IP Daily Chat Tuesday 7/23/2013

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  • Thanks everyone. I know the key is to prepare, prepare, prepare, I'm just having a bit of a freak out.
    First week back on and I've lost 6 pounds! I do NOT want to back slide! I think I just have to recognize I might not be perfect next week, but I can be very close w/ordering basic salads and fish/chicken. When they have buffets, which they always do, just get veggies. Sneak off to drink my shake, or I dunno. Eat a bar.
    I do like the perspective of being "Selective" and "Particular" rather than fat girl on a diet!
  • Hi Everyone,
    Im moving to phase 3, and alittle scared of the increased food. I am excited I hit my goal, but am afraid to increase the food intake for fear of regaining.
  • YOU can do this!!
    Quote: Thanks everyone. I know the key is to prepare, prepare, prepare, I'm just having a bit of a freak out.
    First week back on and I've lost 6 pounds! I do NOT want to back slide! ....
    I do like the perspective of being "Selective" and "Particular" rather than fat girl on a diet!
    When you stop thinking of yourself as fat...you will be 1/2 way to accomplishing it!!!!

    Ever notice how the skinniest women are often the ones turning their noses up at what the mainstream is eating? Well...that's YOU NOW!

    Trust me...At first your selectivity won't be noticed too much....by the time people start to notice your slim down...they'll figure it out!! ...And they should start to plan for the fact there should be a salad along with that pizza or hoagie tray the manager ordered in for that "working lunch"!!

    Good luck. The first few times navigating these waters are the hardest. Every time you do it...you'll be more confident at figuring it out next time.
  • Quote: When you stop thinking of yourself as fat...you will be 1/2 way to accomplishing it!!!!

    Ever notice how the skinniest women are often the ones turning their noses up at what the mainstream is eating? Well...that's YOU NOW!

    Trust me...At first your selectivity won't be noticed too much....by the time people start to notice your slim down...they'll figure it out!! ...And they should start to plan for the fact there should be a salad along with that pizza or hoagie tray the manager ordered in for that "working lunch"!!

    Good luck. The first few times navigating these waters are the hardest. Every time you do it...you'll be more confident at figuring it out next time.
    Excellent advice!
  • Does anyone know if Turkey Jerky (98% fat free, no msg) is allow during any phases of Ideal Protein?
  • Snickers70 that is awesome! Congrats! You'll do great!

    I had a slight slide last night. First time craving something but luckily I was craving a Quest bar lol. I ate one last night although I had all of my packets for the day. Are those a 1-a-day like IP bars? It seemed ok as I was still down today and then I got my TOM which kind of explained it. We'll see how it pans out.
  • Quote: I had a slight slide last night. First time craving something but luckily I was craving a Quest bar lol. I ate one last night although I had all of my packets for the day. Are those a 1-a-day like IP bars? It seemed ok as I was still down today and then I got my TOM which kind of explained it. We'll see how it pans out.
    At my TOM I have crazy cravings too! I'll get the most random cravings at the craziest times. And my hormones drive my hunger through the roof. I've been adding an extra non-restricted protein pack a day during TOM the last couple of months to nip it in the bud. It's really helping and it keeps me from reaching for the bars (yes, they're 1 a day) and/or going off plan.
  • Quote: Does anyone know if Turkey Jerky (98% fat free, no msg) is allow during any phases of Ideal Protein?
    whats the carb count on it? are there any sugars in it?
  • Quote: Does anyone know if Turkey Jerky (98% fat free, no msg) is allow during any phases of Ideal Protein?
    I don't believe Turkey Jerky is permitted. Curious to see what others have to say.

    Even if it is allowed I would take it easy with it because of the salt in it. Most jerky is full of soduim.
  • Congrats on making Goal and going on to Phase 3 Snickers!!

    "Selective Eating", love it! That will be my mantra for the rest of my life as you still have to be selective in maintenance.
  • WI today, down 3lbs which they said was solid fat.. not sure how the scale can tell between fat and bone and water .. but I'll take it

    I have a 2 day road trip for work, having to drive to 2 of our regional campuses next week. Thankfully my co-worker who is going with me is aware I am dieting so we are planning where to eat that would have the best choices available

    Wishing everyone a great evening.
  • Quote: Hi Everyone,
    Im moving to phase 3, and alittle scared of the increased food. I am excited I hit my goal, but am afraid to increase the food intake for fear of regaining.
    Wohoo!!! Congratulations!! Throughout this forum I have read of so many people who have a fear of regaining, not just switching phases but after maintenance as well. When I took a break from IP, I was petrified. The first time I had a treat I had an irrational fear that I'd wake up with that 30lbs back on! Don't let that fear be a burden, but let it walk with you and remind you how great it feels to be smaller now. That's how we keep the weight off! I've also heard that many people continue to lose through Phase 3. Congrats again, I am so excited for you!
  • Quote: Hi Everyone,
    Looking for some advice about traveling. I have a work trip next week, Monday - Thursday, out west. I'll be eating in airports and then it's a big group with catered meals with a bunch of sales people who seem to only eat read meat and potatoes, occasionally corn or green beans! Then I'm spending the weekend w/a girlfriend in Colorado. She knows about the diet, but I don't think really understands how limited I am.
    Help! Pointers on what to pack. I'm already planning on snack bags like white cheddar crisps, and shake powders but I won't be in control of my own schedule for eating. I *just* got back on the diet and don't want to blow it.
    The foil packs of tuna in water are a life saver for me. No can opener needed. I also got very good at mixing up packets in disposable coffee cups with lids. I just hold one thumb tight over the hole you drink from and shake. Be careful because a lot of lids have a second tiny hole. Much easier than trying to get a packet into a water bottle. Check the hotel exercise room for cold filtered water so you don't have to buy as many bottles.
    Good luck! You've got this!
  • I had my WI#4 yesterday, down 4.4lbs! I was so excited! I didn't expect to lose that much, I felt like I ate a lot more protein that was higher in fat, like 85/15 grass fed beef, instead of leaner proteins. Maybe the extra fat helped...lol... Either way I'm stoked, I'm down 18.8lbs since I started IP with Alternative products !
  • Quote: Thanks everyone. I know the key is to prepare, prepare, prepare, I'm just having a bit of a freak out.
    First week back on and I've lost 6 pounds! I do NOT want to back slide! I think I just have to recognize I might not be perfect next week, but I can be very close w/ordering basic salads and fish/chicken. When they have buffets, which they always do, just get veggies. Sneak off to drink my shake, or I dunno. Eat a bar.
    I do like the perspective of being "Selective" and "Particular" rather than fat girl on a diet!
    Try to remember you can have steak on this diet with a nice yummy salad, Wow I am hungry now.

    Quote: Does anyone know if Turkey Jerky (98% fat free, no msg) is allow during any phases of Ideal Protein?
    To say if its allowed I would have to know that nutritional stats it has and read the ingredients. Although I can say that in the past people have said its not really the best choice for your protein, I can't remember the exact reason but think it was because most commercially processed jerky contain too much sugar and/ or sodium per 8 ounces, but then there's an interesting thought as 8 ounces is before its cooked and being all dried out as jerky is, do you know how much a serving size should be? The serving on the bag wouldn't necessarily be accurate for our purpose. By the way I love jerky but am staying away from store bought, although I did make some last month. The thing is I knew what I started with weight wise and only added Bragg's Aminos and Mrs. Dash garlic blend. Good luck!

    Quote: I had a slight slide last night. First time craving something but luckily I was craving a Quest bar lol. I ate one last night although I had all of my packets for the day. Are those a 1-a-day like IP bars? It seemed ok as I was still down today and then I got my TOM which kind of explained it. We'll see how it pans out.

    How I have read the labels on the quest bars they range from restricted, some being limited restricted and two that I would not use while on plan. (I also know some people consider some of the bars as unrestricted. I don't from the ones I have seen.) This is from bars from both the original and natural lines. You didn't say if one of your three packets you already ate for the day had been a restricted as well. Either way what is done, is done. It is, I assume better than some choices you could have made.

    Quote: Hi Everyone,
    Im moving to phase 3, and alittle scared of the increased food. I am excited I hit my goal, but am afraid to increase the food intake for fear of regaining.

    I think its wise to be a bit worried about changes, I have seen it mentioned in a lot of posts and I sure know I worry and wonder what I will do when I get to maintenance. I still want examples of daily menus which neither IP or these boards are giving up. I am hoping that we have learned to listen to our bodies and what they are telling us. To not let this fear blind us but that we can temper it to keep us mindful of our new lifestyle that will include us staying in a fit condition.

    By the way every time I see your picture I see my BFF, your her spitting image and you are just so beautiful. Congratulations on starting this journey and making it this far. I do hope with all my heart that you are successful with the upcoming phases.