IP Daily Chat Wednesday 06/20/12

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  • Quote: Good morning.....had my WI #8 yesterday. (Missed #7)...down -6 lbs....yay.
    WTG, 6 lbs is a great loss!!

    Quote: UGH - I cannot get rid of my daughter's lice....what a vicious cycle. Last night I didn't eat dinner until about 830 because I was dealing with her. She's 7 and she's gotten to her breaking point, so I had to bribe her last night to try something different. I'm just about to my breaking point, too.
    Make sure you have washed EVERYTHING in your house. Even things like you might not think of (sofa, car seats, your whole car). Take all stuffed animals and put them in a garbage bag, seal them and let them sit for a few weeks sealed. As far as her head goes, try mayo. Smear it all over every person in your families head (just in case) and put a shower cap on. Let it sit for a bit, then wash it out. That worked for a few of my students this past year. When we had a case of lice, I would do a mayo treatment on me, just in case!! Good luck!!

    Quote: . So I am down 5 pounds (maybe a little less I don't remember the oz from last week) which I am super excited about!! AND even better I am wearing pants today that previously were WAAAAAY too tight to button and they are super BAGGY on me !!!! I love IP !!!!!!
    Great job!! Don't you love pants that just don't fit being too big!! I honestly don't see the weight loss on me, but I have dropped three pant sizes and can tell there, still hard to believe!
  • Good morning ya'll!! I hope you are all having a great day. I don't know why my body will not let me sleep past 5:30/6:00 but I have been SO tired lately. I am hoping for just 1 day to sleep till 8. I know when I go back to school will be when my body wants to sleep. I have a massage/chiro appointment this afternoon so a short nap is out of the question...UGH. I will keep trucking!

    DH did awesome on his WI yesterday, 6 lbs and 6.5 inches. I was so upset (not because he is losing) because I feel like a failure. I have been doing this 6 weeks longer and he lost almost half of what I have. I know men lose quicker and with my IR/PCOS it is slower, but it still had me upset. I got over it though. I am losing and doing well, so what's the use of crying.
  • Quote: UGH - I cannot get rid of my daughter's lice....what a vicious cycle. Last night I didn't eat dinner until about 830 because I was dealing with her. She's 7 and she's gotten to her breaking point, so I had to bribe her last night to try something different. I'm just about to my breaking point, too.

    I should get my shipment of new IP foods today or tomorrow. I'm excited to try new things! My husband tried the White Cheddar Ridges last night, which I don't like. I'll kind of choke them down, but I won't order them again! He had one and threw them out. He said they were terrible, too!!

    Have a great day everyone and have great WI's!!!!
    Have you tried olive oil on your daughter, heard that works.

    I love the white cheddar ridges!
  • Good morning fellow IPers
    Today is going to be hot in NJ.. Summer is here My husband wants to lose 6 lbs so he is wants to do IP. He cycles to work daily so what I suggested to him was to lose the carbs, fats & sugars for a week and he will make his goal. He started Friday and worked with a friend putting radiant barrier in the attic. Of course he lost the 6lbs in one day in the heat Now he wants to lose 5 more

    Anyway I have protein shakes from a previous diet so I make that for him and pack a salad with a protein for lunch, pure protein bars for a mid morning snack and the other before the ride home. Dinner is protein and lots of veggies from the garden :grin:

    Today I am going for a bike ride along a new path before it hits 85F, kids are sleeping, my mom is here, do chores and then go to a friends pool in the afternoon.

    Have a great 100% OP day all
  • Quote: One more thing - I got under 30 for my BMI now, I'm pretty pumped about that!!! I'm no longer obese, just overweight!!!
    Congrats to you!!
  • Quote: My sister in law noticed! Yay! I haven't been telling people I'm on a diet. My father and his wife come in to town on the 29th and I'm curious if they notice too.

    I have WI tonight - I hope it's a good one. I'm feeling good and my pants are falling off of me.

    Also, I went to my sleep doctor the other day (I now have one of those CPAP machines for sleep apnea), she said that I'm no longer morbidly obese, just plain old obese. Never thought of myself as that heavy, but I guess weighing 268 at 5'5.5" is.

    Have a great OP day everyone!! Stay cool - it's gonna be a scorcher here in Connecticut!!
    It takes awhile for people to notice or at least to say something. People will comment on my hair or clothes instead!
  • Quote: Hi all! First time poster here, beginning my 4th day and doing ok. I cooked a pork loin at the beginning of the week so I would have some food ready to eat coming home from work in case I was starving or heat beaten. Also trying to keep my veggies changed up so I don't eat same thing every day. There are tons of fabulous tips here!!

    I would like to know about measuring veggies...like the kale chips. Do you measure 2 cups before you cook them?...they sure shrivel when baked but are yummy!!

    Thanks all and great weigh=ins to you
    Measure all your food before cooking. Good idea on pre cooking and variation. I'm kinda boring mushrooms and peppers for me along with salad a cucumbers and raw onions. Oh and garlic!

    Quote: Well I am unable to make it to my normal WI today so I did my WI at home this morning. I am crazy OCD so every time I WI at the clinic I then weigh myself at home to compare the scales - the numbers always seem to match up sometimes the clinic is a little lower so I think that it is a pretty accurate read. So I am down 5 pounds (maybe a little less I don't remember the oz from last week) which I am super excited about!! AND even better I am wearing pants today that previously were WAAAAAY too tight to button and they are super BAGGY on me !!!! I love IP !!!!!!

    Hope everyone has a great day ... be careful in the heat if your outside and dont' forget the extra H20 !!
    I weigh on my scale at home day of WI too always naked after using the bathroom. The scale I have is old and not digital but it reads about four pounds lighter which makes sense, no clothes/clothes.
    Quote: One more thing - I got under 30 for my BMI now, I'm pretty pumped about that!!! I'm no longer obese, just overweight!!!
    Your getting healthier! Way to go.
  • Quote: Man i woke up today in the most rotten mood. I haven't felt this annoyed, edgy, and just downright cruddy, since wayyy before my son was born. I am just not a nice person right now. I hate feeling this way. I am hoping it is due to TOM issues heading my way. There are other issues at play as well though. Sometimes it just feels like nothing goes right. My weigh in is today. So, I better get myself out of this funk before then! Maybe some coffee will help. Have a good day all.
    Sorry about that. I feel the same way...but I am not menopausal anymore. I am edgy and annoyed, and sad as well. I feel like I have no energy at all. Just going through the motions until its time to go back to sleep again.
    Anyone have some happy drops out there?
  • Quote: Good morning ya'll!! I hope you are all having a great day. I don't know why my body will not let me sleep past 5:30/6:00 but I have been SO tired lately. I am hoping for just 1 day to sleep till 8. I know when I go back to school will be when my body wants to sleep. I have a massage/chiro appointment this afternoon so a short nap is out of the question...UGH. I will keep trucking!

    DH did awesome on his WI yesterday, 6 lbs and 6.5 inches. I was so upset (not because he is losing) because I feel like a failure. I have been doing this 6 weeks longer and he lost almost half of what I have. I know men lose quicker and with my IR/PCOS it is slower, but it still had me upset. I got over it though. I am losing and doing well, so what's the use of crying.
    Sounds like we are both feeling a little UGH! today.
    I have not been getting much sleep either.. even less than I usually do. My son still wakes up in the middle of the night and he has been waking up much earlier lately. Me with no sleep = not pretty.

    I can sympathize on your husband losing so quickly. It's so frustrating that it seems to come off so easily for men. My husband is a toothpick. And he is rarely hungry. He literally forgets to eat. I have never forgotten to eat in my lifetime. lol. He can also eat whatever he wants without any consequence. It's so unfair! lol I guess we just have to come to terms with the fact that we all have different bodies, different chemical make ups, metabolisms, etc. I think it's OK, though, to take a little time to mope about it.. Just don't let it become to overwhelming. Don't give up!
  • Quote: Sorry about that. I feel the same way...but I am not menopausal anymore. I am edgy and annoyed, and sad as well. I feel like I have no energy at all. Just going through the motions until its time to go back to sleep again.
    Anyone have some happy drops out there?
    Thanks for the sympathetic words. Has this been going on for a while for you? Do you think a doctor's visit might help? For me, I think I feel this way on some days because food had become so intertwined with my happiness. Now that I have taken a lot of it out of my life and replaced it with less enjoyable IP "food," I feel down and kind of empty at times. It is a difficult transition and you have to look for other healthy joyful things to fill that void. I hope you start feeling better!
  • Quote: Good morning.....had my WI #8 yesterday. (Missed #7)...down -6 lbs....yay.

    I also had a dental procedure yesterday morning and haven't been able to eat much except an IP drinks..vegetables were to hard to chew. Going to try again today.....
    Congrats on the LOSS!!!

    Hope you feel better soon.... Maybe you could "cook down" your veggies like cauliflower & add it to some IP soups w/ some spinach....

    Good Luck
  • Good morning everyone!
    I am 2 months in now - almost exactly - and down 21 pounds. Love this plan and love this forum. So many times when I started to feel discouraged, i came here and found someone with the same issue and was able to move past it. I had a NSV this week that kinda made me chuckle. My watch (leather band with buckle) kept swirling on my wrist... it took me a couple of days to realize I had to move one more hole tighter! My wrist got smaller . So for fun I tried on a pair of really cute boots my friend gave me back in April... which at the time I couldn't zip over my calves. Well now, they zipped right up!! Now I can't wait for fall to wear them. LOL.

    I was going to quote all the messages in here but to save time:
    Veggie combo's - I've been doing fun things with zucchini. The facebook page from Finland has great ideas including one you do with the maple oatmeal and apple pie slice. I felt guilty eating the whole thing! Last night hubby grilled me a zucchini - little olive oil, salt/pepper - YUM. Spinach is also my friend - in my shake or saute'd with a little OO.

    To those feeling down - i'm glad you shared here. Keep up the good IP work and know everyone here is in this part with you. you are taking positive steps towards a better future. Hold on to that til the funk passes if you can!

    I'm in eastern PA and we're bracing for heat today here as well. Remember to drink extra water!

    Have a wonderful day!
  • Hi It's me again.. got back from WI and am down 4 pounds..
    very very happy today.
  • I am experiencing a NSV. I started IP on Monday, Tuesday TOM showed up...I have been 100% OP! This is unheard of for me...during TOM I usually indulge in whatever I want, and now, this week, I am just following the plan to a "T."

    I can tell I will struggle with getting the veggies and salad in...but will keep on trying. I had the IP Omlet this morning with mushrooms I sauteed in EVOO with garlic...Yummy!

    Have a great OP day everyone!
  • Quote: Hi It's me again.. got back from WI and am down 4 pounds..
    very very happy today.

    That is FANTASTIC!!!!