Thursday Weigh-in Thread--October

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  • good afternoon

    I just weighed in and I'm down 1.8lbs-at least I'm going in the right directions.

  • I don't even want to talk about weight in! Enough said?????
  • Happy weekend to everyone,
    Maureen------ congratulations on that loss.

    Tammy, you're one funny person.

    It's such a nice warm day here. Is everyone staying out of the candy???!!!

  • LOL Tina, I have a bag of candy sitting on the kitchen counter. It is leftover from the party at school yesterday. I haven't been tempted, because there really isn't anything there that I like that much. That makes it easy. I plan to take the bag with me next weekend. I think I told you that I am going to be on a team for an Emmaus Walk? I went on my walk in 2001, now I'll be on the "other side". Anyway, Thursday evening I will go to a church about 8 miles north of here, and I won't be home until Sunday evening. There will be lots of laughing, crying, and praying. It's a wonderful experience if any of you ever get the chance to go on a Walk to Emmaus.

    Today was so windy! I was so glad that we didn't work on the leaves in our back yard. They aren't there now! They are in our neighbor's yard and the field on past his house. Where the snow usually drifts in our driveway, there was a leaf drift! It was about 3 feet tall and about 12 feet wide. Tim loved driving through it. Much easier than getting through a snow drift!
  • Hi Ladies just a quick note to let you all know that I am still in the land of the living. When I checked my email today I had over 50 waiting for me.(about 3 weeks worth). I am taking a night school course in palliative care, and still working every other weekend too, so I am pooped. Not muck to report in the weight loss world, I am trying to get back on track, and haven't strayed too much....but those holloween treats are beckoning me. We had a windy day last night and today too, I am also at the bottom of a street that the wind clears, maybe no raking for me this year, but most are still on the trees in my yard. Thinking of you all.
  • OK. What is palliative care?
    You are one busy lady!!!
  • Palliative Care is caring for the dying, also called hospice care. Not as depressing a course as you might think, my clients who are dying are quite inspirational and caring.
    Not enough kids tonight to clear out the halloween treats, but I tried to give my favourites away first.
  • Happy Halloween night,
    We had so many spooks tonight. I ran out of candy. It was good timing because no more little ones showed up. We turned off the front porch light and blew out the outside candles. A couple of teens came by and we didn't answer the door.
    I still have 6 pieces of candy. I wasn't sure if my great neice and nephews would come by so I saved some candy. Now, since they didn't come, I'll just throw it out.

    Mimi, it takes a special person to work with hospice people.

    Everyone have a great Monday!
  • Is everyone ready to weigh?????
    Am I crazy asking this after the weekend of candy!!!!!!!

    I'm so psyched about weighing this week. I just know I'll be down. I just have to be down for my sanity. This is getting ridiculous, not losing. I just have to stick with my pts. It's just so easy to conveniently forget to journal.

    Good luck this week.
  • I am never weighing again. Does that answer if I'm ready to weight???? Yes you are crazy for asking that, and probably for many other reasons too!!!!! lol
  • Man... I am stuck.
    I am sticking to my points this week and writing everything down.
    The meeting last night was hilarious (weight wise), we usually have about a dozen to note with ribbons etc, but only 2 last night.
    One of the ladies got her lifetime certificate, and it was a very special one because 2 months ago her hubbie who was a lifetime member also and attended the Wed. night meetings regularly, dropped dead of a heart attack. When the leader gave her all her stuff (ribbon, pass book, star etc) she had a gift for the leader a whistle which was the husbands. Apparently he use to blow it when the meeting got out of hand with talking etc. The leader Wendy broke down when she was handed the whistle. I never was there when this guy attended but I guess he was quite a character.
    Happy fall to you all.
  • Mimi,
    What is the ticker thing????
  • hi,
    i'm new to ww started it a couple weeks ago. I lost 1lbs since last week just wanted to share....
    Tina the ticker thing show you how much a person has lost and how much they still have to lose to reach their goal.. What part of tx are you from? I"m from central texas
  • Good morning, Weigh-in group
    I'm doing the November turkey dance.
    It's such a beautiful day here in South TX.

    Heather, we welcome you to the group. If you wish, please come post on our Chatters thread . (By the way, I'm going to start the November Chatters in a few minutes.)

    Mimi, that was a very emotional meeting.
    Tammy, never say never.
    Everyone have a great day.
  • Well, I MADE myself go to WI this week. I had missed 2 WI already and this would have been 3 and I KNEW I had to go. I was going to be happy if it was under 5 up and it was. I was 2 1/2. I ok with that knowing how I have been blowing it. I think I am ready to get back with it now. I have to. I blew it a bit last night as my dd had a B-day part/sleepover. But I am back OP today. Hope everyone has a great day....Sis