What are your December Non-Scale Goals?

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  • I really want to fit into a pair of size 18's that I wore when I lost weight before. Well I can fit into them now but I can't wear them and breathe or sit or be any kindof comfortable.
  • Non-scale goals include:

    -- able to comfortably do 10 reps of arm curls using 20lb weights in each hand
    -- fit into the smaller pairs of size 12 jeans in my bureau
  • My goals are:

    - To exercise more days than I don't (so 16 days out of 31, )
    - To fit into an old pair of dress pants that are clingy, without the current muffin top, although I'd be satisfied with "less muffin"
  • To break out of the binging cycle.
  • My main goal is to make it to the gym an absolute minimum of 3 times per week. My gym is a half an hour's bike ride away (I have no car), and I live in an area famous for horrendously strong, icy winds...so convincing myself to drag myself out there after work will be a challenge. On off days I'm working on getting myself up to Navy PRT standards. If my boyfriend can do it, I want to be able to say that I can too

    Another goal that I doubt will happen is to fit into 64 cm pants...I'm comfy in a 67 cm waist now, but a bunch of stores in the mall targeting girls my age only go up to 64 cm...when I realized that, I felt unreasonably fat even though the logical part of my brain tried to remind me that that's only a 25'' waist.
  • my goal is to continue this new form of yoga, and to persevere.

    the other goal is to stick to plan ATLEAST 4x a week (sad i know, but i've been having issues)
  • December goal... I WILL meet my macro goals for my diet... I WILL get the amount of fiber that I need... I WILL get enough protein... I WILL get the right amount of carbs that I need for the activity that I want to do... I WILL reduce the amount of sodium in my diet... I WILL take better charge of what I put into my body...

    In December I WILL continue to do what I need to do to keep "losing" while maintaining...

    Good luck to everyone here with all of their goals for December... WE CAN DO THIS!!!
  • My goals are to lift heavier and lift more often, not focus on the scale, and take measurements for progress.
  • I want to wear size 2 pants all the time, not just "sometimes, if the brand is cut big." This means continuing to lift regularly and eat well. I can shrink and stay the same weight but I can't gain weight and shrink at this fitness level.
  • My plan is the same as it always is - I'm going to stay on plan for the month of December and keep my eating completely clean, just like I did the past two months. I have SO not regretted sticking to it as well as I possibly can. And since the scale won't move for me regardless (chunky baby keeps growing!) non-scale goals work best

    1. Eat on plan, even when traveling on Christmas Day and on vacation. That means making the best choices possible where I am.

    2. Get in my daily TTap, even on that vacation! 2 days a week for rest.

    3. Keep up skin brushing every day.

    Works for me
  • My non-scale goal is to get through this holiday season without over-indulging at every opportunity. This is the point I stopped at when I lost weight 5 years ago and then regained it all back. I will not stop and I will NOT use Christmas as an excuse to stuff my face with sugar. I will keep going!!