Movie snacks

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  • Well for me I am super naughty and get the sugar based popcorn and have it with a diet coke. But I used to have this plus some chocolate so I am improving.

    Baby #2 is nearly due and there is no babysitting available afterwards so I doubt I will see a cinema for at least 2 years. Maybe a good thing for my waistline
  • I used to work at a cinema and when on a diet I'd take an apple and some hand cream in. Eat the apple then slather my hands in hand cream for the rest of the film - no popcorn bucket for me.
  • I'm real cinephile, and go at least once a week. I might bring some fruit, or a small calorie counted snack. And as always I drink water, but then I've found in all situations, it's SO much wiser to eat your calories, not drink them.
  • I'm not into popcorn enough to bring myself to pay the ridiculous concession stand prices and neither is my daughter. The ticket itself is pricy enough. So when we go, it's for a matinee and lunch beforehand.

    I really don't like distracted eating. I want to enjoy the food and be immersed in the movie. I can't do both at the same time.
  • I eat popcorn half the time and then I'll have a diet coke as I don't like their water (weird I know, it's just water). I drink coffee sometimes and don't need to snack. I bring healthy snacks that are satisfying bites (like grapes, a few nuts, and cucumber slices). And I have brought my crochet/knitting and just kept them busy doing that and it worked well.
  • We are lucky that we live near the best theater in the world. For DH and I to go see a movie it costs us $32. In the $32 is our tickets ($12+ea. elsewhere), a small bottomless popcorn each ($8 with a bottom elsewhere), a medium bottomless drink ($5 with a bottom elsewhere), a large hot sandwich of our choosing (15 varieties, $10+), with a full side of nachos ($8 elsewhere).

    We can go to the movies and sit at huge desks in comfy chairs and eat dinner for about half the cost of going anywhere else and its a first run theater. We saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt. II the night it came out in this theater!

    Typically if we see a matinee we don't do the "cheap date" deal detailed above, we pay the budget busting price of $3 a ticket and get popcorn and M&Ms (peanut, mixed in) and a drink. We never sneak in outside food either, we love this place too much to do that!
  • That's a lot of food!
  • I would bring a real snack, but it would be the high end stuff, and small. For any cravings I'm having that can't be ignored until they go away, I find that having a limited portion of the best/most expensive/highest quality whatever it is is more satisfying than the lower end stuff. (3 pieces from a chocolatier instead of buying a chocolate bar at the gas station) and I'm far less likely to go back for another.
  • If I bring anything to eat at all I pack one of those large, round lollipops you always see in the check-out lanes at the grocery store. They are 150 calories and take me two hours to eat. Not a bad trade-off considering how high calorie theater popcorn is.
  • Cant imigani going to the cinema without popcorn
  • Thanks for the list, it was rather interesting to find out details here.
  • I used to bring in a small carton of blueberries into the movie with me. Felt like I wasn’t deprived when my friends were having chocolate. But more recently I find it easier to just have a diet soda and no snacks. It was habit more than anything making me want to eat, after all I’m already entertained by the movie