300+ And Ready to Try again #634

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  • Morning, Everybody! Hope it's going well for all.

    2x2 Challenge ending January 31st.

    I love this 2 x 2 stuff. If I lose just a pound a week, I'm in!! And if I can't lose a pound per week I need to re-examine what I'm doing.
  • Hello Ladies, I just got to the computer for the first time today. I see that you are starting a 2 X 2 challenge. I want to join that! I guess the idea is to add my name to the list? Here goes

    2X2 list

    Whew, next time I want to be second at least. LOL! Not so much typing. I have told all of you that I am computer DUMB, but I would love to have some of the cute things on my post that all of you do. I am going in search of some information on that. I think I must have missed the how tos on this site. LOL! I just saw the 300+ and thought, that is for me! I just dived right in without looking around first. I am glad I did though.

    I will be back later! Iwillbe
  • Terri... I did do my bands workout this morning. After the first section I was
    Then Richard announced ... "What a great WARM UP"
    I think I am REALLY out of shape.
    I can't wait until I get back to swimming again.

    Mary... congrats on the invitiaton to become "PRESDIENT" !!! Cool !!!
    You will make a wonderful Presdient. Maybe make your first official decision be "Only Low fat Low calorie Food allowed at pot luck dinners. "

    Thin.. thanks for the update on Tina and Sandy. I have an update on BarbPA and she is doing fine. They are starting the whole process of her IVF and will be gone for a few weeks. She is taking advantage of her "special place".

    marcie... I can not imagine traveling that much. My daughter had a couple of opportunites for jobs with LOTS of traveling... but she passed. She loves to travel .. but only for FUN. LOL

    Iwillbe ... We are glad you just jumped in too.
    One hint on having to typed all the names... I just copy and paste all of names and then just add mine at the end. Do you know how to copy and paste ? I did not when I first joined. In time you will be an old pro at it all.
    I want to apologize for leaving your name off of the list of newcomer's names I posted that I needed their address for the big February challenge.

    Ruby... I liked your comments on the 2x2. "Needing to reevaluate if I don't lose anything in 2 weeks." I do think that sometimes that can happen even when you are following your plan.... but ... it makes you look at what you are doing.. and if you are honest with yourself... you can see if you are slacking off or honestly in a plateau.

    Okay...I am out of here. I have recuperated from my exercise session.
    Don't forget to let me know who wants the Feb challenge... and your address if I don't have it.
  • Hi all! Just a flyby for now. Did you guys notice that you can go directly to our area straight from the opening page of the forum??? That should make things quick and easy AND bring us alot of traffic!

    Talk with you all later.
  • Today has been a really hard day for me. I don't know why, but I have been hungry all day and wanted to eat things that are not on my plan, and not eat the things that are on my plan. I've hung on by my toenails, but I've hung in there. Hopefully tomorrow will be easier!!!
  • Hey all, just a quick hello. After lots of good resolutions yesterday I've been only sort of OP today. I just keep saying, okay, I'll start from here now. Guy issues are making me pretty miserable, but I guess I know that food won't make any of that change. Sigh.

    Thin--I keep trying to get the dumb tracker off, but thanks for the info, hopefully I'll get it fixed one way or the other now.

    Barb--I'm glad you hung in. GOOD WORK!!! We all have those bad days, and next time I'll try to remember that you DID IT, and so can I.
  • Hi y'all! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I have a lot of weight to lose, and I love that there is a place where there are people like me!

    I'm not on any "plan" per se, although I would love to go back on Jenny Craig if I could afford it. I'm just cutting out obvious sweets (including soda), fried stuff (including chips), and cutting down on my salt intake. Oh, and of course drinking more water.

    I also am trying to get back into the exercise thing. I wear a podometer at work sometimes, and I take an average of 4000 steps per day at work. I think I'll just try to add Tae-Bo twice or three times a week. I love Tae-Bo. Makes me feel strong.

    Thanks for keeping this place moving! It's an encouragement to know that there is a place for people to come and get support.
  • Hey, Freedom, welcome! Good for you for being ready to start again!
  • Hi everyone! I promised I'd be back so I came. I will try to get in bed before midnight tonight. I failed miserably last night. Climbed in at 2:30 AM and didn't find sleep for at least another 45 minutes. I am really hating this insomnia.

    Marcie: I get the part that airlines change prices constantly, but is there any rule of thumb for the BEST time to book? This was the first time I heard anyone give a distinct day and time that bargains could be gotten. * You are very welcome for the support and encouragement. That's what we're here for and you have given back what you have received. We're glad to have you with us.

    Terri: WOW, Terri. We've got over 50 pounds logged so far....in just the first two weeks? YIKES! Maybe we better raise that goal! You're doing that inspirational thing again. All that exercisin' and I just may have to follow suit here sooner or later!

    Mary: I better you were a GREAT speaker. I also bet you'll have do do a whole lot more as Madam President! I'm going to be dumb here but who is Lee Jackson?

    Ruby: "if I can't lose a pound per week I need to re-examine what I'm doing." You said it, girl. Sometimes I think we all need to do some re-examining. Part of that would be being honest with myself about whether I'm REALLY on plan, like the Plan really says to be. I seem to get one part of it right, and can't get the rest of it to follow suit. I will make a real effort this week to put ALL the pieces together.

    Iwillbe: No problem just "diving in". We're glad to have you and you will learn all the "tricks" as you go along. We're all happy to help. The "cute" things are found up above your 'reply' screen. You'll find different fonts, sizes and colors. You'll also find Bold, Italic and Underline. You can do any of these one of two ways. Either hit the icon for what you want to do first and then a box will come up that you can type in, or if you want to do it after, just put your cursor to the far right of what you want to change and press and hold down the right button on your mouse and drag the cursor over your text. Once it's highlighted, go back and press the icon that you want that particular text to be and it will happen. Hope that helps.

    Gizmo: Hope you'll stop by and re-post.

    Barbg: I'm glad you were able to hold off the hounds. You did GREAT. I hope tomorrow will be better for you. How's Alvin doing? Are his shingles starting to fade?

    Angela: Tracker's gone, now you just have to remake it and put it back up. Forget the guy, concentrate on you. [[[hugs]]]

    Light: Sounds like you're well on your way to making healthy changes. Baby steps and you'll work up to a whole program that will really have you losing. Welcome! We're glad to have you.

    Joyce: Are you still hanging out here? We haven't heard from you in quite some time. I have your Red Hat picute above my computer and I just love it! Hope you're doing well.

    Well, my dears, I promised to get off of here and in bed by midnight and by golly, I think I might just make it. I will see you all tomorrow. Love ya bunches!
  • Thanks for the advice, Thin, you're 100% right. And I hope right now you are SOUND ASLEEP. I'm listening for the snoring.... you're not that far away, I should be able to hear you... snore a little louder, wouldja?
  • Okay, just one more post before I go to bed. I just went to the "Make a Commitment" thread and rewrote my contract with myself and I feel good about my new plan. I decided I need to make a plan on a weekly basis, with several components, and one of them would be a reward for meeting all my targets for the week. Heck, I'm always waiting to reward myself for meeting a weight goal, but why shouldn't I reward myself for actually staying OP? I have a hard time doing it, so whether I lose or not, I'm getting a reward if I meet ALL my goals for the remainder of this week (that is, Wed-Sun).

    Of course, this makes it a little hard, because small state universities don't pay their faculty so well that I can afford to spend much on WEEKLY rewards, so I was trying to think of what would be fun but not expensive... and for this week I decided on: cufflinks! I know that sounds insane, but am I the only one who goes crazy with fancy blouses that have cuffs that are like 20 times bigger than your wrist, just because it's a large size? I have 2 blouses that I go crazy with, because they're supposed to have puffy sleeves, but the wrists are enormous. So, if I stay under my calorie limit, do all my exercise, drink all my water, and don't deprive myself of sleep (starting tomorrow, of course, it's already too late to salvage sleep today), I'm going to the local pawn shops in quest of really cool cufflinks.
  • Thin may have made it to bed by midnight.. but obviously I haven't.
    I meant to come here earlier... but I got wrapped up in a movie on late night tv.
    My Tuesday Tip of the day .... Don't watch depressing movies .. especially if you are already depressed. LOL Even if it is a good movie... depressing is depressing.

    Thin.. I did notiice our thread on the main forum. Cool
    Congrats on getting to bed on time.

    Barbg ... don't you hate those days when you could eat the wallpaper off the walls.
    Even though I don't have visits from Mother Nature anymore... I still often get those monthly cravings.. usually along with mood swings. Keeping busy helps. I am proud of you for hanging in there and resisting.

    Angela... way to go making new resolutions.
    Guy problems can suck big time. But to be honest... if it wasn't guy problems it could be financial, or job, or family, etc, etc. LIfe is going to be filled with problems to overcome or to deal with. We all need to find new ways of dealing with them other than using food. You sound like you have a great plan. I love the idea of rewards for staying on program and the cuff links.

    Freedom&light... WELCOME !!! I am guessing you are 30something or younger. Only the young ones can still do Tae-bo. Us oldies just can't do it. Sounds like you have a good plan. I am looking forward to getting to know you.

    Gizmo ... where did you go ???? You posted in our thread and now it is gone.
    Please come back and join in.

    well friends.. I am headed out of here.
    Stayed on program all day.
    Drank my water
    EXERCISED ( even though I hated it)
    And I am going to journal as soon as I sign off.
    4 out of 4 today.
  • A little early, but I wanted to see if my avatar and tracker would work. I saw the avatar but not the tracker. Iwillbe
  • Hooray, I got it by george! Be back later in the morning. One more lb. gone ladies. Iwillbe
  • GOOOOOD morning ladies!! Everyone ready for a great on plan day?????