Christian Encouragers#171

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  • Hi!
    Time sure flys! I 'm all caught up reading anyway! Welcome to all the newbies! Jamie, Summer and homebound These guys are awesome, and it is wonderful just for the Christian support, and prayers. Speking of which there are lots going your way mitchy- It is hard when both parents are having problems. I was there last year, mom having hip replacement and dad haveing knee replacement. They are both doing great now. So, I have added you and your family and pray all wooks out. Wilma-
    stick with it your doing good, don't be upset, if loss is not all you expect because muscle weighs more, and that may be reason. But exercising alone is great for your bod. E.Z. The wedding sounds fun, and simple. Some wedding cost so much, and its over in a night. There was one at work that people were talking about that was $10,000 dollars, that is a down payment for a house. Not a wedding. Sami- so happy to hear all is well, and thanks Good luck with s graduation and dd wedding, your busy, busy, busy, but I am sure enjoying every minute. Angellover- your posts are so uplifting, and bright and cheery, so glad you joined us, pray your back is pain free- back problems not only hurt but limit us so much. God bless all! Where are you gutchie, zoe and Mrs. Hummer, miss you guys touch base and let us know what's up. see ya!
  • Hello CEers ,

    Welcome Summer!!~It's really so nice to see you so happy to find the thread. It is a blessing in my life and these are really wonderful people. Very clever screen name you have. I look forward to your posts. And i'm struggling to get back on the downward side of weightloss too. Not really a plateau but i think i understand what you are going through. The important thing to remember is to not give up, be proud of your efforts regardless of what the scale says.

    Angel love your graphics and yes, you are always so up. How are things going for you? Anything getting done on your house?

    Thank you Sue for your prayers and support. What a wonderful free gift we have in prayer. And it's so powerful. My mother is an amazing person, she's got a great attitude about all this and that makes me not worry so much but I also think that she shouldn't have to be such a trooper and deal with all this. I wish her life was easier.

    I'm grateful today for a good friend of mine who had a good talk with me the other night when i was feeling hopeless and down about everything. He took the time for me and afterward we prayed together on the phone. It was special. He's someone i dated for awhile and i'm starting to wonder why we aren't dating now.


    FIRST OF ALL "WELCOME" TO: homebound, Carrie, Jamie/Daise and Summer

    Summer is my neice's name, her sister is Sunshine.

    Welcome to all of you-- I hope you stay around and visit us often.

    It is so good to hear from you doitforme I really miss it when you are working so hard and camping! You must have Zoe and Sherry with you I remember all the prayers we sent out for your mom and pop last year-- glad to see they are still ok. How was the trip with the youth?

    ANGEL-LOVER- I think you guys worry too much sometimes on what the scales say-- just keep doing the best you can-- it is so easy to start to give up when the scale doesn't read as we want-- you never know maybe if we hadn't given up when the scale didn't read what we wanted the next week we may have lost 10 pounds! Eating better and exercise (for those that can) is just something we need to do no matter what the scales say!!! I think being frustrated causes us to weigh more Prayers for you!!!

    WILMA-- Good luck with the weigh in at Curves-- you are still my summer hero!! How are those boys? Glad to see the church interest!! Wish my son would hang around it more-- excuse is "I work on Sundays Dad" he still is a great kid but we both know the more you stay away the better chance to mess up.

    MICHELE-- Prayers for your family still coming! Why in the heck are you so down? You got that new job right? one thing at a time dear!!! Prayers for you!!!

    Well the son is going out with friends after his cross-country practice and my daughter has a dinner date with friends after her tennis practice-soooo the wife and I are going to the harbor for fish and chips!!

    IN HIS CARE- Gary
  • Well we didn't make it to the harbor-- we went to a Greek Cafe instead-- very good.
  • Everybody....been a very busy week for me, so haven't been able to post much. I have, however, been reading. I've been at the tv station the past several days. The co-manager's dad has been in the I had to take care of the office. I only had to put the weater on...metereorolist calls it in & put on maps. We play GMT until 4pm when we go on live. Should have been easy...but no....the maps froze up! After a big, huge panic, the metereorolist guided me & I got the maps up. Then right after it was over....station went off the air! Panic, again. I called co-manager & she guided me.....I got it back on!! I'm used to helping with the weather...but never have had to handle all that stuff in the control room. Was told it was "good" for me. LOL Might have been when it was over....but could have caused a heart attack at the time!! LOL Just had to vent....thanks....feel better.

    Michele....I didn't know your dad had a stroke in the past. I'm not an expert....but I've always been very interested in the medical field & have done extensive studying.(My drs are very careful what they say in front of me. They know I understand a lot of it.hehe) Anyway.....Most of the time, a stroke will change the patient's personality. It usually does progress with time. I don't know of anything that will help. Maybe they have come out with something's worth checking with the dr. Of course, that may not be what's wrong, but sounds like it. I had a friend who's husband had a stroke....symptoms were the very same. I'm sorry you & family are going through this. You're in my prayers.

    Gary...I know you're right, of course, but I'M STUCK!!!!! I'm eating the right things.....& it's going to stay that way. I've got 20 more lbs to lose, though, & I'm an impatient person. Besides, the weight is worse for my back problems, & RA.

    doitforme..... for your encouragement. Actually, my back is feeling fairly good today.

    Wilma...good luck with your weigh in

    Hello Summer......Hang in there!!!

    Hello to all & hope you have a blessed day
  • The Party is over! Wow it was a lot of work but it was a lot of fun! I spent way to much on food and stuff but there wasn't much left when it was over. I am still OP but have not lost any in two weeks. Please keep me in your prayers I found out something Monday that I am not suppose to know it has to do with my Job. I am upset because it is not a good thing. I found out because I am very close to my boss and she shares her e-mail with me because I do most of her follow up for her to take her burdens off her. And I am careful not to open things I feel I shouldn't see. But monday when I read an E-mail that I wasn't suppose to see I was in shock. I went to my Boss and told her she also didn't know. She called around and found out my fears were real. I am sorry I can't say what it is but I promised I wouldn't say anything.
    Daise-I do remember you and WELCOME back! I hope you will post often and let us encourage you.
    Homebound-We will keep the prayers comming. I am praying right now that you have another peaceful night sleep. That aways makes you feel better to get some good sleep.
    EZ-Thank your wife for her helpful hints! I have been looking at the almond thing.
    Michele-My DD took Japanese it was hard! My neightbor has been living in Japan for the last year to finish her college course. She will be home in a few weeks. The repair man friend sounds wonderful You might want to keep him around. My DS date didn't go real well the girl started playing games at the party talking with other guys and he just said I am to old for these games. He is so wonderful.
    Summer-A big welcome to you! You will be blessed with this great group of Christians. I can not tell you how blessed my life has been because of this group. Post often.
    Doitforme-I do remember that your parents went through a lot and I am so glad that they are doing so much better. Does your Pastor have anymore news? His story has really touched me.
    Sherry-You are still in my prayers. I am worried about you and pray that you are doing alright. Post when you can. We care about you.
    Zoe-Are you still unpacking? We miss you come back and post.
    To all the MIa's I pray that the Lord is also blessing you. And we miss you!

    I am keeping you in my prayers!
  • Good Morning!
    It's a gorgeous day this morning. I wish I could be outside but it's my long day at work. DH is off today and is planning to cook supper. I took our pikeral filets. I'm looking forward to it!

    Tomorrow morning is weigh and measure day at Curves. I sure hope there's been a change. If not I know that I need to do some adjusting in my eating.

    Sami: Don't get discouraged about the plateau. Change to a different exercise to shake things up a bit or change your eating a bit. Apparently this works! Glad your party went so well. As for the work thing - I feel bad for you but remember that God is in control and HE knows everything.

    Angel-lover: The last few pounds are supposed to be the hardest to lose. Hang in there. I still have about 40 to lose so I'm still on a long road.

    Gary: My boys are great guys. Last night there were 5 extra guys in my basement and they were watching a movie. This morning there's a mess but they were quiet enough that I could fall asleep last night. Every once in a while you'd hear laughter. Nice sound!!

    Michele: HOw are things going with you? I'm glad you had a friend you could talk to. It's so important to be able to share our hopes and failures with someone.

    GEMonster: WELCOME! I hope you find the support here that you need. We're a great bunch.

    To everyone else: Have a great day!
  • Morning!
    Good Morning!

    I just had my coffee this morning (It is on my daily thank God for list...) so I can say that with an exclamation point. Thank you all for the warm greetings and I am trying my best to learn your names/screen names so I know who I am praying for and who I am replying to! It is hard to not always be able to attach faces and names - that's how I remember things...

    Did I understand someone is looking for wedding favor suggestions - is it sami? I have tons because I recently got married and we had home made chocolates that went in a little boxes with the name and date...not too pricey and who doesn't love chocolate??

    I went rollerblading in the park this morning and what kept going through my head was the kids praise song "Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice" which I needed as the incline approached! I may not be walking tomorrow but it was fun.

    I just wanted to post and wish all a wonderful day - for it is a day that the Lord made! and we are blessed to see it.

    You may be dissappointed if you fail but you are doomed if you don't try. - Beverly Sills


    I don't have much time today.....but had to tell everybody!

    Hope all are well & good luck with your weigh-ins!
  • Good early morning!
    Excellent job on the weight loss Angel!

    Sami, I'm sorry there's a problem at your job. I pray the LORD will work things out for you.

    Welcome to GEmonster

    I'm up late worrying-I had an ultrasound of my thyroid done today, and I'm worried about the results . I KNOW I'm not supposed to worry, because GOD is in control, but I do it anyway The other problem is that I'm BINGEING to deal with the stress

    Thanks for your prayers!
  • Hi everyone.....I got up very early, as I couldn't sleep.(that happens to me quite often) Anyway, got a drs appt today & going to be gone til late this evening, so thought I'd post now.

    I want to apologize for seeming selfish last night. I didn't have time to read the posts....just excited about my weightloss & wanted to share. I didn't know about some of the problems. I should have taken the time out.

    Sami.....I am sooo sorry about your problem at work. It's not only hard to know these things, and have to deal with's also hard to have to keep it to yourself. I'm in the same situation at the TV Station where I volunteer. The co-manager & I are very close, & I help her with all I can. There's nothing going on that I don't know. Sometimes it's very hard, because she tells me so many things in confidence. I come home at times with such a burden. It must be doubly hard for you, since it's probably concerning your job also. I will be praying.

    Wilma....thanks for the encouragement. Yes, we're going to make it. I know my weight loss will be slow, due to no exercise. I'm just an impatient person, I guess. It would be nice to wear some of my smaller summer clothes, before summer is over, also. I have lost from size 14 to size 12. When I get to size 10, my clothes will fit. Poor people like myself can't buy new wardrobes...we have to just lose weight! Lots of luck with your weigh in.

    Hi glad you are feeling sound so cheerful! I like the quote in your signature. It takes time to learn everyone.....I'm still learning, also. It's hard to keep up sometimes. I'm concerned I'm going to miss someone.

    Hello Homebound....I'll be praying for your ultrasound results. You do what I do, stressed. Binge. That's how I got overweight. I was depressed & stressed, so I understand. Hope all goes well.

    Hope everyone has a very good day. Thank you all again for your prayers & encouragement. They mean a lot to me. I'm praying for all of you.
  • Hi!
    It's been a long day. My feet are sore from standing all day. I hope to relax tonight and then get some much needed cleaning done in my house tomorrow. I have to go pick up DH from work later too.

    Anyway, I thought I would let you know the results of my weigh in at Curves. I lost 1/2 a pound and 1/2 an inch of both my waist and bust. This doesn't seem like much but they told me the first month you're building muscle and most people gain weight so I feel fortunate. I do need to work on eating properly in the evenings. It's hard when we're all carb addicts around here.

    Angel-lover: Don't ever feel bad or selfish about sharing a weight loss. I don't always get to address everyone each time I post. I'm so glad you've lost. Way to go!

    Homebound: Praying for you. It's so hard not to worry but at least you know that God is in control and He won't give you more than you can handle.

    Summer: I love you positive attitude. I need that!! Thanks!

    Talk to you again soon!
  • TGIF

    I have been soooo busy- sorry I haven't posted! I have been reading though. A lot of work to do right now-- side jobs too! Everyone seems to need something done-- typical summer

    ANGEL-LOVERHEY YOU- you have every right to be selfish on that weight loss- you certainly deserve it

    homebound I hope your ultrasound turns out OK-- will send prayers for that and the stress binge-eating!

    GEMonster Rollerblading must be a good sport to burn off those calories-- I am fairly athletic but at my age (almost 50) I would never do something so crazy for you!!!

    WILMA Hey any mess that 5 good boys can make is worth its weight in gold!! I hope the first Curves weigh in went great-- if not- soooo what!!

    SAMI I am sorry for your son's "date"- at least it didn't go too far until he realized how she was. My son had a "thing" last night--- a girl he knew in high school and him ran into each other at the gym last week for the first time in 4 years, anyway she said let's get together and do something-- he said Thursday was good for him, she concured, he called her on Thurs. early afternoon on her cell phone, left message that he would call her after his cross-country practice and set things up-- he did-- left message to call him when she got home- she never called. He doesn't understand because it was her idea and she is a christian! Go figure. My wife's cousin had a wedding a few years back- it was awesome!! over $30,000 for it-- he has a lot of money though! Out of our budgets!! Take care-- your wedding will be great!! for that kid of yours!

    Well checking out for now- have a great week-end-- WORSHIP!!

    Hi to all, Gary
  • i am new to this forum and would really apppreciate help and support in losing this weight. thanks. mary
  • Maryann

    WElcome to the forum! I am new to this too but everyone is great and prayer is a focal point. I am still learning everyone's name but post as often as you feel.

    Welcome again!