300+ And Ready To Try Again.. #849

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  • Hi
    I haven't been here in like forever .Hope I can still come and post.I am trying hard to lose weight. I need to start exercising. I guess I just need to get up and do it or I will put it off forever. I made homemade pizza for my boys and I didn't take one bite was hard but I ate a turkey sandwich instead. When everyone was done I put left overs away fast! LOL.

    Ammi~You are a lovely person don't feel down. You are doing so well.Congrats on losing 11 pounds. FANTASTIC!

    Hope to get to know everyone here. Looks like allot of different faces since I was here.
    Have a great weekend!
  • Thank you all lovely ladies for such sweet comments and concerns about my loosing my job. I honestly can say that after the initial downer of it all, I do feel ok. I will take all of the advice into my heart. I just love you guys so much. For all the loosers. Excellent. For the strugglers. Please hang in there. This will be a long journey but one day at a time we can do this. You are all so beautiful and I thank God for you. It is such a blessing to me to be able to talk with people who really do know my daily struggles. I am feeling healthier and healthier. I am going to try to go swim tomorrow just for the sake of moving my body and I love the water so much. Hope you all have lovely weekends.

    Dogpal (Andrea or Annie)
  • Nancy - thanks for the info. i plan to do this as a career, so i should be ok

    Garnet - yes, i will be professionally studio trained and will be able to walk onto any set when im done and do professional camera makeup. which is very different from regular beauty makeup.

    dogpal - *big hug* that is all

    so my sloppy joes came out really good. i used morning star farms crumbles, some canned chunk tomato and roasted garlic, and some tomato sauce. im pretty sure that it was only 1 pt per serving (not including the bun) because there was no sugar in the tomato products. it was DDEEEEELISH!! i ate it all in 2 days
  • Ammi--LOL about how my legs were after being on the gazelle. I really expected to be terribly sore, but I wasn't. I could feel that my muscles had been worked, but they weren't sore. That thing is amazing LOL. In fact last night I did a whole hour on it and don't feel sore. Tonight I only did half an hour but I increased the intensity of the workout, so...I think it evens out a bit. I am hoping I'm not that sore because there is absolutely no impact, instead of not being sore because it's not a good workout. If that makes any sense. But I resolved not to worry too much about that, because even if it isn't as good as walking for an hour, it's a heck of a lot better than doing nothing for an hour. And it is a cardio workout so....

    In reference to my cousin and his wife, this was their only child. It has been incredibly sad for them, in fact that's why I'm so late being on tonight. His wife came over just to be away from the house I think. So we talked and she worked out on my gazelle. And they have a lot of loving supportive family and church family around them to help them through this, and they are looking into going to a support group. I hope they are able to, I've seen a distance between them and I'm worried about them.

    In reference to how do I snap out of similar moods (fat days), I don't think I do. (This may sound odd so bear with me, it's late LOL) I came to grips with the fact that I'm fat, I live a fat life. However at the moment I'm living a healthy life fat and hopefully that will pay off and I will be less fat. If not at least I'll be more heathy LOL. It's kind of hard to explain, I don't think I have ever had lower self esteem because I was fat. I know that I would be healthier and prettier if I were not fat, but I've always been fat so...shrugs...I'm just trying to change that now.

    Lilion--Eliptical's scare me LOL I tried one at the gym once and almost killed myself ROFL I stayed on it about 30 seconds. But ooooh I love my gazelle...

    Countess--have you tried Microsoft template seaches to find an EXCEL spreadsheet? I found several that did different things, one might be what you are looking for. Let me know if you can't find anything and exactly what you are looking for and I will see if I have anything to fit. Most of what I have is for Access so...

    Dogpal--I'm so sorry for how your employer handled your situation, it doesn't seem right at all.
    As for me...I ordered a set of bellydance workout DVD's yesterday. I can't wait to get them. I've become rather drawn to the culture involved...and it's so darn sexy. I am hoping, after I lose quite a bit more weight, to be able to find someone around here that teaches it. These DVD's are workout type DVD's, and while I am sure they will teach some of the basics, I have an idea it will be very different than actual belly dancing.

    I don't think I have mentioned this before, but I have contacted the area leader of TOPS to discuss starting a chapter in the town I live in now. I work in a larger town half a mile away from here and they have two TOPS meetings a week, but with my work schedule I am unable to attend them, so I am trying to find out exactly what is involved with forming a new chapter. I only know what I have read about the organization, but it has all been positive, and I think that that kind of personal face to face accountability would be good for me.

    I have been OP all week long, with the minor exception of one piece of pizza and a small handful of M & M's, so I was hoping to be able to get a great reading on the scales Sunday. Especially with my racing exercise program at the moment ...however it's my TOM so I'm a little worried that I'm going to be dissappointed. If so, there's always next week to try harder. Which reminds me I need to make a shopping list and menu. I'm really tempted to to start using MRB for two meals a day rather than just one. My schedule at lunch is so tight that I usually end up picking up a salad on my way back to work at 2 pm and eating IN the classroom with my children watching me. I need more hours in a day LOL.

    Okay that's all I'm going to say, this has turned into a novel, and I apoligize. I hope that everyone had a wonderful day today and an even better one tomorrow!!!
  • As I mentioned, I had a lousy February in the end. I was all geared up for a good loss, started the month fiercely pursuing my exercise, and eating pretty well. Then it fell apart and I ended with a 0 loss. But at least it wasn't a gain. I was kinda bummed out and was losing sight of how far I'd come, just feeling big and fat - you know those days - and being stuck on the truck not getting home was really awful. But when I did get a few hours at home last weekend I was at the barn. I cleaned some stalls, and emptied the wheelbarrow myself. I actively worked horses and gave a lesson - without once wanting to just sit down. It not only refreshed my spirit, it reminded me that less than a year ago I couldn't do that. My back would have hurt too much. I'd have ached to just sit. I'd have been out of breath and would have gotten someone else to push the wheelbarrow to the top of the pile. I've still come a long way, even with the path that's still ahead. If it were easy, we'd all be skinny-minnies in a week. Each day is a new beginnning and another chance to get it right, to live for our futures and better health. I think I'm out of my slump and ready to fight the fight again. Yup, I'm ready!

    Nancy * Thanks for the info on the hobby vs. investment stuff. I'll have to be careful to separate the two, but between the boarding, training & lessons, I should be safe. I won't have other people RIDING my new guy, but I will be doing driving lessons with him. I'm hoping my old horse stays sound enough to use, not just because of the write-off, but more importantly because he's such a great lesson horse. If in doubt, I just won't write-off. It wouldn't do to get uncle sam's panties in a wad over my taxes!

    Crock - GREAT job on the weight loss! Any form of pasta has turned out to be especially bad for me as far as the cravings afterwards go. I like pasta, but fortunately I don't adore it or miss it if I don't have any. Every time I've had it, I go crazy for the next several days, so I just stay away from it altogether. For me, it's worse than a whole box of chocolate.

    Catherine * I'm not sure if Dachsies are good mousers - probably depends on the dog. However there's always rat terriers, and I'd guess from the name that they're just what you need. They're another low-shedding lap dog. I'm sure there's a rescue for them too. *** Good job on the snow-shoveling! That sure is a change from Florida!!

    Teahoney * You mentioned being off exercise for 7 weeks and how hard it is to get back to it. You really made me think about it, because I was SO enjoying every workout, and then things went nuts and I haven't done much in 3 weeks. I'm know the longer time goes on, the harder it will be to pick up where I left off. Thanks to YOU as well as others for giving me a kick in the pants!

    Jessica/Blondie * WELCOME BACK! I don't think I met you before, but I look forward to the chance now. I kind of come & go sometimes myself because I drive big truck for a living and spend weeks on the road. If you haven't checked out our monthly exercise thread, please consider yourself officially invited. We each pick our own goals and work towards that. Personally, I've had trouble making mine, so I set a low one this month, but knowing I committed to it keeps me working on it.

    Ammi * dear girl, congrats on your treMENdous loss! It didn't go on in a week, so please be patient and gentle with yourself as you are with the rest of us. Keep up the great work, but please try not to be too hard on yourself. It's all just about progress in the right direction! BRAVO for getting that exercise in!!! I'm so proud of you! NOW, all I have to do is get back in the swing and FOLLOW your lead!

    Dogpal * what a wonderful attitude you have. Piffle on that job. It wasn't meant to be. Just take care of yourself and things will fall into place. We do understand, even if we can't be right there or go thru everything you do, and we're so glad to be here to listen and you on, as you do for us. *** Since the weather in Montana and Utah has been beautiful the last 2 days, I hope it's been as beautiful for you in Idaho!

    Ladies, I know I've missed a lot of you, and I'm sorry. It's threatening to rain/snow, and the temps have dropped 10 degrees as I've written this, so if I'm going to go walk, I better get with it! I love reading you posts, and I'll try to keep up this weekend.
  • Thanks I will check that out. I need to exercise. Yum sloppy joes sound very good.
    Have a good saturday everyone!
  • Hello All,

    It's Saturday morning and the sun is shining, and finally all the snow on the ground has gone. You know what that means? It means WALKING again, yay. When Daren drags himself out of bed we are all going to walk to the hardware store to get a few bits and bobs. While I wait for him to get up I will catch up with posts here.

    My 'fat' day has passed now thank goodness. It's hard to explain why I get so down. I mean when I am not dieting, and I am stuffing my face I am not down at all about my size. But when I AM dieting, the weight just can't come off quickly enough. This is the third month of my diet, and some times I feel so good because I said no to that piece of cake, or I made myself exercise that when I look in the mirror I expect to see this much smaller person. But she isn't there, and that's when it hits me, whammo, I am still fat. I know, I know, it took me years to put this weight on and it's going to take me a long time to get it off. I am just impatient I am on the right track though, and sunny days like this one help lift my mood and patience a lot. Thanks to you all for listening

    Crock - thank you so much for your kind words. I do tend to forget my achievements when I am feeling down, maybe I should print out a list and put it on my mirror to remind me Maybe I should get rid of all my mirrors as well as my scale

    Brenda - I am so happy that you had a skinny day, I guess that's the one good thing about fat days, they make the skinny days all the more special Sounds like you really enjoyed your shopping trip and taking the time to find some nice clothes. I hope you get the desired wow effect when you wear your new outfit when you change departments.

    Tracey - good on you for pushing yourself and doing exercise instead of waiting until Monday. It's one thing to tell yourself to do it, but another to actually do as you say. You have done well, and every time you have a little muscle ache you can think with pride that it's because you worked out. Well done.

    Wyllen - How are you feeling today? I forgot you were a teacher, I tell you I have got a memory like a sieve these days. No wonder you went into work, falling too far behind would be a nightmare.

    I hear you on the paradox, but keep on the way you have been and there will be no paradox left, you will be thin end of story

    Blondie - hey, great to see you posting here again. What changed your mind? Well done on resisting that pizza you made the boys, a turkey sandwich may seem blah in comparison, but so much better for you, and it is helping you with your weight loss, so it really must have been the tastiest sandwich you have ever had

    Annie - It's lovely to use your name instead of your nick name. I know you have mentioned you are an Andrea before, but I haven't noticed you use the name (or Annie) in any posts. Now that you have, I feel happy to use it. I love the name Annie, yet for some reason it isn't something I have ever been called. I know how Ammi came about, but that's a story for another time

    Anyway, I am glad you aren't feeling so bad about losing that job now. I still feel angry for you at the way you were treated, but bad feelings aren't going to get anybody anywhere. So it's good you are ok, and now you can focus on yourself, on losing more weight, gaining self esteem, and finding another job where you will be appreciated whether you have panic attacks or not

    Luan - I don't know if you have the same ads on TV as over here, but we have one ad for I think it's Max Factor make up. Well whatever the brand, the ad is with a woman saying, Hi I'm so and so, and I was chief make up artist on the film Memoirs of A Geisha, (or whatever) you get my gist, and she goes on to say how wonderful the make up is she used. Well now whenever I see that ad I will be thinking that that could be YOU in the not too distant future. Picture it now....Hi I'm Luan, but you can call me puffy pants lol, and I am the chief make up artist on Rocky 6 etc etc

    So tell me, what exactly are Sloppy Joes? In Australia it's the name for a sweat shirt

    Amber - that's great that you weren't really sore after the work out on the Gazelle Rider. No pain does not mean no gain, like you said, you got a good cardio work out, so even if it doesn't build up any muscles it is working off those lbs. I can't wait to get mine. Only 4 months to go lol.

    Thanks for telling me more about your Cousin and his wife and how the baby they lost was their only one. I asked if they had any other children not thinking along the lines of it making things ok that they lost one baby, because it is never ok. It's just that having other children around can be a real help during any bereavment. When my ex FIL passed away the only thing that kept my MIL from a complete break down was my daughter Beth. She was 3 at the time, and even amongst all the grief she could always do something that would bring a smile, albeit a sad one, to my ex MILs face. I had hoped that if your cousin had more children they would help. I know it's early days, but do you think they will want more children at a later date, or will they be too scared of losing them?#

    I like your thinking when it comes to not having fat days, in a weird and wonderful way it did all make sense. I have been fat since I was 18, but morbidly obese since I was about 25, you would think I would be used to being fat. I wish I could look at myself like you do at yourself, it would sure be great to think of myself as healthier and fat rather than just fat fat

    Good luck with your WI tomorrow, I hope to see a post on here with at least a couple of and emoticons

    Valerie - you know what, even though you didn't have the weight loss you had geared yourself up for at the beginning of February, you still did fantastically in as much as you didn't gain which you would have done had you not even tried to diet and exercise. I am telling you what I have to keep telling myself, even if we don't lose, we aren't gaining, and for women like us who risk our health more and more the more weight we gain, it's an achievement to at least not gain in a month. Now just remind me of that when I come on here moaning I have only lost 3 lbs in a month

    Thanks for the reminder about the fact I didn't gain my weight quickly, so can't expect to lose it quickly either. Slow and steady wins the race as they say. I weigh on Monday, so I will be back here with my happy face on no matter how few lbs I might have lost

    Sharon (voodoo) - am finally going to get that walk today, so I won't be online again til later. Hope I might catch you for a chat though. I also hope you are feeling better today, is that headache easing off any?

    Kayley - how are you doing? Are things ok with Andrew again now? I hope so.

    I hope everybody is having a great weekend so far and making good food choices and getting their exercise in. For those that aren't, don't be hard on yourself, tomorrow is another fresh day


  • Ammi – I totally know how you feel about those fat days. Some days I look in the mirror and I think I look OK, and others I feel like I look so horrible. The thing is, I bet no one else could actually see a difference – it is all in my head. I wish I knew why that happened, but it does seem to be happening a bit less lately. Hope your weigh in goes well – we are totally rooting for you!!!

    Wyllen –Glad to hear you are feeling better. It is so frustrating being sick and wanting to do things but not having the energy to do them.

    Brenda – Your day out sounds fantastic. I think I will make that part of my reward for hitting my next goal.

    Tracey – Way to go on having that Nike moment and just doing it!

    Blondie – Welcome back!! Way to go on choosing the turkey sandwich over the pizza.

    Annie – That is such a pretty name! I am glad you are feeling better about the job. I wish I could go swimming, that sounds so nice. Maybe I can find somewhere that I don’t have to join but can pay as I go.

    Amber – I love the bellydance workouts that I have. You will definitely need to report back when you get them and have had a chance to do them. It also sounds like you are doing great with the Gazelle.

    Valerie – That is fantastic that you had the energy to keep going. That is definitely so much more important than some silly old scale.

    Well – we are off to a beer festival in Brooklyn today. It is going to be tough logging that, but I’ll try. I was trying to save up some calories for today but going a bit lower the last few and something kind of snapped last night. I hadn’t had one of those nights in a long time, but I just wanted to eat whatever I could get my hands on. I still am not entirely sure what triggers that. It started in the car on the way home with a Luna bar then some chocolate that I had almost forgotten was still in the front console. Then when I got home it was a bit of everything – pappadum chips and cottage cheese, handfuls of pine nuts, a few more pieces of chocolate, etc. We ate dinner and I was finally able to rein it in, although even then it was difficult. I haven’t added it all up yet, but it’s not that I mind the calories so much, more that there was something I wasn’t feeling good about that triggered me eating. The good thing is that I don’t feel guilty. I just want to understand so that I can help comfort myself in the right way.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
  • Good Morning Girls.

    Drinken coffee catchen up on the posts. Will be back..

    Garnetfairy~~ Lets make a deal is on NBC
  • The verdict is in... the 10 pounds wasn't all weight.

    However... everything has adjusted itself and I still did LOSE 5.4 POUNDS this week!

    I met the goal I set in honor of my chickies! (See my ticker below.)

    Just remember, girls, if I can do it, then you guys definitely can. (It's very hard for me to lose weight.)

    I have decided to buy an annual park pass so I can go walking on weekends in the park. I am dying for it to get warmer and to see a bud of green or two anywhere. I'm looking forward to it.

    I'm still bleeding, so I'm avoiding exercising at a high pace right now, but walking should be OK. I'm going to write that letter to my doctor and fax it today. I'm also going to take it easy today and try to keep my feet up. Maybe it will help.

    Thank you guys so much for your support! You have kept me on track and there's no way I could've done it without you!!!
  • This is just another drive-by posting, guys! Got a busy day planned for today. Last night was a lot of fun. I hadn't been out on a Friday night in a long time, and we made the most of it!!

    Ammi, Andrew and I are fine again. And I'm so sorry that you were feeling so down. You are such a beautiful and wonderful person, and I hate to see you down

    For those of you who asked...it's sorta hard to really explain what a dreadfall is, but they do go on your hair...they are cyber gothic wear, and way nifty. I'll take pics when I get done with them.

    I'm off to make breakfast for Andrew, as he locked himself out of his house last night, and he stayed over at my house...then, have to go and get some repairs done on my car.

    Hopefully, I'll be able to check in later, but if not, you chicks have a wonderful Saturday!
  • HI, sorry Dogpal about the job, what jerks!!!!! you are way too good for them simple fact!
    I have been to the hospital, had a weird rash, little tiny bruises, like pinpricks, turns out it was nothing. I was worried as with the op on monday and feeling sleepy/tired/vile since I thought I might have an infection, felt pretty silly going there, even though a nurse on the telephone service insisted I came in and got me an appointment.
    Tasha, glad the mamogram was ok, shame they have to squish so much, my mum had breast cancer an d hated all the squishing, she only has tiny boobs so it must hurt no matter what your size.
    I have to go now as I am way behind in my housework, but I hope you are all feeling better than me! and keeping on plan.
  • Well I just finished cleaning my car out.. a little to cold to hand wash it,, It sure needs it though.. I am ready to start excercising, however I am limited on equipment till about the middle of March,, I do have the "Body by Jake Ab scissors" that will not impact my legs and it works on the MID section of the body and the good lord knows that I need that..

    You guys know exactly how sterotyping is.. and I am focused on a life change for MYSELF and the weight loss and body image change is the BONUS, However is it wrong to think, Boy I will be getting a man once I start looking better,, (this is a "self" problem , right?) Cause I just dont have the self confidence to muster up any courage or any flirtations when it comes to men at all....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont know how to change that about me...

    Take Care All
  • Hi Everyone,

    MsCrockett~Your self confidence will sore and you will be on top of the world hard to change when you are use to thinking a certain way.

    voodoo1~Thank goodness it wasn't anything serious.Scary when things start happening that is different to your body.

    kayleystar~Have a good day!

    Tashabella~5.4 pounds is awesome

    MsCrockett~Have a good day!

    NotTheCheat~You have fun at that beer festival!

    Ammi~ I just wanted to get as much support as I can get to help get the weight off.Oh ya turkey sandwich was okay but pizza looked better but it wouldn't look good on my thighs well okay any where on my body LOL..You are doing great going on walks thats nice daren is going with you.Have a good day!

    I am off to get birthday stuff for my husband and son there birthdays are a day apart so i am having a party Sunday. I am going to try and make it as
    healthy as I can party. I like my kids to eat healthy anyways so they don't grow up fat. They are skinny so I am glad I don't have to worry about that.I tell you though the foods they sell in schools is aweful too much junk food. I give Anthony money every morning for breakfast and I always say buy something healthy no sweets I hope he listens but kids like junk food.Well everyone have a good Saturday!
  • Just popping in to Hi! I've hit a rough patch again and just haven't been able to do as much the last few days- hopefully things will settle down some next week if the new feeding tube formula works. The dietitian basically gave up and left it up to me to find something that I don't have an allergic reaction to since there are no tube feeding formulas made in the US that don't use corn based sweetener. If I had the time, I would have demanded to see another dietitian, but I need to get this straighted out now- or at least be trying something while waiting to see someone else; so I called the different companies that make the formulas and there is one that doesn't use a corn based sweetener as its main carbohydrate source. It uses 60-70% sucrose & 30-40% maltodextrin, depending on flavor- that is a lot better then the ones that use 100% maltodextrin & corn syrup, and I do seem to tolerate some maltodextrin. If this doesn't work, then I'll probably have to try a specialized, elemental formulas that have their proteins partially broken down, but still use corn based sweeteners. The big drawback there is that they cost something outrageous, like $75-100 per day, compared to $5-$15 for other formulas...for that kind of money I want to enjoy my food - I know, I don't actually pay for it, my insurance does; plus I was on one when I first got my feeding tube 4+ years ago & I'm not sure it will make much of a difference. If all else fails, then I guess I end up having to try a premade baby formula- that is the only thing any of the companies make that doesn't use some type of corn product...and I really don't want to imagine the insurance nightmare over that one, though the manufacture said they have a few other adults who do use it.

    I know a couple of you asked why I'm on a feeding tube. I caught what seemed like a simple flu bug 5 years ago that damaged the nerves to my stomach so it doesn't empty as fast as it should now- it is basically paralyzed to some degree; the medical term is gastroparesis- its a pretty rare disorder with about 2000 newly diagnosed cases per year in the US, with most being diabetics from the nerve damage it can cause...then there are the rest of us who get it from a flu bug or surgery damaging the nerves; and some people just wake up with it one day with no known cause at all. Not all cases are as severe as mine & many can be managed with medications & changes in diet, though there are also cases worse then mine were they end up on IV nutritional support long term- thankfully I've never had to go that route. The feeding I have bypassed my stomach, so I can get nutrition from the formula & my med without having to deal with my stomach issues. I can eat some stuff orally- some days are better then others; but as much as I would like to, I just can't get back to the point were I can rely on eating enough food to maintain a healthy intake overtime- I can do it for a week or two, at the most & then I end up crashing and if I didn't have the feeding tube, I would be spending a lot of time at the hospital for IV fluids & nutritional support. I can only eat a little at one time & am pretty limited in what I can eat, so when when I have to rely on just oral intake it feels like I'm eating all the time. If I miss one mini-meal or two, I get so far behind & don't get enough calories/nutrition- and not eating enough is just as bad on our metabolism as eating too much...plus it doesn't help when I have a few days when I can eat okay, that somehow I twist that into meaning I should eat all I can because I might not be able to eat tomorrow. The plan for now is to get somewhere around 60-80% of my calories/nutrition from formula & the rest I'll eat orally; and I can adjust the formula up & down as I need to, according to what I can eat. I still hope one day to be able to get off the feeding tube completely, but I've spent too many years thinking of how I will do things differently once I got off- I have to live my life as it for today & not get all wrapped up in what might happen tomorrow.

    I'll try to stop back in latter today or tomorrow to catch up with everyone- I have to bake a sugar free birthday cake for my best friend who just found out she is diabetic.