My baby is very sick. Prayers desperately needed!

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  • Hippiemomma - First of all congratulations on the birth of your new son. I will prey harder than ever before that he will be ok. I am sending virtual hugs to you as well, this must be such a hard time for you. Who is looking after your other children for you to travel back and fore to the hospital? Take care and please keep us up to date with how your son is doing

    Big Hugs,

  • Stay stronge!! I am sending many prayers and hugs your way! He is a fighter!
  • My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, and especially your little guy. He definitely sounds like a fighter! Please keep us posted, and if there's anything we can do, please let us know.
  • Andrea,

    My thoughts and prayers are with you, Owen and Dave.

    I don’t have any children but let me share some hope with you from miracles of parents and children that have touched my life: During her first marriage my mother was told she could never have children – along comes her second marriage and here I am the youngest of seven! I worked with a man whose granddaughter was born so early that the doctor’s wouldn’t give a prognosis of survival – when I left WA state, she was a healthy bubbly 18th month old crazy about her grandpa! I worked with a lady who had been trying to get pregnant for more than 10 years. The doctors told her and her husband that it would take a miracle for them to have a baby – that miracle’s name is K. Joy and she is two years old now. My nephew and his wife were told not to have their baby because he would be born deformed – Zane is healthy, gorgeous and has the biggest prettiest eyes you have ever seen. I had the pleasure of holding him the day he was born and a few months later I taught him how to stick his tongue out at his Daddy (my nephew phones me often to “thank” me for doing this).

    Remember, God is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine and Owen has many people praying for him. KEEP THE FAITH.

    God Bless.

  • Hippie Mama--I'm thinking of you and Owen and praying for you. Just a quick note to let you know I'm here.
  • Hi Hippie Mama, I wish the best for you, your son and your family.
  • As a mom of 2 little ones, I can imagine the pain and the heartache.
    Please be strong and hang in there. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
  • May HE bring you peace, assurance and bountiful pleasure. Each tough time that comes opens a pathway for a brighter future.
  • My thoughts and prayers are with you, baby Owen and your family. God bless.
  • Add my thoughts and wishes too!
  • Update!
    Thank you for the support... it means so much to us! Owen is currently stable, but still not out of the woods. Over the next couple of days he really needs to be able to keep his oxygen level up without them helping him so much. They're giving him 100% and they can't do that for very long. He HAS made many small improvements here and there and it's looking like he is trying really hard to get over this first hurdle. They have brought in a genetic specialist who is going to run quite a few tests. He sees signs of Owen having a bone growth disorder of some sort. Kind of along the lines of dwarfism. (but not exactly) If this is the case, it accounts for why Owen was full-term and yet so small. This specialist may be able to answer many questions about Owen which is great. He has pretty much baffled the doctors and nurses... I tell them he gets his "diffcultness" from Dad's side of the family, of course. Whether or not he does have a growth problem, right now it is imperative that his heart and lungs strengthen and he does more on his own.. that is the first priority. The doctors have been very negative, except for the lady we spoke with today. It is very disheartening at times, though I suppose they have to prepare you for the worst-case scenario. Everyone around us though (including many of the nurses who care for him around the clock) seems to have a good feeling about little Owen, and I think that despite everything that is working against him, he is going to find a way to pull through. Every prayer and little bit of positive energy means SO MUCH! Thank you from the bottom of my heart...
  • I'm glad to hear that he's stable...and I just KNOW he's going to make it through! With so many people sending all their thoughts his way, there's no way he can't! Trying to think positively.
  • Sending positive thoughts to your family. Owen sounds like a fighter. I hope he will fully be alright.
  • HippieMama, I will be praying for little Owen! Please keep us updated!
  • Little Owen is in my prayers (((hang in there little guy))).

    Hugs and kisses to you and your family.