Monday, October 10th Chat

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  • Hi everyone!

    I STILL have the poison ivy, (it's like my xhusband, just won't go away!) I CANNOT take a 3rd round of steroids, I'll lose my mind or harm someone who looks at me the wrong way!

    Casper, you are such a sweetie (my best friend who I discussed on the nasty-neighbor thread is also named Adrienne---she lost 130# the old fashioned way, then discovered she has MS at the age of 45, she's having a terrible time right now, seizures, constant pain, the interfuron therapy, etc.). Please send your husband to my house when he's done painting, I have a TON of staining to be done, (pickled oak, I've put the renovation work on hold as work-work has deadlines). Oh and I don't like Denise Austin, she's just too *peppy* for me, she should lose the cheerleader act at her age! I like FITTV's Cathe Friedriche, she's no nonsense, explains proper form and doesn't yap-yap constantly. (now you see why I can't take steroids, it's this ridicules rage i feel at TV...)

    Neenoon, I just wanted you to know that I dx'd. with reactive depression that turned to major depression (the only reason I got out of bed some weekends was because I had a big dog to walk) and it finally went south after 2.5 years.... (and my BF dumped me too, the fool). I'm sorry about your surg. and meno. this could be playing a big part too. One of the best things I ever did for myself is to come back to 3FC, the support is the strongest and someone will always answer you or have an idea that interests you.

    Joanne I hope you get some answers for your ankle before the weather sets in.

    Jersey ladies, the next time we need rain, just tell me to shampoo the carpeting thoroughly...It looked beautiful for 5 days...then the dog got ill 3X and one of the cats barfed on it, now it has mud in it for sure from the big wet dog and I have to re-do it to get the stains out!

    TTYL-if I missed anyone, I'll catch up with you later.

    Kierie, I predict you will meet your goals very soon!, Cathie, Mmarie, CIN, Leenie HI!
  • Marb! The Rain is massive Suckitude and making me an old lady *grumble* Its supposed to last allll week but such is life
    by the way ITA about Denise Austen she can't be like that in real life (her face is tighter and tanner than it was 10+ years ago) Someone would smack her if she was that peppy all the time (I'd get in line)
  • Kierie, the weather no longer ruins my hair, I no longer look like Don King when it rains....I have found the MIRACLE PRODUCTS!!!! (and believe it or not having better looking hair affects my mood too!)

    The new Con-air ceramic style brush-stick thingie (23.00) 2 style heads, perfect for the Klutz like me, i almost look like when my hairdresser blows me out.

    BedHead..."Control Freak" they make shampoo, conditioner and a spray for styling. I tried the spray (lime green can).... it is worth every penny of the $16.99

    all are available at CVS too!
  • Hello ladies new person here. Well not new to 3FC but new to the thread. Been doing wonderful, kicking *** and taking names and all of thee above. Snacking is now a thing of the past and my workouts are my future. Ok so im going crazy with this fitness junk but hey i lost 20 lbs the past month! Never thought I had it in me but guess i do! People are shocked at the pounds im dropping and my cousin even told me i have a nice but now. LOL sometimes its the silly and crazy things that keep us going. I know i have a long way to go on this road but at least im here walking this path with you guys. Lets keep up the wonderful work. oh and talking about DH is that Dear Husband or DAMN Husband? Just clearing it up! lol
  • Thank you for the acknowledgement marbleflys. I appreciate that.

    Today I was reflecting on how I've been feeling lately, and I'm reminded of a period in adolescence when I felt just like this. Like I want to stop time, and just have nothing to take care of so that I can think. It was a period where I just did nothing, read a lot and was just totally introverted. This really isn't about losing weight so maybe I shouldn't go on. I'll just end by saying that I feel like nothing is making sense, I don't know how to live life anymore.
  • Welcome Sunkiss you are doing great
    Neenoon I know exactly how you're feeling (or at least the Kierie version of it) Would you be comfortable seeing a psychologist or Psychiatrist? If not keep talking here because we have all been there and we're here for you!
    MARB woman I knew we were SOUL SISTERS or at least Hair Sisters
    (which is pretty damn close) I loooooove control freak! I use the gel $10 at harmon I can't use the shampoo and stuff b/c I need head and shoulders or its a snowtastic day
    ALright I'm toddling off to Bed
    good night Ladies!
  • Hi Marie!! I was doing good, around the time that you posted, but the kids, my DH and the kitchen renovation finally got to me. I had to lay down and take a nap! Glad you were able to post, even though you were at work.

    Glad to hear that you had a great weekend. Sorry that it was too short. We had a long weekend, being here in DC - we get Columbus Day off! Yeah! Kids were out of school and my DH was off.

    I love traveling and shopping! Going tomorrow (today) with my mom. My Browns won, but my DH's Redskins lost! on the too much fiber filled foods!

    Hope you have/had a good rest of your work day.

    Hey KO!!

    "Morning" Liz!!

    I understand now - Thanksgiving in Canada! With the kitchen renovation, my calendar is down for wall painting and I'm lost without my calendar! Enjoy Thanksgiving, the kids being out of school and your relaxation! I didn't clean much Sunday but I went to church with my dd! It was Homecoming Sunday! I love Trains, Planes and Automobiles and John Candy & Steve Martin!

    Sunday and most of today (yesterday) I had a good day.

    Back later at ya!

    Hi Ashlie!!

    Good "Morning" ........

    Sorry to hear that you had to come home early from work since the babysitter situation was screwed up. At least S. could get to work.....

    I'm not sure what it is that you are still trying to get through, but since it's a lot, I can understand that your mind is elsewhere today (yesterday).

    Glad that you ran by. Hope you have/had a good day too!


    Hi Joanne!! The doctor needs to see an Echocardiogram before he clears you for surgery? What's up with that?

    So, you ended up getting T.S. Tammy huh? Glad that it was only just some minor flooding! They are running out of names!

    My Browns won, but my Indians lost - no post season wild card,

    Yes, I do love it here.

    I was having a Mellow Monday until the kids started getting on my nerves (dd dropped a knife on my leg while making a sandwich and ds comes through the LR with a liter of pop throwing it up in the air - and my DH is driving me crazy with this kitchen renovation - he can't find the colors he wants for the crown molding and the walls!

  • Hi marbleflys!!

    You STILL have the poison ivy! I;m so sorry to hear that. I have an exhusband, but we have managed to remain friends.

    Thanks for the compliment! I really needed that right now. I'm down a little - the kids my DH and the kitchen renovation......... So, your best friend who you discussed my nasty neighbor thread is also named Adrienne?! Cool! I have a good friend here who also has MS. I need to call her or stop by. She has a lot of trouble walking (keeping her balance and all) I'd love to send my husband to your house when he's done painting, but I just wish that he would FINSH PAINTING! He's still having trouble getting the colors he actually wants the kitchen to be! And he's color blind! Yes he does staining too, but that's another project yet to be started! Yes I agree, Denise Austin is too *peppy*. I don't know if we have FITTV. Have to check the cable channels. Speaking of ridiculous rage - I had it today (yesterday) at the kids, my DH and the house and the kitchen!.........

    Hi KO (Kierie)!!

    Hi sunkiss!! Welcome!!

    Hi NeeNoon!! I can relate to everything you posted! Yes you should be talking about it. This is a place for depression and weight loss.........You can PM me here if you need to. I agree with Kierie's advice.

    Nite nite!
