Daily tue. Feb 4/03

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  • Hi all! My you guys are a busy bunch!

    Big congratulations to Samsgrandma!!! Yahoooo!

    Well things are going well here. I'm off to a good start on LC. I was actually really excited to get started, which is very unusual for me! Yesterday I totally pigged out on carbs and then said adios to them!

    I don't know if I told you guys this or not, but we're in the process of buying a house and it's been kind of a big ordeal. The house we're buying was a bank repossesion and when the people got kicked out of the house they pulled out most of the windows!! So we had to buy windows to have the appraisal done. Well it took 3 weeks for the windows to come in but they finally came yesterday!! So now we will be closing on our house on Feb. 13 or 14. DBF is REALLY handy so he'll be putting the windows in himself and the most exciting part.....a whirlpool tub for me Anyway, the house we got is on 15 acres, it has 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a finished walkout basement, with an extra room for a bedroom. We got it for $80,000 so we really got a steal! We are sooo excited!

    LindaBC...I hope you're feeling better! Are you going to start taking that Xenical again? I don't know much about it but that doesn't sound very pleasant!

    Dottiejon...Take care and sorry to hear about your loss.

    MissD...Hope your cold is easing up!

    Pooky...Boy do you sound busy! Glad to hear everything went well with your daughter's registration! I'm involved with a musical right now too! I'm choreographing the high school musical of Bye Bye Birdie. I just love working with the teenagers! I'm crazy, I know!

    Jennipooh...Thanks for the encouragement! Sounds like you did the right thing by just giving in to your cravings for a day, hopefully you'll be able to just get right back on and not slow down! If we deny ourselves for to long and can't find a substitute to quench those cravings it just makes it worse in the end.

    Dyan...I have to agree Vern is a cutey and I LOVE everything he does...although, I wouldn't mind having Ty all to myself for a little while!!

    Tammy...Great job on your loss!!! You are inspiring me! I love Trading Spaces! Fav show!

    Robin...What kind of store do you have?

    Well this has gotten really long again, sorry! I hope everyone has a great day! I have to work for the next 3 nights so I probably won't be back around until Saturday! Take care ladies,
