My 3rd first week......

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  • Saskie wow! you sure have a busy schedule. I think it is awsome that you can do all that and stay on program. I am not sure I could do it. Im so sorry to hear about your grandma.Take care of yourself
  • Hi! I am not sure what part of the country you two live in but I am in North Idaho as North as you can get. We felt the earthquake that just hit Seattle everything was swaying back and forth. I am so happy that the damage so far isn't that bad for a 7.0. I hope it stays that way. We used to live north of Seattle on Friday Harbor one of the San Juan Islands I loved it there so much would love to go back. MW
  • 2Sexy,
    I am so sorry to hear about your sister's baby- that would be one of the worst things a person could ever go through. For my Grandma, it was almost for the better in some ways, she has been sick and very confused for a very long time.
    That must have been scary to feel the earthquake- I have never experienced one and probably never will, since I live in Saskatchewan, Canada!
    Did you manage to sneak your exercise in today?
    JustMe- Thanks for your concern I am doing ok, I think that the funeral will be the difficult part- but I have a close family and my fiance is great.
    As for staying on program with the travelling, I have been living this way for more than 3 years, so it was either find a way to make it work or stay fat! *L*
    I tried the breakfast cookie recipe today- the original one with blueberries. It was ok, I think I should have baked it a little longer though! It has been keeping me feeling full for about 1.5 hrs, but I also drank a truckload or tea and who knows! I am going to try the carrot and banana versions tomorrow, so I will let you know! Have either of you ever had the real cookies?
    See ya!
  • losing a baby like that is a hard thing I can't imagine how my sister feels. My husbands grandfather is getting real week also He keeps telling everyone it's his time. It makes everyone nervous knowing he will be gone soon.
    Anyway, I haven't yet gotten my exercise in yet. YET!!! I will before I go to bed. I really try hard to do it in the morning.
    What cookies are you talking about? Are they the ones I have read in the other posts that people are ordering? MW
  • I live in Minnesota.The earthquake must have been scary.I have lived here all my life so I have no idea what that would be like.Right now its just really cold here with below average temps. I cant wait for spring. this weather is making me Im not sure what cookies you are talking about either. I would like to find some other breakfast options I spent too many points at breakfast. How many points are the banana ones thy sound like they might be good. Im not much of a cook though so who knows what the outcome will be

    [This message has been edited by Justme (edited 02-28-2001).]
  • Wow, ladies, I just screwed up horribly. I was totally on task/pts all day and then we came to my parents tonight and I blew everything!!! Buns, meat,cheese,cake, chocolate almonds,chips...I got it all! I am somewhere around 6o pts for the day...I am getting sick, am exhausted and whiny. (I am sure you guessed!) I don't have to weigh in next Tuesday, and am considering taking a few days off tracking and super exercising to recooperate. I know this is probably a bad idea, but I have been so off track lately, I am really considering a short break- but is that how the gain back begins??????
    Advice, please!?!?!
  • JustMe & 2Sexy4ThisBody,
    Just wanted to let you know I am in better spirits this morning- had a supreme break down last night after the emotional eating frenzy, cried for about half an hour non stop, but things are better now. I am going to continue on as planned in my pts range, and not punish myself for something that I can't take back!
    Those cookies are the ones discussed in one of the threads here- I am baking carrot raisin and banana nut ones as we speak. The blueberry ones were good- I like them because I am a bulk eater and they are a good size. Also, since they are high fiber I drink lots of water with them and they are twice as filling!
    Last night I was super dehydrated- I drank TONS of water (non stop all day) and could not get rid of the thirst. I think my body was holding it all in too, then all night long it decided to let it out...I was up about 5 times!
    I am taking a break from the gym today- it is already up to -4 degrees here today, beautiful! I think I will go for a couple walks and see if my aunt wants to take my cousins swimming with me!
    Do you both have children?
    How are you doing? Let me know!
  • Hello,
    Saskie, don't get too upset. I know the feeling though. But I took a few days off and it ended up being a year and gained 3o pounds back. SOOOOOOOOO, don't give up. But by now I am sure you know what your body can do, What to eat and what not to eat. I have been real bad about journaling as a matter of a fact I haven't even started journaling yet. My main goal was to exercise which I did a good job I think. I will weigh in tomorrow.
    I know what it feels like to over eat and punish yourself for it. But really we just need to be head strong and think so what I will just get up tommorow and get back on track. My problem last year was my head. I am trying real hard to keep my mind focused and not to punish myself cause if I do I will blow it. In the past when I have lost weight I always gave myself one day to eat what I wanted for dinner and desert. It helped me and didn't stop me from losing weight.
    I have two kids a six year old boy and a 2 year old girl.. They keep me busy. MW
  • Saskie Im glad you are in better spirits! Whatever you do dont give up or punish yourself for a bad day. I too gained back because I took a break from tracking and exercising. I wound up quitting completely.I kept telling myself that I would go back next week but didnt.That was 6 months ago. I will be going for my 2nd week weigh in on sat.Im a little nervous because I havent been able to exercise like usual because I have stitches in my ankle and just walking hurts.(Nothing serious just a big ugly mole) the stitches have to be in 2 weeks. I hope I dont get lazy when they come out.By the way I dont have children I just work with them all day.