Tuesday Chicks on the Beach

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  • Hey chicks! Good morning...I've already had a small success today, I made pancakes for the kiddos, and I RESISTED! Woo! (You have to know that it's not sweets that are my weakness...but bread, pancakes, waffles, crackers, stuff like that).

    Good luck all on whatever phase you are currently on!
  • Morning chicks and welcome Les! (here are directions for signature: http://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/showthread.php?t=56332 )

    I am going to be way off SB until tomorrow and payday. I will try as hard as I can, but who knows what will get in my mouth!!! Free food is good food when you have no dough. I just have to make smart choices with what I am presented!

    I may also get to the gym tonight. HB works late and while I have to do at least 2 loads of laundry, I really need to go. My legs are starting to hurt again...

    Off to work. Hugs all!
  • I feel so bad so often. My kids have been asking for pancakes everyd ay on the weekend for the last 2 weekends..I keep saying No. (I am on phase one) I know I should make them what they want, but sometimes it is so hard to be giving when it comes to food. My DS is a bit chunky, so I am really trying to get him eating healthier. DH does not help, giving ice cream & granola bars & cookies...But I am trying.
  • Morning, gals! That crockpot chili was so good last night. Even my 7 year old ate it well. I microwaved some fresh spinach and sliced mushrooms and then spooned chili on top. It was a wonderful way to get some extra vegetables in it. I even added some diced red onions for a little crunch. I'm really looking forward to having it for lunch again today.

    Dinner tonight will be pork tenderloin (it was on sale), rice (Uncle Ben's converted), steamed asparagus and steamed green beans stir fried with a little soy sauce, minced ginger, and crushed red pepper. It is a favorite meal of everyone in the family.
  • Morning chicks! Just a quick hi from me - busy day today. My weight is down 2 pounds today! That's my best loss since Phase I!

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • WHat is uncle bean's converted rice?
  • Uncle Ben's Converted rice is a white rice that is allowed on South Beach. It is a white rice and your family will not know any difference between it and regular white rice. It takes 20 minutes to cook (do NOT buy the instant or the flavored rice). It is low glycemic and is the only white rice allowed on this way of eating.
  • Thanks Barb...you areways such a wealth of info..gotta love ya
  • Barb Are the tenderloins you found on sale the Hormel ones? If so, where did you find them on sale? We love them, but they are pricey!

    Ellis Our DD often climbs into bed with us in the middle of the night. It was quite funny when I was still preggers, b/c there wasn't much room for her!

    Mamacita I keep forgetting to say welcome back- so welcome back!!

    Jenne Good luck staying OP with your limited choices. Doesn't money or the lack of it SUCK??????

    Me- Back OP, having my parents over for dinner, so I am going to serch for a new recipe. I get so bored making the same stuff all the time. Actually got some exercise in last night, walked 2.5 miles once the sun had gone down. I wish DH was home more in the evenings so I could do that! I like my WATP tapes though, so I can't use him as an excuse.

    Have a super day!
  • Morning Everyone,

    It's mid afternoon here in England - almost 3.30pm. Its a HOT ONE and its horrible. The temperature in my house is about 80 degrees (27 for those of you who do degrees celsius). It's cooler outside.

    Of course all this is just an excuse not to get my chores finished today.

    I plan to make the Taco Bake for dinner this evening, never tried it before. But the thought of switching the oven on in my kitchen is putting me off a little! Its a small room and very hot all year round when I use my oven.

    Ellis, I just want to say, I was in Toronto a couple of weeks ago with my best girlfriend for a very brief shopping trip. Your avatar picture is bringing back great memories every time I see one of your posts

    Have a great day on the beach everyone!
  • Good morning ladies...losts of posts already this morning..sorry I can't respond to everyone!!

    Ruth: When I lived with my parents, my dog would do the same howling thing....she was an odd - ball dog....loved apples!

    Ellis: Morning! Hope you are getting your rest!

    Jen - Welcome back...missed you these past few days!

    dinner sounds yummy!!

    OK...I gotta go...I went to the tanning bed this morning because I need to get some color to me before this Sat.'s pool party (I think tan fat looks better that white fat!)
    And I must go excercise - UGH!!!
    Have a great day...will probably peck in later before work!
  • Artemis - I made Taco Bake in my toaster oven. The 8x8 pan fits just fine and it doesn't heat up the house as much as using the big oven. We have to learn how to cope with the heat here.

    Kiko - I bought the pork tenderloins at Tom Thumb last week, cooked one and froze the other. They are the Hormel ones. They are marinated but I went with the peppercorn since it doesn't have sugar added. I THINK they have turkey tenderloins on sale this week but I'd have to check my ad.
  • Morning BEACH CHICKS:!!!

    Thnx's to Dennis,we got some of his outer ban of rain last night for abt 30min's it downpoured,,,,Rain smells so good!!! Visited Dad/Sister yesterday and had a great time but came home w/a severe backache that kept me up most of last night,,,what the hay,I only lifted a fork at lunch !!! Have to work 3-9 2night ,so wl need a SCHATZI backup 2make sure she is packing !!!!!

    ELLIS...Slacker ,,,Nobody else got any sleep last night so get ur ars#@ up

    LESLIE....Skinny chicks r welcome ,,,Only rule, NO THROWING SAND ,,WELCOME

    JUST....Good Luck on ur test/interview....Slobbery donuts ,U DID GOOD GIRL...water/water/water and I bet U drop 6 by end of week...

    MAMA.... NO GRUMPS on our beach 2day ,,,Have a great day w/ur VICTUMS !!!!

    BAMIE....Men R such no-it-alls ,,,I used 2build power rooms,yet my husband tries to tell me about A.C. (ex:just unplug the thing ,,not the freezer )

    JEN.... Great 2know U stayed OP,,,,water/water/water wl wash away the water,,,easy on salty foods,,,U GO GIRL !!!

    RUTH....E GAD'S,,U live my wolves ??? Say hey to Harry !!!

    PEAR....Howdy ,Hv a great day!!!

    KYEMOM....I used 2dream abt Buffet's and no one wld let me get any food !!!

    BEACH.....U GO GIRL,,,mini gym's rock....Mine is covered w/dust bunnies !! Good luck at the dentist,,,I HATE DENTIST !!!

    ANGEL....Sooo sorry for ur long hours,,,Hope U find a great Cake for J's bday!!

    MOMMA.DRAGON..... : Sorry U were sick,,,Hv a great time at the beach !!!

    ELLIS....U GOT UP B4 MY POST GOT IN!!! I need Ur recipe for NOT COOKING !!!!

    SCHATZI....How's the thumb/possible headache,,,???

    CA85....Bread/crackers was hardest 4me ,,Way To Go!!!

    JEN....GET BACK ON UR TOWELL...(just kidding,,,a few days we all hv done,,,u'll B A OK !!!)


    LOVE.... Glad 2c U doing so well,,,U GO GIRL !!!

    KIKO....OP and so close 2ur goal,,,,


    P.s.....Have to practice my granny walk so I can go to work today!!! ( wonder I'f the allow walkers/canes ???)

  • Hi Girls!
    Just got back from my run, three mornings in a row......woohoo! I need to get out earlier though because it is getting so hot already that I feel like I'm running in a sauna.

    For all of you that didn't sleep good last night............I want to say ....I slept like a baby! It felt so good...............ahhh to wake up feeling refreshed...........................ahhhhh.

    OK so don't hate me, sorry Ellis

    Barb, where do you find the crockpot chili. That sounds really yummy. I'm getting sick of lettuce.

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • Barb, that's a great idea, thanks.

    The problem we have here is that it only ever gets this hot for a couple of weeks every summer, so we never adapt to it! I'm fine when I visit hot country's where they are all geared up for it, but in England, when it hits 80, I start to wilt!

    Thanks, the toaster oven is so much smaller, not only keeps the kitchen temp down but also its more economical!