Prevention Millennium Diet #95

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  • Good morning,
    Alice, you're husband sounds so supportive and sweet. What we weigh is only one indicator of how healthy we are. Do you do any strength training? I can't tell it helps me lose weight, but it does make me feel more comfortable with my weight when I have some semblance of toning. I actually enjoy it too. I don't lift heavy weights.

    D is home for the weekend and we have lots planned for today. I think she is starting to get so busy that pretty soon she isn't going to have time to think about not being home during the week. I mentioned to her that next week I was going to bring her lunch along with mine on the day we meet and she said "Good - I don't like eating out in town." If only I had known.

    Anyway, we are rocking along here. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
  • ledom,
    I hope that you have a really good time with your D this weekend.
    That's good that she is starting to get busy at school. These first few weeks will be hard on the both of you, more so for you because you have to get used to the change, then when your D is unhappy, you too are unhappy. That's great your D will be happy eating something for lunch that you will bring from home.

    Yes, my DH is very supportive, and he is sweet (thankfully, he won't see this!) No, I don't lift weights. Every week I tell myself I should start strength training exercises, but somehow never do. I do have a Richard Simmons toning cord and video that I should do. I can see how you would feel more comfortable as you are toning, I have toned a little from walking and I find my posture is straighter and I have a general wellbeing.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
  • Happy Monday,
    Hope you guys had a good weekend! judi, you home yet?!?!?

    Ours went very well, maybe we are starting to settle into a routine. I feel more in control of my food issues than I have in a while. I would say I have had 4 good days in a row - just really applying some willpower to break some of the bad habits I had been falling in to. Mainly, eating at night. Last night when I was dying for some ice cream I went back to my old trick of having a cup of fat free hot chocolate at 50 cals. Somehow, a cup of h.c. and a cold diet coke at the same time satisfies my sweet craving. May not be the healthiest thing, but it is the low calest thing!

    Mon. and Tues. will be hectic. Up at 5 this morning, but I am using the extra time to review for my classes. Will at least walk tonight and maybe a video too. This semester Mon. and Tues. are killers, the rest of the week evens out.

    Have a good day. Oh yeah, that feeling of well being from strength training. I experience that too, it also helps me to heft my kayak on top of the car. I don't think you have to do a lot of weight to make make a big difference in how you look and feel.
  • ledom,
    Glad things are starting to settle down for you. Speaking of hot chocolate and diet coke. I have found this sugar free syrup, called Davinci (not sure of the spelling). I bought the chocolate flavor. I pour some club soda in glass, add some of the chocolate syrup and some skim milk. It is good. I bought some off the internet and I have 5 or 6 bottles of different flavors coming. One is a caramel, which I'm dying to try it in oatmeal when the weather gets cooler.

    If you like to eat at night, how about some sugar free pudding or sugar free jello? They both are fairly low in calories. The pudding usually satisfies my sweet tooth.

    Hope you got your walk in. We did our's early this morning, as the heat and humidity have returned for a few days. This does not feel like Sept. It's supposed to be in the 90's today and tomorrow.

    Take care and have a great day.
  • itsa ME!!!
    Hi gals!! So nice to read the thread and see you two are still faithfully hanging in there.

    I came home last night. We were gone for two weeks and will be going again for another two weeks in TWO weeks. I miss my computer but I love going in the new RV coach.

    Alice, I take "Alesse" it is a synthetic harmone that is a birth control pill. It has worked wonders for me. I used to have INSANE PMS. I also don't like the thought of taking Premarin but my gyn says just keep taking the "Alesse". What did your doctor decide is best??

    Hey, how is Lacee?

    Ledom, you miss your D eh? Poor mom! Mine was such a handful I was ecstatic when she left home...she is a DARLING now though. She had her first week at my old Alma Mater and loved it.
    We stayed overnight in Eugene. We went to mass at St. Thomas More Church on the Univ. of Oregon campus. It was just wonderful!!! What a nice place and what a nice campus!

    OOOOhhh! I am so happy to be at home Though the travelling is much easier now than it was in the 5th wheel.

    It is really cold and rainy and fall here. It was still hot in sunny Ca.

    I went through severe ebay withdrawl without a computer., same old...same old...not eating much but not exercising much either!
  • Hey Gals,
    SOOOOO good to have you home judi! I'm glad you had fun and that you like your new RV.

    Well our weather is low 90's with mid 80's coming for the weekend. The humidity isn't too bad, but we really need a rain. Everyone here is ready for fall.

    I did come home and do a really good walk. I added a couple more streets to my route tonight so I feel pretty good about the day.

    That syrup sounds like just the ticket Alice. Do they not sell it in the grocery stores? I'll have to keep an eye out for it.

    judi, I think D and I are making it ok - it seems like each week (and this is the third) it gets a little easier. I have had a few lonely moments but my biggest worries are when she gets homesick or overwhelmed by it all. Then I go into a tailspin, but that happened when she was at home too. Glad to hear your D is enjoying her new situation.

    Hope you guys have a nice evening and a good day tomorrow.
  • Welcome back judi!
    judi, so glad you are back and had a great trip. It's nice to have something like an RV that you enjoy. Do you think you & your DH will eventually start to RV full time? A lot of people do it and love it. Does Marley enjoy all the traveling too? I bet he's happy to be home again. Lacee is doing fine...still a little My MD did mention possibly putting me on synthetic hormones, but didn't give me any names. It is still hot and humid here, but it's supposed to drop some 20 deg. by tomorrow. Yesterday broke all sorts of records around the state. It was about 97 in our neck of the woods, and today is supposed to be about the same. Our leaves are starting to turn and it seems weird to have summer heat with the leaves turning.

    ledom, some people have found the Davinci syrup in Target, and some in WalMart. Wherever it is sold it appears to be where they sell coffee. If you have any health food or whole food grocery stores, you may also find it there. Be careful, they have sugar free and some made with sugar. I found some recently at a local Home Goods Store, and I was practically doing cartwheels in the store, but when I got home I found that it wasn't sugar free. We desperately need the rain too. We were hoping that this subtropical depression would come our way, just for the rain, but it looks as though it may stay to the south of us. We'll see.

    Take care and have a great day.
  • Evenin'
    Wow! You girls are getting the hot weather...wish I could send you some of our cloud cover and rain, it was around the 60's today. Very fall.

    Marley IS glad to be home. He isn't much of a traveller. He is always happy when we stop.

    Things seemed to be more harried here than usual, maybe it is because we have been away for so long there seems so much to catch up on.

    Nothing new diet wise.

    Have a good rest of the evening all!
  • Good morning,
    Just a quick note this a.m. I am so busy. Food is good, no time to exercise though. I think tomorrow I'll be able to manage though. I'm going to look for that syrup Alice. judi, enjoy being home and don't work too hard.
  • Good morning,
    It has finally cooled down. We had a 20 deg. drop in temp. from morning to late afternoon. We also had very high winds. I thought we were going to lose our power quite a few times. I was driving on the highway and it got a little hairy there for awhile, with the wind buffeting the car.

    Had a lunch and movie date with a GF. ledom, we saw "My Big Fat Greek Wedding". It was so funny, both of us enjoyed it very much. After you raved so much about it I thought it worth seeing. So...thank you!

    Same old...same on the diet front too. This GF that I have a weekly lunch and shopping/movie date with, and I have the same amt. of weight to lose. We talk about dieting most of the time, but we don't seem to do anything about it.

    judi, glad that Marley is happy to be home. How is he doing? Have you heard anything about the French Bull Dog?

    Have a great day!
  • Good morning,
    Alice I'm glad you enjoyed the movie. I love movies that make me laugh out loud. I especially love that this movie was made for very little money by Hollywood standards and is doing so well. A great success story!

    I came home after teaching my last class of the week and went out in my kayak. I really did not want to watch TV yesterday at all - I took a candle out to this beautiful little cove and lit it just as the moon was rising as my tribute to the memory of last year. It felt right for me.

    Today I start hanging the faculty show at the gallery - it is hard physical work that I always enjoy. I take a bunch of CD's and block everything else out when I hang a show. Though my back is getting a little old of the job, I love that part of what I do at work.

    Hey, slowly but surely I am having some positive results. I am back to my 6, 250 cal. meals a day. The scale is budging a little bit. I have more carbs and fewer vegetables than I should but I eat what I want and at 250 cals. a meal you have to eat good food or you can't manage.

    This weekend the state canoe club organization has it's big rendezvous at one of the area lakes so I will participate in a couple of their activities. Next week I am going to show slides of my photographs to the Women's Turkey Hunters Federation group. That should be interesting!!! I can hardly imagine what this audience will be like, but I bet it will be a friendly one.

    So, I am very busy again. Now I'm glad I rested during the summer because I'm calling on those rest reserves now.

    Hope all is well with you judi, are you getting things squared away at home?
  • Hi!
    You girls sound like you are doing INTERESTING things. I am cleaning out a cedar chest and sorting memorobilia (sp.) in my storage room. It is slow but kind of fun. I have stuff from every event in life and other people's too.

    Glad you have a little break in the weather Alice. No, haven't heard anything about the French bulldog. I saw the Bentley today, he was beside himself to see me...he was SOOO happy. Boston's have so such much enthusiasm!!! My DH said Marley spent all day sleeping on my bed when I was uptown and didn't even come down to sit with him. He was miffed.

    Can you send us some pics of the faculty show Ledom?? Or give us a site to go to for a peek at what you are up to.

    Well, I have been bit by a new bug...doll collecting...(I rarely even played with dolls as a kid...maybe it is time for me to be a grandma). Nun dolls mostly...take a look at the "Blessings" doll site. That is what I want for Christmas...a doll from there. It is never to early to start dropping hints and so I started today Yeah, I shame Actually in our family we all hint pretty heavily about what we want from each other, except for my more honorable D and I are just shameless.

    Did a lot of walking the last two days and just in that short time I have so much more energy. The cooler weather for me is so much better. I am just not used to the temps you girls get.

    How is your D doing Ledom? Does she come home on weekends?
  • It's Friday!
    We are having such delightful weather it's in the 70's. They say we may see some rain by Sun., and I've got my fingers crossed that we get some.

    Have either one of you ever heard of a fruit called "Pluot"? We saw it at the grocery store and bought some. They are delicious. We think they are a cross between a plum and ? The skin has the texture of a plum, and the colors we got were green, and the deep redish purple of a plum. We also have been eating "white" peaches and nectarines. The inside is white instead of that peach color. They also are good.

    judi, doll collecting is a very nice hobby to have there are so many to choose from. I have read that Nun dolls are very popular. How is Bentley doing with his warts? Have they been removed yet? Lacee turns inside out when she sees her "grandparents" too, and my cousin. Good for you getting your walks in. Isn't it wonderful walking in cooler weather it's so invigorating. Now that we don't have any cars on our street I've been taking Lacee for short jaunts a little way up our street. She is soooo bad on a leash.

    ledom, what a nice way to commemorate the events of last year. Yes, I agree with you about it feeling right. I also did not watch TV I didn't want to re-live the events of last year. What kind of a faculty show are you doing? Yes, please let us know of a site we could go into to see what you are doing. That's great you are doing so well with your food.

    I hope you enjoy your Friday.
  • YES!!
    Alice, I have tried them...last trip to Ca. they are a cross between a plum and apricot. I liked them! Very refreshing!! It was the first time I ever saw them. We don't get them up here.

    Bentley's warts are gone but he isn't thriving. He has too many food allergies. Next week he is coming here for a few days and I will put him on a "eating" regime. The kids are to busy and I feel it is kind of hit and miss with him so the gramma is going to take over for a bit. It took some real arguing on my part too because they will miss him. I plan to cook him mashed veg., with eggs and cheese etc. He has meat and wheat allergies and for a dog that isn't good at all since that is what most dog food contains, plus corn which they can't digest anyway.

    I will keep my fingers cross that you will get rain.

    This weekend I go for a course on "air brakes" in BC you need a certificate if you are going to operate something with airbrakes (like our RV). I am NOT looking forward to it at all...I am so mechanically uninclined. It takes TWO days too. I would much rather do something else. SO keep your fingers crossed that I will pass the test or I will feel like such a dope.

    Yes, the doll thing is fun especially when combined with the fun of watching and bidding. Take a look at the site and tell me what you think of the dolls.

    Ledom, how is the show hanging going?

    Hope you both have a great weekend!

    luv ya!!
  • Moving on to #96