August Weigh-Ins!

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  • Aiming for 15lbs. this month!!!

    SW: 259.5
    CW: 261.0
    GW: 244.5

    1. 259.5
    2. 258.0
    3. 261.0
  • Hi there, Im Kaly! My goal is to loose about 3 pounds a week so I would like to be down between 15-18 pounds by the end of august. I weight weekly on sundays because I get discouraged when I dont see results daily.

    CW: 244
    GW: 226
    1. 244
    8. 238.8
    15.241.3 -- had a horrible weekend, hoping its mostly water weight
    25.235.6-- yay!
  • Join Date: Nov 2009
    Posts: 116

    Hey girls, I'm back! So I had an absolutely horrible week of binging... Ice cream, chocolate, mac n cheese, you name it... I ate it... and lots of it at that! So everyday I got further and further from my plan... I started feeling super ashamed of myself... too ashamed to get on the scale... and way too ashamed to get on here and report... So I finally made myself get on the scale today... and lo and behold... I gained.... duh duh duh duh.... half a pound... WHAT?!? Are you serious??? No working out, eating all I want of EVERYTHING I want... and I gained HALF a pound?!? I sure punished myself mentally for the 10 pounds I KNEW I gained back... Oh well... I'm back... *head hung in shame* Today: 258.5
  • 254.5! Yay!
  • 253.5! Yay!
  • We're halfway through August! How is everyone doing with their goals?

    I started off at 236, and am hoping to reach 226 by the end of the month... As of this morning, I've lost 5 pounds, so I have 5 to go! Certainly seems doable, so long as the scale cooperates... Which it so rarely does!
  • Im feeling fairly discouraged today. I have been working so hard and lost 8 pounds since the begining of this month only to see a 4 pound gain from this weekend. I know some weight flux is normal but its hard to see all that hard work wasted. Im hoping its mostly water weight and I can get it off this week and get back on track.
  • I am using my original post to keep track of my daily weigh ins, but am a little discouraged too. Have been SO good, and just not making the progress that I am hoping to. Guess patience is a virtue, but I don't have any! My original goal of losing 10 lbs this month isnt going to happen. I will be happy if I can break into the 160's by the end of the month.
  • Well, the month is quickly drawing to a close... I can pretty safely say that I'm not going to hit my goal of 226! But being only a few pounds off isn't too shabby, I don't think. I hope you guys are hanging in therre! Seems like August was a little rough for some of us. We just have to keep moving forward! And by that, I mean I'm going to have to start a September thread in the near future...
  • Well, someone beat me to making a weigh in thread for September! No big deal! You can find the thread right here!

    I'm ending the month weighing 229 today, 3 pounds away from the goal I'd set. I'm still feeling good about progress, though, so I'm alright with that!