Week of May 23rd

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  • Ruby Tuesdays now posts fat, calorie, carb, protein and I think fiber counts on ALL of their menu items. It is really very cool, makes making a healthy decision a lot easier than just reading a dish and then trying guess what's in it.

    At my office everyone is on the South Beach and its actually quite funny. I cater in our exec lunches and they HAVE to be South Beach friendly. If anyone sees you eating sugar free anything they ask "Are you on the beach?" I say yes, I'm on the West Palm Beach diet and keep on going.

    Funny story - DS is all excited about the NBA finals and wanted to stay up to watch the end of the Pistons/Pacer game. I told him to go to bed. He snuck my cell phone into the bathroom and called my dad and told on me. My dad called and fussed at me for depriving my son of the opportunity to watch one of the best games of BBall that he had ever seen played. I laughed and let my kid watch the rest of the game. Next time I lay down the law, I will FIRST hide the phone so I won't get in trouble.

  • hi everyone! I didn't post yesterday as I basically spent the day shopping for the reunion. I was successful though. Friday night (casual) I'm wearing capris and a real cool new top and cute new sandals. Saturday night I'm wearing a skirt (showing leg, girls) but I need to buy the shoes yet. I've got to go back shopping tomorrow. I bought some other things while I was at it and fortunately bought some smaller sizes.

    RR - I'm glad to hear that you are feeling good and I'm sending you all my best. ~ Cool that you spent the day at the pool. ~ Glad to hear you're getting healthier with the weight loss. That is an awful lot of weight in a short time. Be good to yourself.

    Lauren - yes it probably wouldn't be that comfy in the hot tub and the privacy is a little lacking.

    Tika - Hi and welcome! Thanks for the info about Ruby Tuesday's.

    Karen - hooray on the sleeping. I have heard the applebees stuff is good.

    Scuttle - you are too funny about the low carb craze!

    gotta run - Rabbit
  • Hi all....................

    Tika: Interesting info about Ruby Tuesdays, we have not been there in a while so I will go check it out. I love the salad bar they have. Very cute story of your son.

    Rabbit: Glad you found some clothes. Woohoo on showing some legs Saturday night. I know you will look great. Is your DH going to be able to go with you? We are having our 20 year reunion in July, but I am probably not going to make it. Although I think it would be kinda neat to see how some of the people I went to high school turned out. Hope you have lots of fun!!!!!!!!

    Hello to all the rest of you. I have been in an irritating mood this afternoon. I get so tired of picking up everyone's things at home and going behind everyone at work. I know tomorrow will be another day and things will get better, but sometimes it feels like I'm the only one doing anything, other than the rest of you!

    Take care
  • Hi guys,

    I really hate NJ weather!! Our zoo trip was rained out today. We went to a huge indoor outlet mall instead. They have a cool play area so one of the other mom's and I took the kids and they played. Then we shopped. I got Alex some really cute stuff.

    Jack: Been there with you!! Alex was up from 12-1:30 last night and I was so mad at DH 'cause he was in there just snoring away. I wanted to yell at him but I didn't.

    Rabbit: Cool on the clothes. I bet you will look great.

    OK, gotta go decide what to take out for dinner. Hope ya'll are having an awesome day.
  • Hi All,

    What a rotten day, I've been sitting half asleep at my desk most of the day.

    Karen, what zoo were you going to? I can't wait to take Peter to the zoo this year, he was half asleep last year at Turtle Back Zoo. What outlet did you end up at?

    Hi Jackie!

    Rabbit, *whistling* You must post pics!

    Tiki, funny DS story!

    I'm exhausted...thank God it's 5:00...
  • hello. I bought shoes today and a new purse that is perfect with the outfit.

    Jackie - yes, dh will be going with me. It should be fun. There are a couple people coming that have never been back so I haven't seen them since hs.

    Lauren - if I get some good pics, I will post.

    Karen - it has been raining here in the midwest for days. sigh.

    Good news - checked my measurements today and lost 3 3/8 inches this month.

  • Good evening all..............................

    My stomach is not feeling to well at the moment, been real gassy feeling. Sure hope it passes soon. I had some blood work done last week and it showed my thyroid being overactive so they want me to see a specialist. Maybe that's why I have been so exhausted lately. I guess we shall see.

    I made 4 batches of peanut butter chocolate fudge for the in-laws to take out of town for the weekend. It helps keep FIL awake, and my niece and nephews look forward to it also. Good news, I did not even eat a piece! That's a first for me!

    RR: Hope you are having a good week so far

    Rabbit: That's great about the inches you lost.

    Lauren: Hope you are able to get some rest tonite. I hate days when I feel like that, and lately that's all I been feeling.

    Karen: Outlet Mall with a play area, how cool is that. Hope you guys had fun!

    Hello to the rest of you all. Mom is still hanging in there, Hospice is doing wonderful with her. They are talking about putting her on some oxygen. I talked to her for a few minutes and that was nice. My brother and I are going to conference call her this weekend and let her tell us about some things that she remembers happened in our lifetime. Anyways, I think that should be fun, as long as she is up to talking.

    Have a good Thursday!!!!!!!!

  • Hi guys,

    I'm getting a little computer time while Alex is watching The Wiggles. I'm trying to wean myself from spending so much time on here.

    Lauren: We were at Jersey Gardens. I really like it there but it's so big I feel lost sometimes. Here's a pic of Alex in the play area:

    He and the other two boys had a lot of fun playing there.

    Rabbit: Yeah on the inches!!!

    Jack: Hope you are feeling better today.

    RR: How are you?

    OK, guess that's enough for now. I think we are going to go to the park.
  • hello everyone. Just a quick note - I lost 3 lbs this week at weigh in!! woohoo.

    more later - Rabbit

  • Hi All,

    Rabbit - CONGRATS!!! What an awesome loss...and the inches too!! What did you do this week to earn it? Something extra?

    Karen - that place looks like a lot of fun! I've never been there...it's right across the street from Ikea, isn't it?

    Jackie - That fudge sounds awesome...my 2 fav things...chocolate and PB!! How are you feeling today? Better, I hope! Glad to hear things are going well with hospice.

    Hi to everyone else! It's crappy here today. Supposed to be nice Sat & Sun, but not Mon.
  • just a quick hi as I'm heading out of town. Have a safe happy memorial weekend.

    will talk later about why I lost this week -

  • Good Morning!! I forgot to mention that MIL is staying with us for a few weeks...OMG....I am going nuts!!!Let's see...she yelled at me for Kaylee screaming at night(cutting molars) saying "This is ridiculus the way she cries", hmmmmm....then "you and DH are responsible for #2 being ******ed because U can put her on vitamins"..DH almost fainting when I retorted back..Do we go to GNC and go to the Anti******ed vitamin section and find them???Thinks we could go on better vacations if we put her "somewhere". I told her that she is not a dog and we could not Kennel her somewhere..I am not even kin to this child and I am arguing with her natural grandmother....Today, wish me luck, we are taking the kids #2 and #3 to The zoo and then the aquarium..Soooo...it will be all us fine family together and I will lay on the Southern charm to pi$$ her off....
    OK..vented enough!!!

    Jackie--Wow on not eating the fudge!!! I succumbed to 1 piece yesterday at work..We won an award for the best Teamwork and I nibbled!! Oh..well...
    Glad Mom is doing ok..Hospice is a Godsend..We had it for my grandmother..

    Karen--That park looks fun... He is growing fast..Kaylee is already 23lbs!!!

    Rabbit--WOW on the loss..I will weigh again on Monday...Have fun!!

    Lauren--Hope U are feeling better!!!
    Scutle-Stay in touch!!!
    HEllo to all others!!!
  • Hi All,

    RR, OMG, I can't believe MIL said those things!! I guess she's forgotten what babies are like when they're getting teeth!! I thought you guys got along? I can't believe she said that about #2!! How could she treat her own granddaughter that way?! Grrrr....

    I had a good day yesterday, felt OK most of the day. This AM I feel funky again, hope it goes away soon.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend! DH is outside w/Peter, putting up the pool. Was hoping to go in later, but I don't think it's gonna be that hot, it's only 60° now. Peter's out there in a onsie, long sleeve shirt and sweats! We're going to try and get the house cleaned up today, then Mom's tomorrow (clean some of the garage), then the IL's Monday for dinner (MIL's b-day was Thurs.)
  • Hi guys,

    Our friends had a baby on Thursday, so I've been busy all AM cooking for them. Two other friends and I are making meals for them so she doesn't have to think about it. Lauren, you met them at Alex's party. Liz had a little girl (I'm SO jealous). I just know that if I get lucky enough to get preggers again I'll have another boy!!

    RR: That MIL of yours is a piece of work. If I was your DH I'd be tempted to say "Well, since you feel that way you won't mind never having to hear from or about her or us ever again will you!!" That is beyond cruel!! She doesn't deserve such a sweet pretty little granddaughter. You go girl!! I love your comebacks and I admire your strength. Your self control must be awesome not to have kicked her in her behind like she deserved.

    Rabbit: Congrats on the loss. Hope you are having a good weekend.

    Jack: Yeah on not eating the fudge!! I wish I had your control. I made a peach cobbler for a picnic we are having tonight. I'm sure I will be eating some!!

    OK, hope everyone is having a great weekend. Gotta go check the pasta.
  • Happy Saturday to all............................

    Confession: I had 3 little pieces of fudge, only 3. I knew I would end up doing that. But I am over that and moving on. I have not been eating that much lately, not sure why, of course the scales still shows the same weight. Ugh.........

    RR: That is so awful about the things MIL said to you and about Kaylee. I can't imagine how someone could be so cruel. You are a WONDERFUL MOM and have tons of strength! Kaylee is a beautiful little girl and you know what, she is missing out! I hope she calms down a bit for the rest of her stay and the time goes by quick. Have fun at the aquarium and zoo. I really enjoyed the time we went. I keep saying I need to take DS back along with DH for the weekend.

    Lauren: Hope you feel better. 60's, it's in the high 80's here as I speak. Although it's a little cloudy. I am trying to get caught up on things in case I have to leave again on short notice for my Mom. She is not doing good right now and so again, I am worried and concerned. I'm sure this does not help my health in any way.

    Karen: Cute picture! Okay, you can cook some food for me if you want. Just kidding. I don't have any excuse for not getting my lazy sorry butt in the kitchen to cook.

    RABBIT: Congrats on your 3lb loss! Great job. Hope you are having a good time at the reunion.

    Well, DH is calling so I guess I will go for now.
