Here's a li'l something for THE NIGHT OWLS~~~

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  • Hi again Elaine:

    My son's webpage is all lower case. If you get it, let me know. My son is in a lot of the pictures; he's the one with the white beard. He will be 60 next year so you know I am old old old.

  • Hi again Elaine: Here it is the October 31 and you are the only one to recently post here. I wanted to tell you that the pictures of the Hurricane in New Orleans were not the ones he did for CBS. He took them with his little camera. I hope you were able to go his website "www.blochhouse. com" He has 16 pages of the Hurricane as of today there. I haven't heard from him recently so don't know if Hunter is back home in Los Angeles, still in New Orleans, or was sent to Florida. Let me know at [email protected] if you get his website. This last sentence applies to anyone who went to (and was able to get it).

    Love, Freddie
  • My last two posts, which were 3 weeks apart are both numbered 257. This seems to be happening to me a lot so my number of posts is inaccurate. Let's see what this one will be numbered. We are now in November.

  • Hey freddie,

    Sorry, haven't been here in a while - I really need to win the lottery so I can get some free time. And actually get my acto together, program-wise. I've been working crazy hours and both my being on program and exercise has suffered accordingly.

    But I'm back. Now where's everyone other than us?
  • Hi,
    This is my first time to post in this group. My name is Lisa, I am from Oklahoma. I work for the State of Oklahoma. I am a Weight Watchers member also. I am a LifeTime member now. I have lost 130 pounds. I really want to get to 150 but I had set my goal at Weight Watchers at 155. Halloween did not treat me well. Last Saturday at Weight Watchers, I had gained 3 pounds in one week. I was not a happy camper. So when I go this Saturday I dont know how I will fair. Right now pretty depressed so just taking one day at a time.

    Better go for now,
  • Hi Lisa: Welcome to the Night Owls. I have been back here for some time now but most of the other Night Owls have flown the coup. We were a group many years ago that would write back and forth (usually late at night - even though I was a morning person) and I think all of us were trying to lose weight. Gee you did good (130 pounds is good!). I use to belong to WW so I don't remember their rules about going below your goal weight but if you and the weight watcher person let you set it at 155, I believe you can lose all you want to just - just don't gain more than a few pounds over. You don't want to start paying for meetings again so leave your goal alone but lose all you think you should. How tall are you? Have you lost inches in height like I have? Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years might be hard. Try not to gain during all those holidays. I belong to TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) now.

    Freddie, Effenbie (not sure how I spell that but it stands for FNB)
  • Hi,
    Thanks for the Welcome. I am usually on just nights and weekends unless its a holiday, but todays holiday, I had to spend running errands so didnt get to sit at home playing my dominoes or cards like I usually do. I am 5'9" and I think I lost an inch since high school. When I was 28, I got to 135 but I feel that at 49, that 135 would make me look too thin. I dont want people to think I have Cancer or something. I feel ok now and now I can look at myself in the mirror. I started doing a different type of work that requires alot more sitting so I have gained a few pounds but I know that I will have to make myself get up at work and walk to make sure that I dont gain and also have to watch my diet more strictly I think. I may of lost alot of weight but I know that weight can come back very quickly if I dont watch it. Well, I am going to go play my dominoes.

    Write soon,
  • Hi Lisa!
    to the NIGHT OWLS. Yes, I am one of the guilty ones. I was gone for a very long time, then back again...busting everyone else's chops for not being here and then I was gone again. AGGHHH!!! and I must has NOT helped with my weight loss whatsoever. So, here's to a big group hug and hoping we'll all get back here and on our programs. I miss you guys. Oh yeah, not having a computer for the past couple of months didn't help either...but I'm here.
  • Thanks PJ. Glad to be here.
  • Hi P.J.! I don't know if you remember me but I remember all of you so well and it almost brought tears to my eyes to see so many of my old friends! Punky, Suebee, PJ, Elaine, geez I can't even remember everybody but I haven't been on here in a few years and now when I need you all the most you're here!! Just as a little reminder I used to teach ballroom dancing, then I broke my foot. I have a 10 year old daughter, Morgan and just this last July I married the greatest guy ever. I think I may have mentioned him when I last posted back in 2003! I realized how much I missed you all when I logged on and got choked up to see your names and pics on here! Hope all is well with everyone! I have got a lot of weight to lose so I need your help!

    PJ...Where did you get that cool ticker thing?
  • SAMANTHA?????????????

    Is that you???????!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awww, how wonderful that you're a "Mrs." now. Congratulations. Yes, I very much remember you talking about teaching ballroom dancing. HAS been a long time. If you'd like to see the latest pics of my kids and I....just go to I have gained quite a bit of weight back also and am in the process of losing all over again. I have come to the conclusion that once you've passed 40...everything is TWICE AS HARD to do.

    Well, it's getting late here. I have to be at work by 7am and I've had a long day and night already. Sooooooooo, don't be a stranger and I'll "see" you soon.
  • Welcome back, guys! I haven't been checking here since it was so quiet. Glad ya'll came back!
  • Hi all! I'm so glad you remembered me PJ! I'm trying to get caught up with everybody and all the people I don't know yet so I've been doing lots of reading! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I haven't officially started back on WW yet but I am going ot start my exercise program today. My husband and I have decided to start exercising together so that will help motivate me!

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • Greetings from SueBee

    since I saw my name, I felt I had to post and let you know how I'm doing.

    So glad to see some familiar faces around here. I come back and read every now and then, but haven't posted for a long time.

    I was lucky enough to actually meet up with PJ and her family way back in 2000, can't believe it was that long ago. So nice to see pictures of her kids, they sure are growing up fast.

    Will keep in touch and come back and see if anyone actually reads this.
