Thursday Chatter

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  • HI All,

    I'm still alive. San Antonio was too much fun!! My baby nephew made it into the world on Sept 7, Sunday. So he was here when I went down. It's the first time in a long time that my entire family was together. It was a blast. I ate and drank too much..... so I'm paying for it now.

    School has been busy. We keep getting new kids almost everyday.

    Hope everyone is doing good.

  • Aren't babies wonderful??? Just love them! Congrats to your family!!!

    Like Susan, school has been busy. My homeroom class is great. I have a few that are very slow at completing assignments. The other homeroom that I teach, has some real stinkers. Deb and I were wondering whose classes these kids were in last year. All of the ones in both classes that we are having any problems with came from the same classroom. We could've guessed. The teacher isn't strict at all. She is so easy on the kids. When she leaves her room to take the class to lunch, only about half of the class is with her. The rest of them are still messing around in the room. I wish the principal would do something about it. It makes us look really mean when we expect the kids to behave and do what they are told.

    Warning if you are ever around drum players!!! Stay away from them. Last night at the football game, before I knew what was happening, I was surrounded by bass drum players. Little stinkers. They were playing, and my ears are still ringing!

    Have a great weekend everyone!!
  • It's a beautiful Saturday here. I hope that Hurricane Isidore stays away from the Texas coast. We have had plenty of rain this week. A front came through lowering our nightly temps to the 60's. WOW, what am improvement!!!

    Susan, welcome home! I, too, offer my congrats on your new nephew. That's great!

    Tammy, I hope you don't have any more trouble getting into our messages. You were talking about school and I was wondering if you were having any more problems with that principal. He wasn't the nicest person to you last year.

    Dee, how was your trip?

    Sis, are you able to stay OP now? I have not been journaling and that usually means "no loss."

    Kady, how are you doing?

    It's so beautiful that I should get out and walk. I'm so lazy right now that I don't know.

    Take it easy!!!
  • Weellll, I was doing pretty good but the last couple weeks I've had some totally off program days. I just hope that they don't result in a big gain. I really want to go and buy my season pass this week but I know I'll feel down if its a big gain. I would LOVE to win that $25,000.00 kitchen makeover. I need it badly. Anyways I guess I'll see what Thursday brings and go from there. Hope everyone has a great week! ....Sis
  • Hi,

    Hope everyone is having a nice Sunday. It is absolutely beautiful here Our temps have dropped too. It is in the 80's today and in the 60's in the evenings. Now for how long, we'll have to see.

    Tina, hope the hurricane doesn't come your way. Is it still nice there?

    Tammy, how are your ears doing after the drums surrounded you?

    Sis, it's great that you're going on Thursday. Getting there is sometimes the hardest part.

    Well, I had a great time last week visiting my family. I ate too much so now I'm paying for it. Oh well it was worth it. by the way, did I tell you the baby is adorable!!! Not that I'm a proud aunt or anything

    Off to watch some more football.

  • What a gorgeous day!!! No one knows what the hurricane is going to do. The longer it's in the warm gulf, the more it builds up. By Tuesday, we should know if it's time to go buy water and canned food.

    Susan----are you a new aunt???

    Sis, I can relate with having some bad eating days. This weekend has been a challenge. Sometimes it's just that way. I'm going to start back journaling tomorrow. That should help me. And, I just returned from buying lots of :cherry: :apple: :tomato: and plums. I'm going to stuff myself so I'm not enticed by "bad" things. (Of course, there are not bad things if you count points.)

    Hope tomorrow is a good day for all.

    Has anyone been shopping for fall/winter clothes yet? If so, what did you find.

  • Hi,
    Tina, did I tell you I'm an aunt again I refuse to buy any new clothes this fall unless they are smaller sizes. Hope I don't end up going naked!!

  • Looks like I'm back from vacation! It was great. Seen lots of musical shows, and went on the lake a couple times. Ahhh to be on vacation for ever... hmm I need to win that lotto , but alas, unfortunately I have to go to work in the morning

    Susan congrats on being an Aunt. Sounds like you had a great time on your vacation!!

    Tina, way to go on buying all that good food! You should do great this week at W/I.

    I haven't bought any new clothes in a long time... I need to buy some, but it wont be "winter" clothes per say... just some replacement I'm tired of wearing the same pants/shirts every day. Well it's late here... so I should head to bed.

    Have a great day everyone!!!... Dee
  • New clothes? Nope, not yet. I only bought 1 new shirt before school started! Usually I buy a few new things. Just haven't been in the mood I guess. I also haven't seen very much that I like.

    It's cool here this morning 43!!), so I'll be wearing long pants to school. Hope they fit! Too big would be nice since I'm down some pounds from last spring and have been doing so much walking. Tim was just complaining about his jeans being too short. I guess we'll be doing some shopping for him also.

    I heard that someone on here is a new aunt!!!!! Wonder who???

    Dee, I agree about the vacations. I'd like to get away just for a weekend. Hopefully when band and cross country are done, we can do that.

    At school, many of the teachers have decided that we are going to stay away from the principal as much as possible. He has already done some things that have upset people, so we thought for our own sanity, we need to stay away from him. I feel bad for the 3rd grade teachers who have the little deaf boy that I had last year. The principal and the boy's mother do not want the lady from the School for the Deaf working with the boy. She was too strict according to them. She was wonderful and he learned so much from her!!! She has sent things to the principal to give to the teachers, and he had never given them the stuff. I think she's going to resend it directly to the teachers. Now he has his interpreter (that the principal doesn't like), and she is too easy on him.

    Well, it's almost 7 and I'm not ready to leave yet. Guess I need to get started.

    Have a great Monday everyone!
  • Good Day, All,

    It's really windy and cool here this morning.
    I'm not sure of the temp, but it's not as cool as yours, Tammy.

    Dee-- welcome home! We missed you lots. I'm glad you had a great time. Which singers did you see and hear? Going in the water sounded like fun, too.

    Tammy, I'm sorry the deaf boy isn't getting his material because of the principal. That's just plain stupid! And, it's probably a good idea to stay clear of the "P."

    Susan, has Pat started playing in his band again? How is he doing driving now? I hope things have settled back to normal for you now. You need normalcy with school going.
    (How big is your nephew now?)

    Sis, I want that kitchen make-over, too. We recently had to buy a new dishwasher. Now, I'd love to have a new oven and stove top. Those will have to wait a long time, though.
    On Saturday, Larry had to buy all new tires--all 4 . That was $400.00!!!!!

    Hope everyone has a good OP day and week.
    145 personal goal (I'm getting depressed cause I'm not close.)
  • Tina, I'm sure you are closer to your goal than I am to my goal!! You are doing fine, just keep it up!!

    Cool here for the past few mornings. I am enjoying this! I wore shorts yesterday because I thought it was going to warm up. I was chilled all day until I went out in the sun for recess duty in the afternoon. I walked while I was on duty. Thought I might as well take advantage of the beautiful day. Of course, I had little kids following me around the playground. lol

    Need to finish getting ready and head to school. I get my hair trimmed after school. I think I'll tell Sara to cut off a pound so I'll have a loss in the morning!!!!!
  • I'm going to start a new Chatters thread.

    To be continued!!!!
