So is there a current 100 to lose thread!?

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  • I had my weigh in this morning. -2.6 lbs.
    I really thought after the first week it would slow down. I've very happy with this. It hasn't hit the deprived stage or anything yet. So far it has fit in with everything in my life-family and work. I think in terms of convenience while I'm at work and I can really control it so much. I take one diet coke, a bottle of water and a fuze(for extra vitamins). I also take a yogurt, almonds and a ww meal. I also have a cup at work that I get ice water with and drink with a straw. I seem to get my water best with a straw!
    This week we learned about the 8 things listed in your week one book
    Things like water, fruite and veges, vitamins, protein, etc...
    I really am just getting used to the program and trying to get those items in.
    My saturday a.m. treat for breakfast is a jamba juice. I use it as the meal. When I went this a.m. the girl told me about a new jamba juice that is equal to 3 servings of fruit. Most of us have high point allowance so we can fit one in as meal. I'll look up the nutritional info on those.
    I also got some SPRI bands from Amazon - I used to use these at the gym and moving is moving I might start getting up at 630 a.m. going for a 30 min walk and then doing bands on alternating days. They came with a dvd so I'm watching that tonight.
    So last weeks goal was water and fruit and veges and I am very happy with the result! This week I will concentrate on starting exercise while keeping up with the water and fruit and veges.
  • Hi!!!!
    This is my first day on the forum.
    I join in hope that by reading the forum I could may up my mind whether or not to do Weight Watcher or Aktins. Any thoughts on why you don't like or like either one of these plan.
  • Atkins-Pros: you can eat alot, you lose weight quickly
    Cons: With a family and a budget its hard to stick with. Its not really a lifestyle change for me personally. I agree with the concept but like I said its cost too much for me.

    WW: You can eat whatever you want- not as much as you want but if you want to eat a candy bar you can. No special foods required. Meetings are great ways to be accountable.

    cons: slower weight loss, counting can be annoying.