October weigh in

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  • Hooray for everyone! for me for tomorrow!
  • Down 1 3/4lbs this MONTH! Better than nothing! I'm almost back to where I started before we moved house! Of course with a lot more muscle!
  • Congratulations on your 1 3/4 lb. loss superwoman! All that extra muscle will help burn the calories
  • down another 2lb....

    25 down..... 100 to go!

  • Well done GG.
  • YAY for GG!, just think you've lost 20% of the weight you aim to lose! That's LOADS!
  • Hello people, I have kind of been out of it for some weeks, it's been a bit of a rough time for me, it still is but I am grad getting myself back to some normal times....

    My diet has pretty much gone awol and I have not gotten weighed for some week, but I've been on some anti-depressants meds and I am thinking I'll get weighed tomorrow and see the damage I have done! I'll update my signature soon!
  • Hello Alison We have missed you.
  • Awww thanx Veggie, well I got weighed... the results in the siggy, I gave 11lbs back over the past 6 weeks... but I am getting back on track now!
  • Woo hoo. A whopping loss down to 182 this morning from 187 at the beginning of the week. Most of that is water, but I've been feeling so bloated all week with having eaten rubbish for a while and it being that time of the month that I'm taking this as genuine and the 187 as artificially high unless proved otherwise.

    Next pound takes me below 13 stone Considering I started closer to 19 than 18 I can't quite believe that!
  • YP1 - I hope you check back in here. I love your blog. I can't seem to register in order to comment at the blog so I wanted to say here that I think you are doing an amazing job and you are inspiring to say the least.
  • She's ace isn't she?
  • I have lost the weight I put on while my brother was here 5 pounds since last Sunday.
  • Good work

  • 3.5lb down this week.... I'm 18 stone something for the first time since i was 16!!!!!!! You cannot believe how happy I am!

    Jumps around!
