I just don't understand!

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  • Jilly - All our bodies are different. Part of the process is getting to know your body and what it does in different situations. My body is definately the "Hide and Ambush!" type. If I have a binge weekend, it doesn't show on the scale for awhile. And when it does, I have to remind myself that it was that one weekend and if I make my amends (keep exercising and dieting) it will come off.
  • Frenchie...I, too, am very sorry for your loss Emotions can take a major toll on our eating habits, especially negative emotions (sadness, frustration, anger, loneliness...). That is a completely understandable reason for overeating (not healthy, not appropriate, but at least understandable). A lot of us are raised thinking that food should be used for comfort. I remember when I got my ears pierced when I was 10, and it made me cry (yeah, the lady said I would hardly feel it...you jam a metal rod through your ear and tell me you don't feel it!). Anyway, my parents took me for ice cream because I was crying. *DING* eat sweets to soothe your pain. Now, maybe your parents didn't take you out for ice cream after getting your ears pierced as a young girl, but you get the idea

    I know we all have hard times. I just had a hard time understanding why my body was messing with my brain like that! I was also frustrated with myself for overeating with no good reason other than IT TASTES GOOD

    Thanks to everyone for their suggestions and support! One bad weekend behind me...now if only I could get my butt up and exercise to help make up for it!