All Air Walkers/Gliders/Ellipticals/Treadmills/Regular Walkers #30

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  • Hi Nona-- Thanks for checking. You know what's odd? You do see the 2 lb weighted gloves listed as far as price goes. When you go to the ordering page, the 2 lb weighted gloves are not there just the 1 lb gloves are. She does have 2 lb ankle/hand weights but I like the gloves because they have holes to keep the weights secure. She sends a list in the package that lists all her products & she doesn't have the 2 lbs weighted gloves on there. I wonder why she stopped selling them?? HMMMM....Oh well...

    I have to run take my son to the bus stop. Hope everyone has a great day!!
  • Good Morning Everybody!

    It was so nice to log in here and see so many posts! Thanks for being so motivating everybody.

    Nona-You motivate me too! I did do Tae Bo last night. I did the 8 minute Live tape and it helped me feel better. I sure didn't want to do it but I'm glad I did. How did you do? I hope you found some time. Yes let's keep motivating each other. I'll do another tape tonight.

    Debbie-I hope you feel better! I hate the dentist. That's one of my biggest fears. You are doing great even when you aren't feeling well you are doing more exercise then I am. Keep up the great work and feel better soon!

    wwgal-I have one pound weighted gloves that work fine for me. It's amazing how that little bit of weight makes a difference. I think QVC has some great prices. I've ordered from them allot and have never been disappointed. You're doing great by the way.

    Judy-Great job on the walking! Thanks for understanding about TOM! I'm feeling much better now and I think I'll be able to get back to working out more regularly. Thanks for being so supportive!

    I know I've missed some of you and I appologize. I really need to get to work but hopefully I'll be able to check in later. Have a great day everybody!
  • gasp, pant....water, need water....;)
    Ha!! I went for my 2 mile walk and did the 8 minute tae-bo tape right after.... man, am I drinking the water - LOL! I have never done the 8 minute tape, just the instructional and basic. I really like it, but need to work on keeping up! I will be walking a shorter distance tonite to get to my sons T-Ball game (the rest of the family drives w/the equipment).

    Rose, congrats on doing the tae-bo last night!! Keep it up, and I will too!!

    Deb, sorry to hear they don't have the 2lb weighted gloves for you. On the QVC site the gloves that came w/the tapes and audio were, I think, 1lb's also. Maybe you could check out the local sport store? Good luck!!

    I will check in again later to chat w/all of you then. I'm heading for the shower! lol!

    Lighter~~~ Nona
  • Rats, didn't get my 2nd walk in today. DH hurt his back, so I had to drive the boys to T-Ball tonite. Hope DH feels better by Thursday's game!

    The thread sure is quiet tonite.... where is everyone?

    Talk to you Lighter! Nona
  • Hi everyone
    I did water aerobics yesterday and then went for a 6 mile walk on the beach...whew! : Today is my last day in the Sunshine State so I must take advantage of every minute today I am doing water aerobics this morn and then will walk later....It is a beautiful day here in Florida today so maybe I can catch some sun too! At least the weather forcast cast is good for home tomorrow and the rest of the week so maybe I can continue on. I won't be able to go to my WW meeting this week because we will be going to the airport. My meeting day will change to Tuesday when I get home so I get a few extra days this week Have a great day everyone.
  • Judy ~ Have a safe trip! Check in when you get settled again

  • anyone who is looking for 2lb weighted gloves i found them at www. power systems for around 14.00
  • Hi Everyone!

    Sorry for the late post today. I've been so busy. I might not be able to post tomorrow because I have to learn my new job and a new program so I will be very busy! If I can, I'll post in the evenings. Oh and then last night I got a rent increase again after only 8 months. Talk about depressing. But I decided the best thing to do was some exercise so I did my thigh and arm workouts and I felt better!

    Judy-I hope you have a safe trip. We'll miss your smiling posts while you are gone! Please check in as soon as you can! Did you say Indiana? Forgive me if I'm wrong. Good job on the exercise. I hope the weather cooperates in your other home.

    Nona-I hope your DH is okay. I hate back pain! It sounds like you have an active life! I know the busy feeling. My son is in football and track so my evenings are busy too. You've been doing a good job with the exercise by the way. I'm going to try to fit some Tae Bo in tonight. I can't believe you did Tae Bo after your 2 mile walk! That's great! I'll try to keep you company while Judy is gone!

    wwgal-Thanks for the info on the gloves. I'm interested in those I'll check out the site! Keep walking.

    Debbie-How is it going? I hope you are feeling better! Check in when you can.

    Okay I need to get back to work. I'll try to post tomorow sometime. Thanks for being here everybody! Have a good evening!
  • I'm here

    I just finished doing my 3 mile walk tape. Whew! I start breaking a real sweat within the first 1/2 mile- 1mile. It's a good workout. I have been trying to alternate everyday between the 3 mile & 2 mile tapes. Tomorrow I may take a break or maybe I will just do the 2 mile one. I feel bad when I don't do one of the tapes. That is a miracle because I really detest doing any exercise. I feel so good afterwards

    I hope you are all doing good.. Keep up the great work!!!

    Judy--have a safe trip & check in when you get home...

    Nona-- good luck with weigh in tomorrow.... Hopefully we will both show a loss

    Rose-- Good for you for doing your exercise instead of getting upset & reaching for food. That is wonderful!!!

    wwgal-- I tried & it doesn't seem like the right site. Do you have the exact url?? Thanks

    I'll post my weigh in tomorrow morning.

    Have a good one!
  • weighted gloves
    Sorry i didn;t include the web address for the weighted gloves it is
  • Hi from Indiana!
    Hi everyone!
    I am back in Indiana only takes 2 hours by plane...isn't air travel great? I walked 8 miles yesterday on the beach, but the only exercise I had time for today was walking through the airports...and the grocery store when we got home....Later all
  • I'm baaaaaaack!
    Hi guys!

    Long time no see!

    Well, if you've got room I'd love to rejoin you to get some exercise motivation and buddies - feeling a little lonely over here in Aussie!

    To report:

    Haven't lost any weight, but determined to do well over the next few weeks, cos I've got a wedding to prepare!!!

    So I need a real push and support to make sure I do my exercise every day.

    I can't stop and catch up now, but would love to hear how you're all doing!

  • Hi everyone!

    I'm so sorry for being gone so long! I've been so busy at work and I don't have much time to post now but I wanted to say hi and let everyone know that I haven't forgotten about this thread and all of your support. I'll try to post more tonight while I'm at home.

    Lynne-I'm so glad you are back! I hope you will be able to post more often. I've missed you on here.

    Okay I have to run for now. I hope to have more time later. Thanks for hanging in here everybody!
  • Hi all!

    Rose it's great to be back. I totally slacked off in determination for ages, and kept getting side tracked by stuff, but need to focus ON ME and FEELING BETTER or I'm going to go nuts!

    Speaking of which, did not get my walk in but will do an extra long one today. As usual, too many other "important" things come up, like feeding the family, doing dishes and washing.. you know, LIFE THREATENING IMPORTANT CAN'T WAIT kinda stuff!

    I can't talk long, as I'm at work as usual, but glad to have some people to help me going.

    Talk to you soon!

    Just a little bit excited! hee hee

    It felt so good, and it drives me nuts when I can't do it every day!

    How's everyone else going?

    I did 3.5 kilometers last night, which equates to just over 2 miles, in 30 minutes. I love powering along the footpath. It's amazing how much you get sorted out in your head too.

    I read in this program that I'm doing this week that as long as you do 30 minutes each day, it doesn't have to be in one block. So 5 minutes here, 10 minutes there, it all counts. The advantage to doing it all in one is that the metabolism kicks in better, because of increased and maintained heart rate. But it ALL counts!

    Well, because I won't get to do my walk today, I am promising myself to do the aerobic video, so I will say that to you guys so that I make sure I do it!!!!!

    I've also decided that on Wed's after my WW meetings I'm going to go swimming! So it's all starting to happen!

    Have a great day!
