Full Time Working Stiffs!

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  • Hello Girls! I decided to check in with you today.

    I'm doing good. My birthday was this Friday and we've had a fun weekend. We went up to some wineries in NC on Friday (I took the day off) and last night we went to the fair. I think tonight we're going to the movies. It's been good to be busy since I am so stressed about my body and getting pregnant.

    The Clomid has caused some awful side effects including hot flashes last week. Then this weekend I've had serious ovulation pains. I swear I can FEEL my ovaries throbbing. I guess that could be good and mean that the eggs are aplenty. We're trying our best to get pg on this round so I don't have to do it again. I am on the fence about hope. Some days I am; some days I'm not.

    Next weekend we go to Indiana for my grandmas birthday party. We're also going to see DH's folks while we're up there. I'm sure I'll be a wreck about whether or not I'm pg. I'm glad I already know that morning sickness doesn't set in for me until later. I can start testing as early as next Friday. I am not looking forward to giving myself daily injections, but anything to STAY pregnant at this point.

    It looks like you are all doing well. Way to go Paige on the loss and staying on track! Marie, you are hanging in there and it sounds like you still have the mindset to lose the weight, just keep going Lori, you are doing great, don't be hard on yourself about the pooch. It's part of being a woman I think. Hello to the new ladies too! This is a good group that are very supportive. I hope you guys hang together and hit your goals.

    I haven't gained anything or lost anything. I just try to eat healthy and be accountable for the bad stuff. It's working so far.

    I'll check in again. Take care everyone.
  • Kerrry, it's great to hear how you are doing!!! Glad your maintaining that is great news! My friend's ovaries hurt when she ovulates too, not sure what it means but hey ya know they are doing something!!!!

    I'm crying over the busy this week! Our oldest sons superbowl is this afternoon followed by a party at a players house after the games. We have 2 age groups in the superbowl today so it should be fun. The field is close to home (thank goodness), but I need to get to the store, pick up a few things, make something for the party and try to leave on time. Trick-or-treat was Wed. night (glad that's done)! I'm hoping next week won't be near as crazy, I need a break. And to make matters worse, it's getting colder here and work gets slow during the winter. I could fall over, coz it makes the work days just drag by. Well I hope everybody else gets a few mins. to check in this weekend, I'm starting to get lonely here!!!!

    I'll check in tomorrow when things are a little calmer!
  • Hi Lori, I'm still here. I was out of town fro the week for work and took a class. I learned lots. I didn't want to check in with their computers since you have to sign in. So I didn't.

    I hope the superbowl went good and that you made it through Halloween okay. My kids are older so there was no candy in the house. I can honestly say I dind't have any halloween candy. That's not too bad. I did overeat the whole time in San Jose. It was quite delicious. We don't have many good restaurants in my home town, so going to a place with loads of them is quite fun.

    I've been walking a lot and probably will have to start using the exercycle since it's getting yucky outside. It's been drizzily and I don't like to walk on wet dirt roads. Yucky. At least I'm somewhat still trying.

    Talk to you later.
  • Way to go Marie!!!

    Glad your back, I was starting to get a little lonely!!! The super bowl went well, ,both our teams won so the parents partied all night. It was darn cold so after the kids toilet papered their one coaches house and his wife busted them I was more than ready to go home. Brats!!! Had to get everyone up to coaches house in the AM to clean it up. Halloween went fine, I get in more trouble at work with the cookies and bad food than I do with candy from trick or treat. We have had a beautiful week this week in the mid 60's, I just love it!!!! Today was my B'day the big 34!! I ordered Pizza Hut and watched the college football games, wow big fun! I'm turning into an old fart, I didn't even want bothered with going out! Marie, I'm going to miss this nice weather we've been having this week, I'm going to have to find some new videos to use in the house, I'm getting a little more than sick of my stationary bike, I need a change!

    Ok, well I'm going to hit it! Chat with you later!
  • Hi Lori, I just finished watching my Packers lose another game - to the Steelers - your neck of the woods. Oh well. I still love them.

    I would hate to clean up TPing a house. You just got to love kids.

    Happy Birthday!!! You're way behind me, age wise. I turned 44 in August.

    I have noticed it's a lot harder to lose weight in my 40's than it was in my 30's. I think half the problem is that half the time I'm not motivated.

    I too have a lot of trouble with the goodies at work. At home I don't eat a lot, but at work, I have a lot of trouble. In the mornings, about 10 o'clock, I get the munchies and usually find something to munch on. It is funny I don't have that tgrouble at home.

    Today I'm working on the book I got during my dynamic webpages class last week. I started yesterday afternoon going through it and repeating all of the exercises. I'm about 3/4 of the way through it. It's really helped cement the ideas in my head. I worked on it during the football and Nascar shows. Good thing too since neither the Packers or Gordon won...

    Well, I'll chat with you later.
  • Lori, I have a friend who bought a car from Pennsylvania - do you guys salt your roads there?

    Hope you had a great week.
  • Yes Marie,
    Major salting goes on here! If you have ever heard about the PA pot-holes you would know that salt is a major contributer to our highways! As a matter of fact one of the radio stations does a hillarious skit about our Pittsburgh pot-holes.
    Got to run for tonight, but I'm off work tommorrow so I'll check back!
  • Thanks for the info, Lori. They don't salt the roads here so natives (like my friend) have no concept of salt and rust. Dents - yes - from the horrible road conditions.

    Have a fun day off from work. I too have it off. YEAH!!!
  • Hi....remember me? I know it has been forever. Things have been crazy lately and I got a new part time office mate in my "private office" UGGHHH. Anyway....I have been out of town a couple of times since I last wrote...a work thing in October and a family trip to Disney last week.
    I reached goal! actually 2.3lbs past goal about a month ago....and maintaining...so far so good!

    Hello Marie, Kerry and Lori...and the new folks and anyone else I missed!

    How are you guys doing? I have not had a chance to read through all the posts...it's been so long.

    Just wanted to let you know I am here and will try to check in more often. This is suppose to be a slow time at work for us...so we'll see. Haven't seen much of a slow down yet

    Take care everyone!
  • Julie!!!! Way to go on reaching goal. That is so fantastic.

    Did you have fun at Disney? I just adore Mickey Mouse.

    Things have been going pretty good. I haven't been particularly good eating or exercise wise, but not horrible either. I think I'm going to continue on this same path for the holidays, then buckly down for January. I don't want to gain an ounce over the holidays but I'm not going to stress over losing either.

    Take care everybody.
  • Hey Marie!
    Where is everyone?? Guess with the holidays upon us everyone is busy!
    Marie, everything in moderation! At least that is what seems to work for me. You can do it! When I was in Disney I ate whatever I wanted and didn't gain an ounce. Just much smaller portions than I use to eat a year ago! And I was happy and satisfied. So eat whatever you want. Just watch your amounts. And if you can throw a little exercise in there all the better!

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  • Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

    Way to go Julie! Wow you did a great job! glad you had fun at Disney, never been there but maybe some day! Yes we have seemed to lose most of our gang and what's left (Marie and I) have been beyond stinken busy! I'm on Vacation til Tue. then I have no time off again until the new year rolls around and my new vacation days kick in. I'm really hoping to get things in order while I'm off over the weekend, man it makes things twice as crazy. Like life ain't bad enough on it's own, toss in unorganized mess and well just lock me up some where!!!!! The plan is to REALLY over eat today and behave til Christmas. The REALLY over eat on Christmas week then buckle down and get back to business after New Years! Maintaining is the #1 goal for the holidays. Well I hope everybody enjoys their Thanksgiving and I'll keep checking in! Great to see you Julie!
  • Hi Lori and Julia,

    I sure hope your Thanksgiving was great. I had a nice time. Made a quick trip to Reno (hubby had a flight out) and I did a bit of shopping. I'm basically done with Christmas shopping. It's a nice feeling to know that I have everything done. Now it's just little odds and ends that catch my fancy as I'm out and about.

    I'm going to start exercising again this evening after work. I'm getting too old to not exercise, my body is feeling cranky. Little joint soreness. So back on the wagon I go.

    Well, back to work.

    Julia, I'm really glad you had fun with Mickey Mouse. I loved it when I was a kid and when I took my kids.

    Lori, enjoy your last day off!!!!
  • Though I would drop a quick hello!

    One holiday down one to go ! Maintaing isn't as easy as it sounds during the holidays! I have the worst tooth ache I've had in a long time. I got a tooth pulled 2 weeks ago so the dentist could get to one we were pretty sure was bad. He had to give me 5 shots to numb it good enough to work on it, well the med wore off and I want to curl up and just die!!!! I'm not sure if it is really the tooth or because he gave me so many shots and messed around. It's almost as if my sinus are infected and putting pressure on my teeth. This bites!!!!!! I started anitbiotics (sp) yesterday coz who really knows if the tooth is infected or not, guess I'll have to wait it out and see. I don't want to get this one pulled unless it's an absolute must.

    I tried a new ab work out, Billy's Boot Camp. It's a nice change of pace from the regular crunches and normal ab work. My friend said she lost a 1/2 an inch in 2 weeks from it, well we will see, I'm putting it to the test! The flabby belly test!!!!

    Ok, I'm going to catch up on my sleep! Keep posting!!!!!
  • Hi Lori, I sure hope your tooth feels better. That sounds miserable. That you're exercising with that pain is amazing. I think I'd curl up in my bed.

    Not much new here. We're getting lots of snow and driving is trecherous. Yuck! tonight I have to shovel so I'll get some exercise.

    Work and home is good. Truthfully, I'd rather be at home, but work isn't too bad.

    So since I'm at work, I should get to it.
    Talk to you later.