Countdown to 250...July 24th And Beyond

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  • Hi everybody! Boy, have I been having a busy day! I left here at 6:15 this morning and have been on the go all day. I was on the other side of town so I stopped and had lunch with my honey, so that was a good thing! Didn't make great choices, so that was a bad thing!

    Brenda: I know you're just going to have a great time at your trailer. That walk on the riverfront sounds nice. Your side of the river is sooooo much nicer than mine!!!!

    Cindy: Wow, sorry this wish is belated but: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR CINDY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! And Many More!!! Sounds like you had a nice celebration besides having the nice weather move in to celebrate with you too.

    You all be good, I'm gonna run!

    "Achievement comes when you decide to live your possibilities."
  • Hi everyone Am so nervous about weighing in tomorrow morning.. Have been good all week but without my water pills the dr. put me on, for about 3 days now. Was going to pick them up today, but daughter called from Orlando (about 45 min. away) and didn't get out to go after that. Talked for about an hour and she was telling me that she has been taking milled flax seed for about three weeks and has lost 5 pounds without changing anything she does.. let me just add here.she works out, eats very healthy and weighs 130, but supposedly the flax seed takes out all the bad fat and leaves the good fat that is taken in. She told me about it a while ago, bought it and then keep forgetting it.. If it was cake I wouldn't have forgotten it.

    J-ann.. that is awsome.. Keep up the good work.

    Diane: Just think!!! maybe next week you will have a 13-15 pound loss... YEAH!!!

    Maggie: what can I say.. you are just an inspiration to us all.

    Geri: Have been down that far where your parents are too but it has been a long time. Love the sunsets over that way.

    Well ladies keep your fingers crossed for me and I will let you know how I do tomorrow.. I too, need to keep trying to get that water down.. I know how very important it is..
  • Friday's are my weigh in -- and I was down another 2# (for a total o' 5.5 so far). Nice, nice, nice. Hubby has been ultra supportive; the last time I was on WW I lost 80# -- but got lost at a plateau with an unsupportive-are-you-sure-you-don't-want-dessert? family. This time -- he's walkin' with me, eatin' better (though not on program, as it were). Nice. Heck, he comes to the weigh in with me (since I don't attend meetings, we aren't there long).

    Ellie -- I hear "flax seed" and I think of the stuff in my lavender and flax seed eye-pillow -- the one that's so good for my migraines but somehow just doesn't seem digestible. Interesting!

    Thinthinker: Busy days can wreak havoc on the best o' plans, yea?

    That's all I remember this time, I think. You folks really are inspirational -- through struggles and success.
  • Good morning everyone! Food has been real good today. I'm still in my jammies and haven't touched a thing yet! I'm still 'thinking' of making that darn soup! I probably should do it today so I can pull this week out of the hole that it's in. It has not been a week of good choices.

    Ellen: I'm sure that your WI will go just fine. You've been doing real well this week and it should surely show up for you at the scales.

    Bunny: Good job on the 2#'s!!! WooHoo! You go girl! And yes, you're right, a busy week can put a damper on your program BIG time!

    Gonna run to the store and get a few things and then put some soup on, I think. You all be good.

    "Accomplishment - like life - will prove to be a journey, not a destination."
  • Still hot in Phoenix!
    I want to thank all of you ladies for listening to my story. This past week was truly great because for the first time in a long time I wrote down everything I ate, and I counted those points. I even drank the water. It really makes a difference. When I weighed on Thursday I was down 3.2 lbs. It was truly a great feeling. Today when I went shopping I decided that I could spend money buying fruits and vegetable because I wasn't buying any junk food. I also want to thank whoever put the Dreamcycle recipe on the website because it made staying on program so much easier.
    I still have a lot to lose, however, I am going to just take one day at a time. On the spur of the moment I made reservations to back to Ohio to see my children, grandchildren and other family. I leave on August 25th. I already informed my daughter that I am staying on program while I am there, and she, herself, is trying to get on program as well.
    You ladies are truly inspirational so keep up the good work.
    Take care,
  • lazy Saturday evening!
    Hello ladies!

    I'm being totally lazy this afternoon and evening. This is about the first time I've sat down in about a week. But do need to take the dog for a walk to burn off some of his energy.

    Food is still not OP. DH and I talked and we're ready to get back to better eating habits starting Monday morning. Tomorrow we want to make our meal plan for the week and stock the new fridge with groceries. We're really tired of eating take-out type stuff.

    I had a garage sale on Friday. I was so pleased to get rid of so much stuff. Got $400 out of my stuff. DH really didn't want me spending my vacation time doing it because he didn't think I'd sell $100. But when I called him at 7:15 am and told him I'd already had $150, he began to see it was worth it. Heck, he even came back to the duplex and delivered stuff for people. Not sure what I'm going to do with the money except hide it for the time being.

    The dog is calming down some. He's figuring out that being sprayed in the face isn't worth it but the treats are for being good. Thanks for all the advice. I'm confidant he and I will get it worked out and yes he makes a great walking buddy because he loves it so much. Which is great because it helps me get in the exercise I was having so much trouble doing on my own.

    It will be back on work on Monday and hope back to semi-normal. Hope to keep up with everyone a little better than I have. Congrats to everyone who has had a loss, keep up all the good work and hang in there who are having a bump in the road. Find your focus; we can do this.

    Take care and be strong!
  • Hi Ladies,

    What an absolutely beautiful couple of days it's been here in Central NY. I took Sarah (the pointer) out to practise some tracking last night. I was able to walk thru a 1/2 mown field, some of the grasses were waist high, and purposely lost a glove. An hour later I took Sarah out and she led me thru the same field to find the glove I lost. All total it was maybe a mile. Not much but for the first time in almost a year I wasn't winded and my face wasn't beet red when we were done. It was a great feeling, even though I know I still have well over 100 lbs and at least 2 yrs. to go.

    NITA: GOOD FOR YOU. So glad you're back on program and doing so well. Sometimes when we slip off program it's awfully hard to get back up and get our acts together. I'm SO GLAD you're doing so well. Won't your daughter be surprised??

    BUNNY: 2 lbs. gone. SUPER!!! And you're so lucky your Hubby is supporting you on your journey. It makes life a lot easier when our loved ones want us to succeed.

    ELLIE: How do you take the flaxseed. Is it in a tablet or is it ground and you sprinkle it on something??

    LUNACAT: Thanks for the kind words. I'm looking forward to that key ring more than I want to admit. Maybe by the middle of August if I stay OP I'll have that little reward in my purse. Hope all went well wth your aunt's evaluation. It's so sad to see someone you love mentally fade away. Be glad your family is there as support for your aunt and each other. How'd the party go? Did you plan ahead?

    I'm still trying to match names with ID's so forgive me if I mix you ladies up.
  • Good morning everybody! I just couldn't stay in bed any longer. The more I laid there, the worse my back felt. So I'm up and around and doing laundry in-between being here.

    My food was much better yesterday. We had a dinner job to do and I had a Mahi Mahi sandwich. Ok, yes, I did share a bowl of fries with DH and my son. And yes, I did split a piece of cheesecake with DH. But all I had was 3 servings of fruit during the day so I'm still ok.

    I found a recipe for an oriental soup that I'm going to try today. Forget the cabbage. When I got it out of the bottom of the fridge, it didn't look so good anymore. I really like the flavor of Wonton Soup and then I had a Japanese Onion Soup at the restaurant that was really good, so I am going to try to re-create them. This should be fun! I bought some sprouts and green onions yesterday so it's a go no matter how it turns out!

    Nita: Isn't it amazing how well we do when we write it all down and are aware of what we're eating. I just can't believe sometimes the difference it makes. Congrats on the 3.2#!!! WooHoo!!!

    Terri: I bet it was fun to be settled enough to take a lazy afternoon off! Sounds like you had great success with your garage sale. It feels good to get rid of junk and make money too. Good luck at putting that cash away. Every time I have a couple of extra bucks, something breaks and costs more than the couple of bucks I had!!! Isn't it funny how after vacation, etc. we just don't WANT fast food anymore??? Since doing WW, I can't stand the stuff as a steady diet anymore. And before WW, I lived on it!!! Who'd have thunk it??? Sorry you have to get back to work tomorrow, that's no fun!!! Sounds like you and the pooch are coming to terms. That's great!

    j-ann: Sounds like you got a great workout! It feels like such an accomplishment everytime you can do a little more without getting winded. I live in a quad-level house so it is 3 flights (albeit short flights) of stairs from the laundry in the basement to the bedrooms upstairs. The first time I was able to climb those all at one time and not be winded, I thought I was dreaming! Keep up the good work. As far as keeping people straight, I have index cards with people's info on them until you've been here awhile and then I don't need to look anymore!!!

    Well ladies, I'm outta here. Guess I'll go chop onions for my soup! You all have a great day!!!

    "DO extraordinary things, don't just dream them."

    I have been MIA and not on program. My weigh in tomorrow will show a gain and it will be well deserved. However, I have found my focus and will have an OP week. Be back tomorrow!

    Maggie glad she found her focus in Tennessee
  • Its been a weird week so far. I've stayed on program - writing everything down diligently, exercising (walking mostly), making good choices - so why the heck do I feel like I'm failing this week?? Sheesh. Long time to Friday weigh-in (though I may go Thursday evening for the actual meeting if we're not already obliged for an auction or something).

    Anyway -- high fiber toast with fruit spread for breaky, then off for my day of buying and shipping.

    Y'all have great days, ya hear?!
  • HOWDY!

    Hip Hip Horrah! We are forecast to have 3 days of sunshine in a row! That is a first in a long time.

    Weigh in report: I am up 2.2. Really thought it should have been more but I accept it and will now go on to a OP week now. My little side trip from my program has come to an end.

    324.8 | 298.4 | 150

    I will do my program this week and drink lots of water, limit foods with high sodium content, write what I bite and see what next weigh in will bring my way.

    Have a great OP week ya'll.

    Maggie back in the groove in Tennessee and feelin' fine.
  • hi there
    I just had to stop by and say hello again. I think I posted on here awhile ago, but then I lost you. So now I'm back. Things have been very crazy around here. I am in the process of looking for new job and trying to stay OP. I have been good since I started and I am down 22#. I just hope I can keep this motivation up. I need to get a few things done, but I will try to stop back tomorrow and reread the posts I have missed. Take care all!

  • Progress being made
    Hi everyone,
    Just thought I would check in and see how everyone is doing. It seems we all know what to do but for some reason it seems like a chore -- writing down everything we eat and counting those points. However, we all know that is why this program works.
    I loved the dreamcycle recipe. I decided to try something different the second time I made it though. I used lemon jello and an 8 oz. can of pineapple, the vanilla diet pudding and the fatfree cool whip. It not only looks equisite but it tastes even better. I would say the points may be 2 instead of 1 for 1 cup.
    My weigh-in is on Thursday, and I know I will at least lose a pound. I am one of those slow losers so I do need all the support I can muster up.
    Well ladies, I need to go now but I know if we could meet I would see all of you a little bit lighter!
  • Hi everyone! WI was not pretty -- again-- I am up a pound! The weigher at WW looked at me and said, "well, there's one thing I have to say for you, you ARE determined." I've been hanging out in that meeting room for over 3 years and all I have to show for it is 45#. So what do I do? I took that to be an opportunity to Pig-out today! What a mess! Anyway, I am looking forward to tomorrow -- a clean slate, you know!!! Wish me luck. No, scratch that. Wish me willpower!!!

    Maggie: I'm glad to see you re-focussing. Me too! I'm sick of being fat and I really want to fit in the airline seat when we go in October!

    Bunny: Good for you being OP all week. Writing it down is my first rule of success. That's why I didn't have any success last week, I stopped writing it down in mid-week. Keep up the good work.

    Melissa: Welcome back! Wow, you're life is full with job hunting. Glad the stress hasn't gotten to you and you're staying OP along the way! 22# gone, good for you!

    Well, here's to a new start and a new day. Let's make it a good one. I guess my quote for the day is very appropriate given the comment from the weigher this morning!!!!

    "We can do anything we want if we stick to it long enough." - Helen Keller
  • I'm going to start a new thread. This is getting long.


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