able.
    I keep flucuating 3-4 lbs every day. What else is new. *sigh*
    I have stopped parking in the closest spot available. But that is not really the "exercise" that my heart and body needs. But I am proud of it just the same. LOL

    I am glad I got in here before midnight... but I still can't stay long.
    I have volunteered within our Homeowners Association and I am being kept pretty busy. Of course once you volunteer ... they try to get you to do EVERYTHING !!!! And I am a BAD people pleaser.
    I kept telling myself.... "It's okay to say no. It's okay to say no." ..... but ... I haven't been very successful at actually saying "NO". LOL
    So ... now I am writing a monthly newsletter, web master of our web site, and secretary. They say "what does not kill you makes you strong." LOL I will tell you this..... My first job as newsletter writer is finding a new secretary.

    Okay... gonna run. I love you all and your successes are REALLY helping me hang in there.... so keep up your good work.
  • Hi ladies,

    I'll post this and then start a new thread.

    I can tell its spring. Springtime allergies are kicking in which makes me so lethargic in the mornings. Which I have to fight hard to make myself exercise. I did the Biggest Loser strength workout. At least it was something.

    Garnet - Good foods to eat: avocadoes, nuts mostly almonds, cashews and walnuts (1 oz only), dark chocolate (1 oz only), red wine, olive oils, flaxseed (1 tbsp), salmon, fish oil capsules (freeze and take frozen) - limit fried foods, avoid high carb eating, excessive alcohol, and trans fats.

    We've formed just our own team for the challenge. However, we're competing against each other. But we all know that if we lose, we all win. The winner gets the other two to work for them a day. Since I know my sister doesn't work very hard at keeping her house clean, I certainly am motivated to not go clean her house. She keeps too much clutter in the house and when you do that, you spend your house cleaning time cleaning up clutter.

    2Cute - Sounds like something I'd do - volunteer when no one else will and then end up taking on too much. But it keeps you busy and cuts into snaking time!

    to everyone else!
  • Stop! Do not post here! Join us on the next volumed thread!
  • Garnet, I've always heard to NEVER to weigh in right after exercise, so I'd count the first one.

    Today will be my first big test on my lowCarb plan. The drug reps have been banned from bringing lunch to the office (part of the crap going on now) SO they are now bringing snacks!!! Last week when I was at the dentist when they came and they said they brougt fruit, veggies and shrimp. That would be great, but I bet today it will be ice cream, or cookies, or something I will have a hard time refusing!!!

    This is all I can think of to say, so I'll sign off
