GARDENERS ~ Come forth!!!

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  • Yes, SpinQueen, fiance lives on a 10 acre plot in the country. He has just lived there a little over a year, so we are learning the veg gardening from his little old neighbor. He helps him out with all aspects... tilling, planting, etc. We hope to put our own garden in in the next few years. Otherwise, I just do container tomatoes and rosemary at my house.
  • 10 acres!!! OH! I would LOVE that!! Of course I would want all decorative gardens & a horse & those don't mix lol That is awesome to be about to do that & he has someone helping him learn the ropes of veggie gardening. I'm a firm believer in fresh stuff. That is about as fresh as he will ever get! lol What a great hobby too. Sounds fun to me!!

    So I found a cool new plant today! It's called Caribbean Jewel Scilla. It's a mounding perennial. I like it because it's just different!

  • Hey y'all!

    My garden is kind of scraggely now -- caught between two seasons.

    I've got some tomatoes and hot peppers that I overwintered, and are coming back.

    Lettuce, onions, garlic, swiss chard, fennel, and radishes in various stages and sizes.

    Just coming up - basil, more tomatoes, and tepary beans -- but not very well. Germination rate is about 25%

    I also just remembered that I haven't see any sign of the tomatillos either. Hmmm.

    Of the herb variety, I have: thyme, tarragon, dill, lemon balm, catnip, and an old woody basil plant.

    Flower-wise, due to the recent rains, the nasturtiums have grown MONSTROUS, and needed to be tamed, new growth on the roses is about 1-2', and I have a couple lavender plants.
  • And here I was so happy to see daffodils, hyacinths and daylilies finally coming back. A lot of my bulbs were planted just last fall, so they're a little late, but the ones planted the years before are coming back well. We're out in the country, so our garden always comes back later than those in town. We've had a lot of rain this week, so if it warms up next week, a lot of the plants should start growing fast. I love English roses and am hoping to plant many more this year! We planted multiple new trees we won at auction last fall, so I'm dying to see how many have made it through the winter. One of them is at least 20 feet tall and we had to use a backhoe to plant it. They should do pretty well since we got plenty of snow this winter.

    We're going to try a vegetable garden again this year. We gave up the last 3 years. I could never keep up with it when the kiddos were little.
  • kuchick - planting bulbs late is normally ok. I don't know what kind of climate you have but here when I forget & do things late (as usual) they are just fine.

    Question about daffodils .... do they deter squirrels at your place?? I have read that they do, but haven't really heard anyone come out and say that. Just wondering b/c I have squirrels dig up bulbs & stuff all the time ... they just don't leave my stuff alone! I have a feeling I may end up using cages next year to keep them from digging.

  • Not much action up here yet with lots of snow hanging around. USZ4. I do have snowdrops in bloom and some spinach plants wintered over in my new raised bed. It's still frozen or I'd bung in some pea seeds - maybe tomorrow if today's rain thaws it.

    Squirrels leave daffodils alone but sure love freshly planted tulip and crocus bulbs!

    Tomatillos! Just remembered I have seeds from last year. I'll try to start them this weekend.

    Cross your fingers for me. We usually get a big storm the last week of March.
  • Snow is melting here! But now everyone is freaking about flooding

    We haven't had sun in over a week, it's been misty and foggy. Can't remember when we have ever seen this much fog. We did get seedlings going and trying the winter sowing thing, I haven't gotten any flower seed yet tho. Tomorrow we go into town for shopping! Getting excited for spring!!!
  • Daffs are poisonous and taste horrible. Nothing should eat them. Tulips, on the other hand, are tasty to deer and squirrels.
  • YIKES!! Guess that is why I never have tulips!!
    I have planted them twice now & nothing. I had some cool solid black ones too! We will see if I have any pop up this year. Daffs are blooming in this area now, but no tulips as of yet. I have something coming up now looks like possible tulips or hyacinth .. not sure yet ... just seeing green spikes at this point, but the top of the leaves are pointy & thick coming out of the ground.

    Found some of my tiny miniature hosta roots dug up today!! HOPE they will make it! Some of those were very expensive & pretty rare. More terrible squirrel destruction! grrrrrrrrr The crowns don't appear to be damaged, but who knows how long they have been dug up. I just saw them today. They are soaking at the moment & hope to get them potted tomorrow.

    Glad the snow is melting for you guys! It's been very rainy & dreary here the past couple of days as well. Sure am missing that warm sunshine already!! Supposed to be sunny & 61º here tomorrow. Our 6th wedding anniversary is Monday ... crossing our fingers for a beautiful day!!

  • lesson learned
    Thanks again weebleswobble for that tip!!! We got seedlings rearing to go!

    Did learn that duct tape sucks masking tape works much better to close up the milk jugs.

    The hubby got the veggie garden tilled up, I just need to finish weeding out the roots and rocks. Got another tip from a neighbor of ours, he recommended working some peet moss into the soil. Our root vegetables didn't do very well, assumed it was cuz it was our first year planting and didn't get a chance to till very well (got a late start, was too wet last spring).

    As for flowers, found that only one of our Shasta Daisies made it thru the winter Going to try getting some started from seed this time since I have more room in the house. And my niece and nephew got me a bunch of annual seed packets for my bday. Moon flowers to go with my morning glories, forget-me-nots (cause my nephew liked the name), bonfire Salvia and a variety packet of what seems to be wild flowers. Should be interesting!